Village Wars

should this be added to DoD?!

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Aug 16, 2014
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Okay so DoD is dying as we all know but I've thought up a really cool idea that I know players might like.

Basic intro-
So say there are two villages that've been feuding or even just two villages who want to have fun, the village wars idea is basically where two villages fight to the death and I'll explain more below.

Village war creating-
Two villages want to participate in a war. One does /V Challenge (village) the other village's mayor or permissioned member does /V Challenge Accept. The two villages then have a two minute window to do /V War Join and will get teleported to the war.

Village war joining-
When /V war Join is done the player recieves a warning message saying "Warning: Wars are to the death, You could die and lose everything you have" and also have 10 seconds to move to cancel their decision. This is to prevent players from not knowing they could lose their stuff and also to prevent abuse eg: joining a war while people are chasing you...

The village war itself-

The two people that challenged and accepted the challenge get sent to two small lobbies after the acceptance of the challenge, any players who joined the war will also join the lobbies of their respective village, in the lobby the two villages player's vote for a map (more info on maps below) then after 2 minutes the war begins and both villages player's get teleported to the base of the map, then the villages have 1 minute to assemble in the spots of the map they want, after the 1 minute ends the bedrock wall is deleted and the two villages can enter each other's sides, from there on the two villages have to battle to the death, if you die you drop all loot and get teleported to the place where you joined the war from, the last village standing wins, the village who wins gets a win added to their / v info (village) on the village wars stats line, and the team at loses gets a loss added to there /v info (village) on the village wars stats line.


Maps should be at most 150X150. Each map should have a bedrock wall in the middle splitting the two sides in half, also each one should have a base spawn where the players will start out. Also maps should have obstacles to fight around or even towers to snipe from. But mostly it'd be up to the map maker if this was implimented.

villager wars permissions

So not just anyone should have the power to make village wars. Each villager's mayor automatically has the privilege but if they know they're going to be afk for a week or two or even want someone permanently to be able to create village wars the mayor does /V Wars Op (Player). From then on the player has the ability to challenge villages or accept challenges. If the player is tending to be abusing the power the mayor simply does /V Wars deop (player) and the player no longer has the ability to challenge villages or accept challenges...

Why is it needed?

It'd be a lot of fun for the game. This would give villages a chance to show their true power and dominate the battlefield! Also a great chance to get loot for your village!

FAQs: (if this was added this'd be how it is)

1. If a war is started and I hide and join while I'm being chased is that allowed?

No, that would be considered abuse. Staff would do accordingly.

2. We killed the last villager on the other side but he has really good loot how much time do we have to pick it up?

After a match ends and one village is victorious, you'd have 15 seconds to pick up all loot before being teleported away, all loot would then be cleared from the map. (If match reaches time limit {10 minutes} you'd be since neither village won)

3. If we get a tie, 10 minutes time max, what'd happen to the stats

Well if you can't find the other villager within 10 minutes on an 150X150 map it all be counted as a loss for both sides

4. I like hiding can I build a hiding place?

No. This is supposed to be about strength, although stealth is a good advantage you can just use the obstacles provided to be stealthy. The maps would be uneditable by any players. (So players can't dig a hole and hide)

5. Enderpearls in village wars!

They should be allowed but the plugin from AoD should be used for these maps to make there be a world limit. (To prevent players from enderpearling off the map

6. Enderpearling or shooting arrows over the bedrock walls.

The bedrock walls in the middle before the match starts would go to the height limit so there shouldn't be any enderpearling for a preemptive strike.

OK so tell me what you guys think, I put a lot of thought into this. And also vote for if you want it added to DoD or not =3
