Toilet Draws :D (Reborn!)


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
I have finally gotten off my lazy ass and decided to post some of the drawings I've made since the last thread, and I have noted that the styles have changed dramatically multiple times and I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW WAT. Some of these drawings are older when I had started to take on a somewhat similar style to Kylie but I cant remember whether I uploaded them.. And most of these are when I started developing my own kind of style :p teehee!

Do you take requests?
Yes, yes I do take requests and no matter what it is I'll have a go. (Please note I CAN NOT do males and any male requests will probably fail drastically)
If you want to request something please follow this format:
General Idea:
Referance pictures/skin (If you want it to be accurate):
Any additional details:

Alrighty I've managed to get it to work.. For two photos..
Faliara Heres the drawing of myself you wanted me to make. I finished it ages ago and I don't draw like that anymore but I decided to post it anyway vv
