TTT Reopening 2018


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score

Hello everybody!

I am excited to announce that Escape Restart TTT is officially back and will re-open next Friday (29th June) at 8:00pm BST! Spread the word! It'd be awesome to have as many of you guys there for the opening as possible!

It's been a long time since the server last breathed life but we're back and fresher than ever, with new maps, addons and models mixed in with some Escape Restart TTT classics!

The staff are back too! Say hello and a big thank you to these lovely people who have all kindly volunteered to come back as staff again. fly, prime105, Pika Pika, and Mars, joined by newly promoted webpaige!

The workshop folder for the server is here: This will always contain an updated list of the addons used in the server, so feel free to take a peak at those or download them ready for the server's release (although the download is short so you shouldn't need to do this by any means).

Check out our Twitter for regular(??) probably-cringey-updates on the server and other community happenings too (Twitter feed will also be on the !motd)!

And finally, if you haven't already, check out the absolute beast of a trailer that yours truly has created using Fraps and trusty Windows Live Movie Maker, at the top of this post. Truly a masterpiece, I'm sure you'll agree.

I mention a special thanks at the end of that trailer to the people who kindly spent hours and hours with me letting me film them (often dying) to go alongside the older footage I had of when the server was alive, but in terms of general thank you's, that list would be huge. I want to thank everyone who's shown me support and motivation in fixing and preparing the server over the last year, everyone who was there in the server before to make it the absolutely incredible place it was, and everyone who's shown interest in coming back to make it incredible again this summer. The server before was easily one of my favourite experiences in my life because of the amazing people I met and played with through it, and I'm so excited to play with you all again, and it's through your interest and support that it's even possible. I also want to send a huge public thank you to Nottykitten (everyone please thank them) for fixing the broken server for us.

I think that's about it! We're re-opening next Friday, and it should hopefully be a great summer of TTT playing with you all again. Looking forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask in this thread or PM me or something.

If you're interested in applying for staff, applications are open.

Thanks for reading, and see you around - hopefully next Friday!

- Chandler/Inf