The wasteland survival guide.

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Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
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This indispensable guidebook contains everything that a survivor in the wasteland could need to know.

Every page contains a gem of brilliant insight into how to survive in the wastes, thrive among its denizens, and revive your survivor community.

The guide's humorous and refreshing attitude lifts a reader's heart, making it invaluable not just for physical survival, but for mental survival as well.


The content.

1. The wasteland.
2. Thirst.
3. Hunger.
4. Radiation.
5. The flora in the wasteland.
6. Buildings in the wasteland.
7. The monsters of the wasteland.
8. Finding other survivors.
9. Interacting with survivors.
10. Generators and electricity.
11. Radio towers.
12. The last step to survival.


The wasteland.

The wasteland is a cruel place and will definitely kill you unless you are prepared. Outside you will find many dangerous obstacles ranging from raiders to radiation. As you can see, the wasteland has it's opportunities though, because the natural flora is regrowing. Details on these opportunities will be discussed later.


The scorcing hot sun really exhausts you, but what's even worse is that you're getting thirsty. This book won't help you much on getting refreshed, seeing as it's a book and not a glass of water, but it can help you. In order to get refreshed, take a sip from your cantine, don't have one? Make a small bottle out of glass and fill it with water from one of the many natural ponds.

If you don't drink for too long you will start feeling slowed down, weaker and eventualy even nauseous. Stay refreshed, as it influences your survival a lot!



Eventualy you'll get hungry and it's hard to find food. What are the best places to look though? Funnily enough, out in the wastes. You can find various amounts of monsters that will drop food for you. Spider eyes, rotten flesh, bonemeal to help you create food and pigs which can be found in broken barns. Finding a village is very useful, as most of the times there's already some farms.



Radiation is perhaps the most dangerous thing in the wasteland, seeing as you can't effectively fight it early on. Outside you will frequently get hurt, this is radiation. Radiation is always around as long as you're exposed to the open sky. Finding a place to hide, such as a cave or under a big tree helps you survive. Radiation is also active in water, but only half as effective. Making sets of armour help you fight radiation, although radiation does wear out your armour.


The flora in the wasteland.

Even though the wasteland looks like a death valley and you'd expect it to grow even worse, I can tell you that nothing is less true. Troughout the wastes several plants have been spotted.

The first of the example is the flower. The flower isn't consumable but can be used to create a dye, useful for decorational purposes, they can be found in red and yellow variants.

The second plant is the mushroom. The most occurring mushroom is the red variant called the Amanita muscaria. The brown mushroom is yet to be found and very rare. If you happen to find a brown mushroom then duplicate before you consume!

The third 'plant' is the tree. There's three variants of trees. You have the small tree, the large tree, and the tree of life. The small and large tree are commonly found whilst the trees of life are rare. If you find one, harvest its leaves very carefully and you might even be able to get a sapling out of it.

The buildings in the wasteland.

The wasteland holds several buildings from before the bombing. Depending on your region you might even find vaults! The settlement we'll discuss is the village. A village contains, but is not limited to A smithery, A small house, A church, A large house, A normal house and a farm. Villages can be very useful due to the fact that it has farms, a reasonable way to stock up on bread!

The next settlement being discussed is a fort. Inside a fort you can find several empty chests, cakes (1-4), beds, crafting benches, furnaces, brewing stands and enchantment tables. Inside a fort you can usualy find a small cabin. Note that this doesn't always apply to the fort you find, as most of the time they have been looted by other survivors or bandits. Forts can be used as a good place to rest at the night, but does not include a farm. The fact that it has walls will help you against the monsters at night.

The last settlement you can find in the wastes are broken barns. Broken barns contain pig spawners and roofs made of coal. This is a definite invitation to cook yourself some porkchops, enjoy your dinner!


The monsters of the wasteland.

The wasteland is, as spoken of before, a dangerous place. But what you might not have seen yet are the monsters that roam the wastes during the night. Ranging from brain-eating zombies to fast-agile spiders that want to eat you and feed you to their younglings, they are monsters!

The zombie.
Attack : Melee
Speed : Normal
Strenght : Normal
Health : 10
Advised enchantment : Smite

The spider.
Attack : Melee
Speed : Fast
Strenght : Weak
Health : 8
Advised enchantment : Bane of the arthropods

The skeleton.
Attack : Ranged
Speed : Normal
Strenght : Weak - Normal
Health : 10
Advised enchantment : Sharpness

The creeper.
Attack : Explosion
Speed : Normal
Strenght : Very strong
Health : 10
Advised enchantment : Knockback

The charged creeper
Attack : Explosion
Speed : Normal
Strengt : Insanely high
Health : 10
Advised enchantment : Punch bow, Knockback sword.

The enderman.
Attack : Melee
Speed : Normal - Teleporting
Strenght : Strong
Health : 20
Advised enchantment : Sharpness
Tip : Hit it in the legs


Finding other survivors.

Nothing can break your mind more than being alone, that's why you want to find survivors! If you have walked outside you will notice that thunder strikes once every 30 seconds. This is because if you are exposed to the air then thunder will strike above you. Sometimes you can see thunder in the distance, this means a survivor is also walking outside! Note that thunder will not strike if you or the other survivor is standing still, being on the move helps getting you spotted, wheter you like it or not.

Interacting with survivors.

You've found a survivor after following the first advice. What do you do now?Make sure the survivor you found isn't a bandit in disguise, Behaviour gives it away. If the survivor is nervous and keeps walking around, then he's out for you. He doesn't care that he's getting hungry because he'll most likely get your food. If you're certain that the survivor is friendly though you can exchange names and map each others bases. Make sure that you give out your location to somone you trust, and not to somone you just met. If he asks for your location and you have no idea wheter you can trust him, tell him you don't have a base and go to his instead. Once you trust him, tell him that, because of pre-caution, you lied to him. If he accepts it then you can trust him. You mustn't forget though that even if you do trust them, greed can take over. Form a group and outnumber the single individual that might turn against you.


Generators and electricity.
It's always nice to be able to watch TV, but with no power source; how do you do it? The schematics for a generator have been found in an old bunker, and thus we can create one! What do you need for this generator? 9 Iron blocks placed in a square, Attach iron fences to each of the corners and make them two blocks high. Place redstone lamps ontop of those fences. Place levers on the top of each of the lamps and flip them on. Place a furnace in the center of all this. Now this is the most important part, Look at the furnace and say /mte activate generator. You can turn the generator on and off by puncing the furnace!

A generator will generate electricity in a 30-meter radius around the Generator. Redstone torches do not work, and levers and buttons only work if they are near the generator!

Radio towers.
Radio's are perhaps an even better way of finding survivors than following thunder around. A radio can easily be made if you have a generator and the required components. You need three redstone lamps, a lever, two buttons and as many iron fences as you can get! First, place three redstone lamps horizontal to each other. Place three iron fences behind them. Put a lever on the middle block and two buttons next to them, one on the left and one on the right! To build an antenna simply put iron fences on the middle block and put your messages on the antenna! The most important part is to enable the radio tower, look at the lever and say /mtr activate radiotower. You can tune the channel by pressing the buttons. There's 40 channels accesible!

To broadcast a specific message you'll have to start word for word. Place the first word of the broadcast on the bottom of the antenna and add on every word; keep it short to prevent a lot of work! An example would be to combine words or use code! ChIwhy! Could mean "Come here, I will help you!" It is advised to keep your messages clear though, so only speak code if you know that the person transceiving it understands it!

A handheld radio device can be made by crafting yourself a compass, this can be used to receive signals whilst being on the move! The longer the antenna, the easier it is to reach the signal!

Tip : Everyone can now find you, this inclused bandits aswell. Be sure to broadcast when you need to, not when you can! You can turn of the broadcast by flipping the lever!


The portal.

The authority has enabled a portal to hell for gathering resources. Unfortunatly for them, they didn't think of the fact that my team has spies everywhere! This guide is the only one able to bring you this; how to build the portal! In order to build a portal you will need either ten obsidian, or 14 obsidian. Ten is cheaper ofcourse, but I'll show you the device that uses 14! A portal can be made following this design. Once you've made the structure of the portal, light it with a flint and steel and the portal will fuzzle and open!

[WARNING] : The hell is a dangerous place, never go in there without armour and make sure you can find the right materials as fast as possible! It is advised to take soul sand and nether wards with you to the real world, and if you have protective potions, find blazes and kill them for their rods! Blaze rods are the main ingredient for fire resistance pots; making the nether a cake walk!


The last step to survival.

This is your last step to survival from which you, and whoever you may meet, will benefit. Have you found yourself in a familiar or unfamiliar location, is your skin burning, do you feel hungry? Time to read this guide thoroughly! Gather seeds and walk yourself to a tree. Cut a few logs of it and craft a craftingbench. Craft a wooden pickaxe and mine yourself cobblestone. Come back or take the craftinbench with you and craft a stone pickaxe, stone sword, stone axe, stone shovel and stone hoe. Depending on how many seeds you have (A minimum of 6 is advised) you should find a small pond. Tilt some land and plant your seeds, wait for them to fully grow and harvest the crops. Once you have a minimum of four bread, try to find a village or other survivors! Be a pall and leave atleast three crops from left-over seeds. Others will benefit from it, and maybe later on they can thank you. After you've settled on food and have found a village or a place to settle set up a small farm. While you wait for that to grow you should go mining and try to find iron. At this point you want to get as much coal and iron as you can without putting yourself at risk. Making a full set of iron armour is advised over making yourself a full set of iron tools. Armour protects you against radiation which we have spoken of earlier. Once you are settled with food, armour and a settlement your story begins.

If you have trouble finding seeds and are already on the verge of starvation, wait till night and keep a look-out for zombies. With a bit of practice you can take a zombie out and grab it's rotten flesh. You'll eat everything when you're hungry, even I did it and I am not proud of it. If fighting is not an option, wait till day and the monsters will burn to death, dropping their loot aswell!


This was the wasteland survival guide!
Lead Author and Subject Matter Expert: Shinyshark.
Assistant Author: Moira Brown


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Brilliant Guide Shinyshark, I'm sure we are all grateful that you have released this. Oh and, thanks for the tip about hitting Endermen in the legs ;)