Tutorial & Commands


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Tutorial and Commands

Here is the very basic tutorial on how the server works, applicable for the Beta Testing.

Please read this closely and don't say we didn't warn you if your worlds dissapear.


Main commands

/adventure team create <name> - Create a group with the given name. If you want to start a map, you *must create a team first*, even if you play alone.

/adventure start <name> - Open an instance of the specified map. You are instantly transported there together with everyone in your group/team.

/adventure team request <name> - Requests to join the group that another player created. Once he starts the map, you will be teleported there as well.

/adventure stop - Can only be done by the group leader that also started the map. Must be done to finish your map, have it deleted, and moves you back to the A&T Lobby.

/adventure list - Shows you all the maps on the server. Use the name displayed to start them.

/adventure pause - Pauses an adventure midway, so you can play it when you go back on the server.

/adventure team info <name> - Shows you an info about the specified team (who's in it and on which map they are).

/adventure team leave - Leave your current group and get teleported back to the A&T Lobby.


- Don't start the map until everybody is in the group. Only the people that are in the group at the moment you start the map will be teleported there.
- If you are stuck in a world without a way to get back to the Lobby, use the command /mvtp world . Only ever use this command as a last resort, when neither "/adventure stop" nor "/adventure team leave" are able to take you back.

- Please try to always stop a world/map as a leader, instead of just disconnecting. It will clutter our dedicated server since it won't delete the world in that case. Also please refrain from using the /logout command whilst on a map/world except the A&T lobby.

So, to recap this section:

/rtp <player> - Request a teleport to a certain player
/rtp <yes/no> - Allow/Deny the request of someone to teleport to you
/mvtp world - emergency command when you're stuck in a map without a way to return to the normal lobby world.

Chat channels

There is a global chat that works across all active maps, and a world chat that is only visible for people within one world.

Please use the world chat when doing maps, as to not clutter the global chat. This especially counts for PVP maps.

/ch <main/m> - Switch to chatting in global chat
/ch <world/w> - Switch to chatting in world chat
/g <text> - Send a message to global chat whilst being in world chat
/w <text> - Send a message to world chat whilst being in global chat


- Player 1 opens a team
- Players 2-x join the team of Player 1
- Player 1 starts the map that the group wants to play
- Someone that joins the server late but wants to join, first joins the team and then sends a /rtp request to someone in the group
- Once the group is done playing, the leader stops the adventure which cleans up everything.
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International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Hey GmK, everything seems great so far except for the fact that you can't pause a world in progress. Do you think it'll eventually be possible to do so?

We hope so! Currently the only way, as stated, is to have at least one player remaining on the world.

We'll need a clever dev for us to fix/add that pause feature somehow...


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
I keep forgetting to use /adventure stop :c

We expect a basic amount of intelligence from our players...
No need to be rude here. I can forget things. I'm sorry I forgot to, since I assume it causes some problems, but I legitimately forgot. Essentially calling me stupid solves nothing.

I wasn't even talking about you, but you're fine to see it that way, up to you ;)


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Would it be possible to have a command to view your world's scoreboard, either as a normal one, or as a text log?
Also, would it be possible to have the name search function in the player-specific commands, like most other servers use with the PMs? One rtp or PM isn't too bad, but then when it has to be typed out dozens of times (*coughdiversityrespawneventhoughileftcough*), it gets a tad tedious.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Would it be possible to have a command to view your world's scoreboard, either as a normal one, or as a text log?
Also, would it be possible to have the name search function in the player-specific commands, like most other servers use with the PMs? One rtp or PM isn't too bad, but then when it has to be typed out dozens of times (*coughdiversityrespawneventhoughileftcough*), it gets a tad tedious.

As announced /msg will not work with short names from now on since it's global across all servers.

/tell should still accept the short names

Not sure if /rtp must use the full name as well, never tested that.

Problem with scoreboards is, that when using Vanilla maps in Bukkit, they don't work per-world but are saved globally for the main world. This means, we can't really do scoreboard stuff yet :(