Of course, creating video games is not for everybody. The thought and idea could be intriguing, but it requires a ton of thought and creativity to be put into the idea itself! Plenty of gamers say they would love to have a job in video gaming, but there are some who say they would loathe it.
I am currently making a research paper in school for my English III project, where as I'm looking up information regarding Video Game Design, and the education most companies would suggest for starting a career in the video game industry. I really like this topic I've been getting into, but have actually started it later than others, due to problems you need not worry.
I'm opening this thread so that we may discuss about this career field. If not for my project, but for discussion in general! I've never really had anything I wanted to be while I was growing up, until I heard I could get a job concerning video games. I always loved the idea, but was unsure if I could get anywhere to accomplish my goal. Now, I have two careers I'm aiming for, but not all too specific: the video game career path, or the anime artist career path.
As for the topic at hand, feel free to discuss what you think about the career choice of Video Game Development, or anything concering the topic of the video game career path in general! It would be interesting to see what others think about this, as I've always loved the idea, but could never get the education for it.
Darien Greene
Miss Haueisen
English III, Period 8
24 May 2013
Insert Intro
Definitions, statistics, years, general info
Personal Interview
Insert Personal Interview.
Insert Thesis.
Insert Summary.
Miss Haueisen
English III, Period 8
24 May 2013
Video Game Development
IntroductionInsert Intro
Definitions, statistics, years, general info
Personal Interview
Insert Personal Interview.
Insert Thesis.
Insert Summary.