Trusted apply (im good and dont break any rules) thx :P

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Hello! Well, there are a few things you need before you apply for trusted, such as the format :p Please look here:
And read this over, when you have the requirements the format is
When creating an application, copy the red text but leave out the black text.

  • In-Game Name: Your Username in Minecraft
  • What, if any, are the names of your alts: Any other Usernames that you've registered, or are used by people on the same IP as you.
  • Which server you are applying for: Blocktopia's Zombie Survival Server, if you couldn't guess.
  • The Timezone you are in: GMT +/- [local name as well; e.g. "BST"]
  • Your age: How old are you? Please note that we pay attention to maturity far more than age.
  • How long have you been playing on the zombie server? From the day you first clicked on the link, to today. A month is the minimum amount to get a complete idea of how the rules work.
  • Have you held a staff position on any other of Blocktopia's servers? If you've held a spot of Trusted+ on any of our other servers before, let us know. Builder ranks do not count.
  • Should you get approved, what will you actively do? What will you do on the server with your new found powers?
  • If a staff member is acting up, and/or abusing what will you do? How will you deal with corruption?
  • Why do you deserve the position of Trusted? What makes you a better choice than the other users on the server?
  • What will you represent as a staff member/How will you do your job? What do you stand for?
  • Which staff members have referenced you/ told you directly that they want you to apply for Trusted?: (this doesn't include people that tell you how or where to apply) Remember, five references are necessary to post a staff application. If you do not have these, your application will be denied. Please only post five references, as to avoid influencing operator voting. For each failed trial or demotion (within 6 months of the date of application) you will need to gather two additional references when applying. For example, if you have previously had two applications denied, you will need to gather nine references to make another application.
  • Signed: Your username, forum name, or first name; it's up to you.
Use proper grammar and spelling in your application. If you don't, it will be subject to automatic denial.

You must directly ask staff before putting them on your reference list. All information on this form must be correct. If you lie, you therefore are not trustworthy and your application will be automatically denied.​
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