There was an introduction, now a departure.


Jun 11, 2014
Reaction score
About two years ago, maybe a bit more, I got my account. My friend had had his since late alpha, and a few years later I built up the courage to ask my parents for an account. When I got my account, another friend was like, "There's this cool epic server called blocktopia I know. Wanna join?' So I did. Me and AoD, it was love at first sight. Since then, I developed my PvP on AoD. I even got a forums account about a year ago.


When the overhaul came, it spelled doom in my eyes, and when I found out there was no more AoD, I was very saddened. I considered leaving many times, but I stayed, because I liked the community. Sadly, more and more people have started leaving. I figured I might as well.

I would like to thank:
Inffy, for just being a very nice admin.
JayJayWizard, for being a good frund.

And of course, Sharkeyster, for introducing me to this community.

Thank you all.

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