Voyage to Anti-Elysium


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Daniel is long dead. Darice learned how to sing. There were 2 major nations with 400 people.
Technology has progressed so far - printing press, steam machine, planes, cars, computers... and nuclear weaponry.
Thousand years of rivalry between socialist Sancti Empire and capitalist CTY Alliance became permanent cold war.
Hunters were roaming in nether. Wast minefields. Nether was unsafe place because of proxy wars.
Then open warfare broke out on surface: First waves of hunters were launched. Then TNT bombs were falling.
Lava started to claim Nether, soon it was spilling out of nether portals. Nether is dead.
And then volcano in center of overworld erupted, nuclear missiles were falling and zombie apocalypse broke out (hunters went out of control...).
Day later only radiation left. Animals were eaten by Hunters and plants burned by excessively hot air.
Glorious civilizations are now past...

(OOC: I took some inspiration from Lee's suggestion and Zeus World War story.)

CTY Alliance is now known as The Blues. Sancti Empire is now The Browns.
Or vice versa?
I managed to arrive at island, landed at its shore. There were Sparkly and few others.
I killed several people already, and was killed several times.
Ahh, nothing better than AoD on HSMP XD


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Day 01:
After messing with The Blues, and unsuccessfully griefing vault, I decided to come back.
I was so stealthy behind vault, that nobody noticed me.
I shouted "Hey Ugly" to mess with them. Then I jumped into radioactive blue soup called "water". I ran with boat, I think nobody decided to chase me. I ran good deal, there was nothing but dirt.
I noticed something floating in sky. Didn't knew if they will kill me, so I went somewhere else.
Since I didn't knew if there will be other teams, I came back. They invited me and allowed to stay.

Day 02:
Our clan, leaded by Shande, is getting shape. I managed to mine enough iron for armor, sword and pickaxe.
Mikey tried to raid us, but he decided not to.

Day 03:
Stealthy bandit called Flame raided us, from underground... killed everyone and stole our everything. Is he Nightingle from Dark Brotherhood? Anyway he won't stand chance with armed group in open battle.
I killed Flame. Easy as 1+1 in open ground.
Also I killed Defiant (didn't knew hes with us) because Nog said to watch out for him.
I owned 77 (he attacked me), who was nearby Defiant. Apparently hes one of good PvPrs, but I had better gear.
Now I don't know if Defiant tried to betray us or Nog was simply raided by him too many times.

Some time later...
I noticed 77 in our skybase, climbed ladder...
then he pulled a bow... arrow was running faster than sound...
I was staring at ladderless part of pillar for one second (arrows impact moved me in wrong way)...
Then gravity took rest of job...
Probably 77 is griefing our base, while I'm stuck in Oblivion... or Elysium?

Day 04:
I finally woke up near known landmark, so I knew where to go.
Apparently Defiant IS part of our clan, and 77 was just defending him.
NogTrog will pay dearly for this.

Day 05:
Okay, we had 2 more raiders, and they ravaged our base.
Now I'm so suspicious of newcomers, that I just run and kill them, unless someone says clearly not to.
Probably my Iron Armor is cursed or something.

Day o6:
Well it isn't funny, but base, where I lived got destroyed. I woke up under cobble suffocating, but managed to get out of it.
My base is no more. I ran to city, to see if someone survived... no one. Then I ran along shore and found carrot farm.
No idea who would build this in middle of nothing, but I'm staying here, as there is food.
My iron armor is nearly broken too.

Day XX:
Okay, I tried to swim across ocean after that small base got ravaged too, but my iron armor just melted.
Well at least I respawned in Elysium.... But I saw this place already.

Day 10:
Here we are go again.
Looks like this time I was lucky - I noticed abandoned building, scavenged it for wood and stone. Then I went here and there for more wood and found abandoned city.
Rain caught me, so I was searching for cover, decided to stay here and made underground base.
I still have bread and found nearby underground water source + have iron for buckets.
I will need to hunt down zombies for carrots soon, if I want to life though.

Day 20:
I made potato farm, so I won't run out of food, also have good supply of iron.
Looks like I was well established for long journey... While going west I heard something behind me... it was Biblius and Zeus in his tank! They allowed me to get inside of it... Apparently journey in tank wasn't too long, as we built ship at Byedge.
From here we swam to New York.
Few weeks later Shiny the Researcher and Sploorky the Purifier found us, (I left secret signs here and there) apparently they found grass seeds from dead body of Iguana on their adventures.
Raiders found us of course, but we managed to terraform good chunk of wasteland by that time into SMP 4 esque prospering city.
They had fully enchanted iron, we had fully enchanted diamond, you can guess, who won.
And they lived long and happy lives... till World War IV has broken out.