since i started going on the gang garrison 2 forums, my typing style has completely degraded into a mess of noncapitalization and deliberate grammar mistakes. for example, i've started substituting "what are you doing" with "what u dong" (even in real life, it scares me). this entire paragraph is also me not giving a shit
notice how i almost never finish a not-giving-a-shit paragraph with a period
However, when I first joined the Minecraft Forums way back in '08 or '09 or some shit, it was a perogative to come off as intellectual and sound like I actually understood the laws of English.
In a way this seems a bit two-faced; i assume most of us adopt different typing styles in order to appeal to different audiences. is there something wrong with this? Is this something you guys do often when conversing in different contexts with different people? is my post annoying you because i'm changing styles midsentence?
Discuss typing quirks that don't involve you r3placing 3very 3 with a 3 or 3v3r33 33 with a 33
notice how i almost never finish a not-giving-a-shit paragraph with a period
However, when I first joined the Minecraft Forums way back in '08 or '09 or some shit, it was a perogative to come off as intellectual and sound like I actually understood the laws of English.
In a way this seems a bit two-faced; i assume most of us adopt different typing styles in order to appeal to different audiences. is there something wrong with this? Is this something you guys do often when conversing in different contexts with different people? is my post annoying you because i'm changing styles midsentence?
Discuss typing quirks that don't involve you r3placing 3very 3 with a 3 or 3v3r33 33 with a 33