The state of Kami's Realm


Fidget Spinner
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I typed this up a while ago so im not sure if anything changed since then. Also for those about to yell at me for multi-posting i just didnt want to have so much stuff in one post. Thank you

Hello, you may have seen me on the server as "ChesterCheetah." Ive played this server a lot since its release, probably more than anyone else in Mizunami. I have tried to make suggestions and tried to help the server and people on it, and i have also made my mistakes as well. So a little preface before you start reading my massive wall of text...

This is not a thread to bash the server for what it has done wrong. No server is perfect, and making a good server takes a lot of work from many people for it to be successful. With minecraft starting to fall from its peak and most community members are becoming bored of it, minecraft servers are becoming harder, and harder to maintain. I'm not calling this server bad, I just want to mention a few problems that this server has, and propose solutions to them. And to end this segment, i want to thank the staff for all the work they have done up until now to keep this server running well for as long as it has, surpassing a lot of other people's expectations.

If you think that my ideas and suggestions should be ignored because of any past mistakes i made, please read this next part first. Otherwise on to the actual thread
Now first thing i want to tackles is to make sure this thread is taken seriously. I dont want to type up all my opinions and ideas of this server for it to be laughed at for a mistake i made in the past. I dont expect players to forgive me, nor for some staff to not hold a grudge against me. But please, put my history and mistakes to the side while reading this and please take the things i say seriously.

Ok so first of all I think I can focus on 4 specific area's of the server for the issues with it.

1. Thee amount of grey area in the rules and the difficulty with staffing that comes with it
2. The way raids work and how it discourages PvP or any creativity in raiding or base defense
3. Zero endgame in the aspect of PvP by being gated with low tier-enchants and tough to find resources
4. The way the faction system is set up where one is forced into one of 5 groups and cant change(?)

Ok so first let me tackle the first issue regard rules and staffing
First problem is you have 3 seperate threads for rules, and some rules that are not clearly set in stone.

The rules are extremely unorganized and highly confusing or misleading to someone who is new and starting. Now most pvp rules are auto-set with enchantment configurations, and PvP-logging is sort of common sense. But when it comes to the amount of grey are when it comes to scenarios in vault and chest defending it becomes ridiculous.

One example of this could be the amount of variable entrenches a clan base, or vault can have. different locks, mechanisms, hallways, traps, so many possibilities to defend a base. And almost every single one has to be individually checked for legality. And with different staff, with different opinions, conflicting ideas can come easy.

First instance is where i experimented with going on top of the nether a while ago. Im not going to name staff names since i dont want to start a witch hunt, but 2 staff members told me its legal, 1 told me its illegal, and one said he wasnt sure. It wasnt until almost 2 weeks later did i get a definite answer from an admin on the issue. Sure the way i got up there "minecraft hopping" can be considered using a glitch, however at the same time it also has to be considered of being a game mechanic of letting you hop through a block when taking damage while using a "damage boost" to get over. But each instance of glitching vs game mechanics is another argument in itself.

Now another example of the grey area, that should be shown as a bit more obvious light, can be with the recent change of vault protection rules. Many rules were added, changed, and re-clarified because they werent clear enough. Almost every faction has serveral locks and vaults that took hours to build need to now be demolished and/or redesigned from a late rule change clarification? Im not saying rules souldnt be changed or added, but rules that force players to get rid of hours of work just because of an unclear or unset standard is a little absurd.

The same arguement can go with several other rules other than chest rules such as whats legally defined as using a glitch or how mob grinders can be built legally, or auto-item sorters, etc.

The bottom line here is the rules are not clearly set-in stone or clearly defined and WAY too much grey area exists between the black and white in the rule compendium.

On to the second point
Raiding and PvP

Ok lets take a look at how many ways this server discourages PvP and raiding.
Lock based defense and having to crack locks,
hard to find basic gear making dying very rough,
ability to respawn instantly after your killed regear up and attack a raider,
having to search for hours for an entrance to a base
How annoying it is to get from one place to the other on this massive map
No /home
No pluggins to prevent pvp-logging
Nothing to gain from raiding other than the fun of it
Much more

Face it, the server seems to support players just build a defensive base and making it look good. Honestly this is just a glorified SMP server, and perhaps thats what more players want, but if the majority just want to play SMP, then the PVP aspect hurts those players. As i stated in my first impression thread, It is incredibly hard to make a server that pleases both parties.

And they way base raids work and base defenses work is just so static and boring. All you need for a secure base is to make it have some crazy redstone lock that makes raiders take HOURS to crack, I would rather watch paint dry then to spend hours trying every combination in the book to crack one of 3 locks to get to a vault. Oh and say you finally do get into a base after getting insider information, or getting lucky with a lock crack, well everyone just hides in houses with an entrence so you cant even kill them and they just watch as you spend hours trying to crack the next puzzle. Then your time limit (which is another grey area since every raid is different) is up and you need to leave for 12 hours.

Now you finally get into their vault and you get .... a couple stacks of coal and redstone. Almost no reward for all that hard work.

Now for point number 3 (or point 2.5)
Once again back to the PvP aspect, there is nothing to strive for in the sense of PvP. Spend 1 hour mining for diamonds, make a table get a sharpness 1 and prot 1 armor for around 10 levels of exp, and your done. A few hours of grinding for diamonds, and they upgrades it takes to enchant them can be gotten in 5 minutes.

Now in order to change most of this a lot of balancing needs to be done, which i plan to go over later, but for a core rundown I feel that most of this stuff should be re-enabled. Though this section is more opinion based than the other sections, otherwise it ties hand-in-hand with point 2 So ill come back to this one later

And finally point 4
The faction system, also this is my person biggest gripe right now. When i first heard about there only being 5 factions i though the idea sounded cool and original, and now i completely hate it. By forcing people together like this you cause lots of conflict. Lots of it. Let me go over a few instances first

1. Paceboys with Ignatius
2. Sir computer and Terra
3. The whole drama thing with Terra
4. The hoarding thing with Murato(?)
5. The disagreements with mizunami
6. The player balance of the clans

So much inter-clan drama happened of disagreement of politics, policy, vault contents, Outposts, transportation, shops, etc. It caused so much trouble between staff and players, as well as several bans because of arguments of territory claims, policies, exile, etc. If clans were player made and controlled instead it adds a new level a depth to the server. Players can easily leave if they disagree with a policy forcing a leader of a faction to be a good one. It opens up room for claiming different land instead of a static monument. It opens up room for new levels of playing such as alliances, betrayal, and faction wars.

I think it would be a lot better to allow players to make their own factions like in previous servers, but set limits to certain aspects of factions. Which i will go over later in my re-form section

Aside from the 4 (or 3) major points i just mentioned the server has many other things which need improvement including...
- Mob and mythic mob spawning
- Dungeons
- Spawn town
- Land claims
- Map size
- Lack of quick transportation

Now many of the fixes to the issues i presented can be pushed one of two ways
Either towards a semi-vanilla SMP server which there are hundreds of
Or towards a raid/faction server, which there are also hundreds of...

However there is a way to make this server unique in either regard, however i do not want to push a PVP server if the majority of the player base would prefer a SMP experience, perhaps its better to have one of each?

Now I will continue in the next post my suggestions, and ideas for this to be a more unique, faction-like, pvp-encouraging server...


Fidget Spinner
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Ok so right now faction servers are probably the most popular subcategory of minecraft servers. They contain a lot of a endgame, lots of base designs, lots of pvp, and lots of fun. Now obviously because im pushing for a psuedo-faction experience, i want it to be original in some regard and ill cover that later. Now all of this thread is all objectively my opinion on a good server remake, and is not something definite to the complaints in the above post. So i would love to discuss these ideas and perhaps make this as an event server eventually.

Now for the first few points of the core server gameplay

  • Players spawn in an large, open spawn village. Instead of lots of buildings and small pathways, it should be wide open so its not easy to get lost.
  • Server will be based off of players creating factions and gaining power for those factions
  • Power is gained through wealth or kill reputation
  • Server will highly encourage both PvP and largescale building, without creating the worry of too much loss from pvp, or too much loss from griefing
So let me now cover a bunch of points on how this can all be made more unique.
  1. Headhunting - Headhunting is a type of plugin that allows players heads to drop upon killing them. Players that are more infamous from killing more, and better players will have heads with a much higher bounty on them. Collecting heads will be the primary way to gain power and wealth, and can be good to keep a collection of them to show pvp skill (Similar pluggin used on CEedge servers)

  1. Hardcore aspects- Instead of just using staff to moderate pvplogging, an anti-pvp log pluggin can be used, or perhaps something else. There is another pluggin i believe that makes it so when a player logs out, a head is left in there place. if this head is destroyed. the player is killed and their inventory is dropped. This makes players have to think about their saftey when they log out. (Similar pluggin seen on shotbow)

  1. Waypoints/Home - Allows for easier travel when moving around a large map. With access to commands such as /home, /spawn, and have several warps, its easier and less time consuming to explore the world. However, these should be set so a player has to stand still, and not take damage for 7 or so seconds to work

  1. Better shops - Instead of relying on staff to set-up shops in a base, have it so one large shop carrying many items exists in the spawn area of the map.

  1. Smaller condensed map, but access to more areas - Basiclly shrink the map from a 7500 radius to a 4000 or so radius to reflect a small playerbase, then set a lock on the nether to say about 1500x1500 or so. And then you can just expand the world if need be.

  1. Allow player made factions - Player made factions reduce in-clan conflict. Leaders of factions make the rules and betrayal is allowed. Also have something set to limit players in a faction, perhaps not a hardcap, but weaken the factions power if members exceed a certain amount.
Now since we are TheOne'sBlocktopiaRestart group, we need to have some original elements to our server so some ideas i personally came up with (which are probably a bitch to code)
  1. Hero Soul System
  2. Dungeon World System
  3. Minigames for power (KotH, Dueling, MVP, etc)
  4. Radiation system (Solitude anyone)
  5. Radios to communicate (Use an ender eye in a specific spot to tune in to a channel like in MineZ)
  6. Hydration (Drink water in addition to food)
  7. Different types of walls you can use (Obby for standard strong walls, Lapis that break into water when destroyed, Redstone that break into lava, etc)

  1. Hero Souls - Totally didnt steal this idea from clicker heros or Magi. In a nutshell, you can raid premade dungeons and fight a mythicmob boss or something to geat an item called a "Hero Soul" Each soul can represent a certain hero and when applied to a piece of equipment it can give it an additional effect.

Example: A red hero soul named "Amon" can give a sword 50% fire resistance penetration
Example: A Green hero soul named "Mytheria" can give armor worn with the effect to regen a players HP
Example: A White hero soul named "Kira" can give a tool like a sheer to do additional crit damage

  1. Dungeon world system
For this you can open up small, maybe 1000x1000 worlds in an alternate overworld for a few days for players to battle over controll over. THese worlds can have different pre-sets such as a water world, a firey hell, or a sky island world. Control over these worlds can grant factions power or hero souls.

  1. Minigames - Have thins like king of the hill, or skirmishes in certain areas to award factions power or money.

Rest are semi-self explained.

Any Ideas, opinions, agree, disagree. Feel free to share any thoughts you have or any ideas you may have.

TL;DR Suggestions to improve Kami's, Apologies for doublepost cause so much text.


Jul 20, 2013
Reaction score
Kami's realm had me hyped until its release. Now I scarcely play on it at all.

My list of problems include the name of the server greatly contrasting with the general theme of everything else (except other names) in the server.
Also, any one who has learned even the tiniest basics of Shinto know that Kami are spirits and deities, which KR portrays very poorly by having one person named 'Kami' essentially being the uninvolved god.

Then we have an even bigger issue:
is KR even a legitimate smp server at this point? I'll be honest, KR feels more like an open-world, ever-lasting pvp match than a smp.
It could be the mega nerfs requested before KR was even opened, causing all the end game stuff that's there to give us any sort of goal to go away.
It could be just how... overly pvp oriented it has become. Sure, there are still smp aspects in KR, but not really enough remain for KR to really feel like a smp.

The limited factions thing was an interesting idea, but so far.... meh.....
my clan is apparently hoarding all out diamonds, earth clan has been sent into utter chaos, and essentially all of the clans have some pretty major problems that many people don't really care for. The limited factions mechanic also put one huge obstacle on my youtube series I had intended for KR, due to the fact that pretty much anyone who was interested in participating in it is in a different clan than I am, some of them even in clans that may still be at war with Mutaro.
I understand why player-made clans and stuff was an issue, but this just didn't work out that well.
And the 'we want people to stick together' stance is actually hypocritical when you take the map size into consideration... when you take me into consideration: I don't even live in the same part of the map as the rest of my clan!

I also some how feel that KR has suffered from something quite similar to the famous smash bros Brawl mod, Project M.
Like project M, KR has decided to reuse some old mechanics; old mechanics, that may or may not have been best left in the past.
Like project M, KR was essentially designed by people who greatly prefer competitive game play or pvp over much else, and both also suffer from, believe it or not, major balance failures.

Also, wasn't one of the strongest arguments used against me the 'I don't want grinding' stance?
Kind of ironic that the easiest way to get diamonds, which have been made to essentially be the strongest antyhing you can really get, now that pvp-related enchantments got mega-nerfed, are in essence, easier to grind for via killing thousands upon thousands of mythical mobs instead of mining, which, let's be honest, the more time you spend mining, the more likely you are to find diamonds, with or without expert diamond-mining strategies.
Again, it is easier to grind for emeralds to buy diamonds with, than it is to go and mine actually them.
Well ok, sure, it's a pain in the ass to get back to the spawn city (a problem I actually had when trying to find a guide to Mutaro clan base), and maybe the mythics don't always drop a bunch of money, but once your faction buys a certain shop upgrade, diamonds! I haven't actually checked the prices for diamonds, but unless it's just less time consuming to mining diamonds, the purpose of mining all together has essentially been defeated. Not something you want to do for an smp.

And the dungeons! Oh by the gods of Hyrule, the dungeons!
I have not been in any dungeons what-so-ever, because by the time I have the gear necessary to go through a dungeon to it's end, I have to backtrack all the damn way back to the spawn region to find any, because what ever dungeons aren't near spawn must be so few and so scattered that you have to spend literal real-life days searching for them in the wilderness, or have someone give you the coordinates of a dungeon they were lucky enough to stumble upon.

I know, it's kind of a lot to be disappointed about, but typically, I expect smp servers to not be a disguised pvp server with fun-removing mechanics.