trusted application

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AoD and A&T Op
May 3, 2012
Reaction score
You need to fill this format.

  • In-Game Name: Your Username in Minecraft
  • What, if any, are the names of your alts: Any other Usernames that you've registered, or are used by people on the same IP as you.
  • Which server you are applying for: Blocktopia's Zombie Survival Server, if you couldn't guess.
  • The Timezone you are in: GMT +/- [local name as well; e.g. "BST"]
  • Your age: How old are you? Please note that we pay attention to maturity far more than age.
  • How long have you been playing on the zombie server? From the day you first clicked on the link, to today. A month is the minimum amount to get a complete idea of how the rules work.
  • Have you held a staff position on any other of Blocktopia's servers? If you've held a spot of Trusted+ on any of our other servers before, let us know. Builder ranks do not count.
  • Should you get approved, what will you actively do? What will you do on the server with your new found powers?
  • If a staff member is acting up, and/or abusing what will you do? How will you deal with corruption?
  • Why do you deserve the position of Trusted? What makes you a better choice than the other users on the server?
  • What will you represent as a staff member/How will you do your job? What do you stand for?
  • Which staff members have referenced you/ told you directly that they want you to apply for Trusted?
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