OK HELLO PEOPLE, did not realize it was confusing.
graser10mc, I totally understand where you're coming from; I miss it a lot too. It would be a dream come true to release a version of TNT for you guys today but the reality is, creating a server takes time. With that time, I'm sure we'll surpass your expectations.
But you've have a lot of time!
I'd also like to mention that due to
recent events, some discouragement has -naturally- occurred for our dev as we wait for some conclusion but we have
goals and that's what's most important here. I will say threads like these are certainly
entertaining encouragement enough when we see such interest and dedication! It's much appreciated.
I can assure you, TNT is and has been in development. As for a release date, there is not one yet, but progress is constantly being made.
Thank you, ryan. When we have the info you need, you will have it.
I resigned from DoD Director back in July, yes.
As tnt director? Can she do that?
No, I can't really do that since there isn't a TNT server yet.
I solely resigned from our last SMP. If it was out, I
could resign but I plan on sticking with this project for a long time.
She is known as the "[Retired] Explosive Director". No idea why she even has a director rank on the forums. *Cough*
superstein *Cough*
I believe she resigned from DoD... therefore the "[Retired]" however I honestly have no idea just guessing x)
Before the "Retired" it was "DoD's Explosive Director" but I "retired" from that; sorry if it was confusing.
I didn't even think people paid attention to that. However, I believe the real intention was to have
things progressing faster then they actually have.
SO TL;DR: "What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."
props to you if you got that reference
Hope this clears some stuff up.