Other The Spring '17 Survey Aftermath


Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score

Thank you for responding to the survey we put out a while back. In total, we got 53 responses, only 3 of which were stupid, which was way better than I expected, and we appreciate it. After the survey closed, instead of just giving each server their results and letting that be that, I instead decided to get each server to write a response to the survey, to show that your feedback is important and will be listened to. These are the responses got. This is going to be a long one.

Donor Perks
The survey found that the community was in favour of implementing donor perks. People largely preferred cosmetics only, though, so we will be looking at whether this will be worth implementing and finding good ways to implement this.

A new Community Admin
This was something that got mentioned a lot in the Community Admin team question. People obviously want more from us, and we want to deliver more, so this is something we will be discussing.

Future of the Community
This was quite a mixed one. Mainly, people want us to stay with Minecraft, and from there, there have been some calls to expand, and some calls to stay put and advertise - we’ll have to figure out what to do here. More events will probably come into play, though, both with temporary gameservers likely involving modpacks, and temporary servers on other games, such as Terraria and Starbound. Clans on the bigger MMO games like League was something that was mentioned too, so we’ll look into that as well. There is quite a lot we can do with this.

I’ve done a pretty awful job with it, and it is important, so for now, this will be disbanded and brought up with the admins if needed, because they were primarily who was in the team in the end. If this will be resurrected, it will be with a different admin - potentially a new CA, or a server admin. Sign-ups were low for the team, motivation was often not there, and I will take responsibility for it not being led properly. I will not be resigning, however, probably to the dismay of a lot of people, so I will most likely be acting as a community CA rather than an advertising CA from now on. -SirC

And a couple of other things…
There were a couple of things telling us to stop unbanning permabanned people, and the current consensus is that we really should - they’re permabanned for a reason. Unbanned permabanned people will not have their bans reinstated, though. Clamping down on rule breakers, in general, was something that was mentioned, and Create specifically was wanting to do that. We got one comment telling us “Not dying would be good.” and we agree, so we’ll try to prevent doing that.

Army of Darkness
Most of the feedback was positive, however, there were a few common themes for areas of improvement:
1. People wanted maps to be balanced - This is something we are always working on (as a staff team), but let us know if there are any areas of maps which you feel are unbalanced
2. People wanted a few more staff - Helpers were launched as a rank a few months ago, so if you are interested in helping out this can be a good rank to go for
3. Having a bigger playerbase - Although AoD has picked up in player count recently, we need to try to retain this and get new players. Hopefully, points 1 and 2 can contribute to helping this

I’d firstly like to say a big thank you to all the positive and constructive criticism from everyone! The Create staff team have gone through all the feedback and discussed all the points that were needed to be discussed.

There pretty much 99% of the feedback was asking for more competitions and speed builds so obviously, the only thing we can do to improve this is by doing more competitions and speed builds! There will be a post made soon in the Create sub-forum with more info on speed builds.

All other points that were made will/have been fixed in what way they can be!

- Create Staff Team -​

Rituals of Fire
Thank you for all the survey responses we’ve received - we really do appreciate them. They’ve given us some valuable advice on how to proceed on development heading towards the Prestige Update. We apologise in advance for the awfully long section.

30-minute rounds are agonising
We agree. That’s why we’re going to shorten rounds and replace them with a map extension vote, so if you’re on your own, you’re not sitting having a coffee reading your copy of the Daily Mail again, and if you’re building a masterpiece in Classic, you’re not going to have your build brutally destroyed before it’s finished.

SuperElytra 9000 with Mending 10000
We’re very selective when it comes to the powerful items we have. We’ve opted not to put an elytra on its own in the shop for a reason, nevermind one with ridiculous enchantments. An elytra may come to a shop in the future, maybe as part of Prestige, but do keep in mind we want to ensure we don’t have overpowered gameplay, which is why we take the time to consider how best to add stuff like this. We will keep adding good stuff to our shop, though.

More Deathrun rounds
This will hopefully be achievable in the future - Deathrun is something we need to feature a lot more prominently on the server, and hopefully, if we get more maps which staff add, we will be able to achieve this.

Make it easier to rank up
This is one we agree with - ranking up is very hard even for Crafter at the moment - you have to work for hours to achieve the rank, and the rounds are long too. We will plan on modifying the rank-up costs, and hopefully, with decreased round times, ranks should be a lot better to get. We are also looking into implementing quests, so ranking up feels like less of a grind.

And some other stuff
Just to go over some other stuff we found quickly - we will be implementing plenty of cosmetics including pets soon! You can return to the lobby after dying in Deathrun if you do /lobby. It does exist, and we’ll even put in a little message to prove it. There was a very nice suggestion about using Cubik Studio to implement custom items, but that requires a resource pack for the user, which is relatively annoying for everyone, including those who have it disabled for a reason. Oh, and we’re not removing RoF, either.

Legacies of Primordia
The server’s closure is imminent, as we’re sure a lot of people have expected, and details about it will be provided very soon, so no survey response has been provided.

DarkRP Staff are aware DarkRP isn't going very well at this time. With a few inconveniences and myself and Hoog being somewhat busy, the player count has stagnated and progress has slowed a lot. DarkRP Staff are planning on working hard during the time between spring and summer and attempt to bring player counts up. I hope to have some fun events and try and increase forum interactions during this time too. Hoog and I also have a few fun ideas for summer that may twist things up too.

We will also be planning on getting more staff over this time, we will most likely be looking for people more oriented to the gmod community, so you may see a few new faces and applications soon! If you are ever interested, you can still apply!

Thank you for the feedback on DarkRP.

The TTT staff team appreciate your feedback - we're aware of the recent decline in server activity, and this has been due to, for the most part, our lives being too busy as of late to be able to put time into the server, but we are all prepared to give the server another kick into action come summer time when we are available to work hard into making sure the server keeps fresh and fun for anyone who wants to play.


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Legacies of Primordia
The server’s closure is imminent, as we’re sure a lot of people have expected, and details about it will be provided very soon, so no survey response has been provided.
Apparently my April fools joke about shutdown of Primordia became reality.
Press F to pay respects.
It seems like my joke gone lethal ;^)


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score


Jan 6, 2012
Reaction score
Army of Darkness
Most of the feedback was positive, however, there were a few common themes for areas of improvement:
1. People wanted maps to be balanced - This is something we are always working on (as a staff team), but let us know if there are any areas of maps which you feel are unbalanced
2. People wanted a few more staff - Helpers were launched as a rank a few months ago, so if you are interested in helping out this can be a good rank to go for
3. Having a bigger playerbase - Although AoD has picked up in player count recently, we need to try to retain this and get new players. Hopefully, points 1 and 2 can contribute to helping this
Fairly certain more people wanted the server to be shutdown, than had actual questions about what was going on...?


AoD Dev and Admin!
Tech Lead
Community Admin
AoD Staff
Jun 4, 2014
Reaction score
Fairly certain more people wanted the server to be shutdown, than had actual questions about what was going on...?
Yes, it is probably the most played on server at the moment, so it doesn't make sense to shut it down. I think you'd know that if you decided to play on the server...oh wait: