Too many calm turtles, new mood?

Do you agree with what I had to say about the calm, turtle rounds?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Yes, Mostly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, a Little Bit

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mabye

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I kind of don't agree

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I mostly don't agree

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Sep 18, 2016
Reaction score
I find that there are many more calm turtle games than i think there should be. I understand the need to collect supplies in these rounds but honestly I find that I only have to do a supply runs every few days, and sometimes even weeks. I don't know if other people feel like this but if they do vote yes or no in the poll I'm putting at the end of this.

I think there should be a higher percentage chance of it being annoyed or angry. This would give the game more of a challenge to collect the resources needed to build your house in a hard mood. I personally feel like this is turning into a routine for some players. Go underground, build 3 x 3 x 3 box, afk. and I think this hurts the community, and it would be better if you had to make these resources, and be proud of the house you made with them.

I know thing idea has probably already been suggested, but what about adding in a new mood? "Furious." There is already 4 different speeds, so why not make 4 different moods to go with it? Having more moods would also help with the problem i stated earlier because it would add more options besides the constant calm turtle rounds I've been getting. This would also add more diversity in rounds, making people excited on what the next rounds moods and speeds will be.

The way this mood would work is it melts more blocks (I'll list them below) and you take more damage from the lava. This would make people who are decked with diamond armour with fire protection more wary of the lava, and making sure to make their houses unfloodable, adding a bigger challenge to older players. Also it doing more damage would make less-decked-out-people much more carful, because they wouldn't have as long of time to type: /mvs.

The only things that wouldn't melt:
1. Brick
2. Stonebrick
4. Obsidian
5. Netherbrick and Fence
Everything else melts!!! (this can and should be edited if this idea works out)

While making this I came up with another idea that probably won't work out, just putting it out there. So far we have mood and speed. What if we added air blocks needed (Air)? It could be random from 15-30 and this would force players who dig underground and build little boxes to make them bigger. I know a lot of people would disagree with this because sometimes people like small houses.
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Drink up baby, stay up all night
Sep 20, 2014
Reaction score
I find that there is much more calm turtle games than i think there should be. I understand the need to collect supplies in these rounds but honestly I find that I only have to do a supply runs every few days, and sometimes even weeks. I don't know if other people feel like this but if they do vote yes or no in the poll I'm putting at the end of this.

think there should be a higher percentage chance of it being annoyed or angry. This would give the game more of a challenge to collect the resources needed to build your house in a hard mood. I personally feel like this is turning into a routine for some players. Go underground, build 3 x 3 x 3 box, afk. and I think this hurts the community, and it would be better if you had to make these resources, and be proud of the house you made with them.
This is an issue I also noticed a couple months ago and I also suggested a raise in mood percentages which was subsequently implemented ( However, We noticed that a lot of players complained that there were too many Annoyed/Angry rounds and we decided to then lower the percentages to the current amount. I feel like the current percentages are perfect-- Any higher is too difficult, and any lower is too easy.

I know thing idea has probably already been suggested, but what about adding in a new mood? "Furious." There is already 4 different speeds, so why not make 4 different moods to go with it? Having more moods would also help with the problem i stated earlier because it would add more options besides the constant calm turtle rounds I've been getting. This would also add more diversity in rounds, making people excited on what the next rounds moods and speeds will be.

The way this mood would work is it melts more blocks (I'll list them below) and you take more damage from the lava. This would make people who are decked with diamond armour with fire protection more wary of the lava, and making sure to make their houses unfloodable, adding a bigger challenge to older players. Also it doing more damage would make less-decked-out-people much more carful, because they wouldn't have as long of time to type: /mvs.

The only things that wouldn't melt:
1. Brick
2. Stonebrick
4. Obsidian
5. Netherbrick and Fence
Everything else melts!!! (this can and should be edited if this idea works out)
This idea has been suggested multiple times (including twice, in some way or another, by me) and I would still like to see it get added. However, unlike what you suggest here, it would be harder-- Only one block would be safe, and this block would change every Furious round. This way, players would need to test which block is safe each Furious round which adds an extra challenge to the round. Of course, this block would need to be something fairly common (for Survival), so it couldn't be something like coal blocks or beacons. I don't see a point in making the lava do more damage. This will add extra difficulty for newer players (who definitely don't need that) but won't really make the game any more difficult for regulars (as they have good armor/potions).
While making this I came up with another idea that probably won't work out, just putting it out there. So far we have mood and speed. What if we added air blocks needed (Air)? It could be random from 15-30 and this would force players who dig underground and build little boxes to make them bigger. I know a lot of people would disagree with this because sometimes people like small houses.
I don't see the point in adding this. It would be confusing for players since the amount of air would change each round and the change in required blocks seems so slight that I don't think it would really affect the gameplay in any meaningful way, except for having another annoying thing to check for.

I realize I sound a bit negative in this post but those are my thoughts. Thanks for the suggestion!