SMP - Accepted Vrgin Staff Application


Mar 6, 2012
Reaction score
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]What is your in-game name?[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#ffffff] Vrgin[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]What timezone do you live in? -5:00 GMT[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]How many hours have you played on the server for?[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#ffffff] 3 Days 7 Hours[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]How many hours can you spend helping out the server per week? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#ffffff]16-20[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]What prior staffing experience do you have?[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#ffffff] Moderator on LoP[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]What do you think the role entails? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#ffffff]Understanding the rules being able to disengage disagreements between players and ensure that both parties in any situation are happy with the ruling and understand why the decision was made.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Why do you want to be a staff member? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#ffffff]I want to see the server grow and new players enjoy the server to their highest potential by understanding everything that has do to with the server. I think this is very important because of how unique our server is with its class system and how helping someone get off on the right foot to understanding classes can make the server much more enjoyable for the player. At the end of the day any staffs main goal is to ensure that players are enjoying themselves at all times on the server and then making sure that players are playing fair and following the rules.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]What qualities can you bring to the current staff team, that set you apart from other applicants? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#ffffff]One thing that I bring is a different look and understanding of PvP as I am one of the main PvPr’s of the server so i have lots of experience and understanding on what goes on with raiding this way giving players who PvP on the server someone who they feel they can go to when a problem with raiding or PvP occurs because they know I understand different scenarios in raiding because I myself partake in PvP and raiding. As Well I believe I am in a different time zone than other staff members which allows the opportunity to have staff on the server at all times.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#ffffff]First i would de escalate the problem to stop it from further escalating into a more serious problem. I would talk to the player(s) to get their reasoning and explanation of what they are having a problem with. Then i would try to solve the problem if i was able to come up with a reasonable solution based off my conversation with the player(s) and if i could still not come up with a reasonable solution i would talk with my co-staff to get their opinion on the issue[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Is there anything else we should know or you want to tell us? [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#ffffff]I have played in many SMP’s and played different roles in all of them so I understand the mindset of builders, Heavy PvPr’s and the casual players. I can often relate to these players since i myself have played with the same goals in SMP’s as many different player groups.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Thanks for taking your time to consider this application see you on the server![/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Please list your references:[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=#ffffff] Arelic HKCaper KNBrisson[/BCOLOR]


Jan 5, 2019
Reaction score
I'm not marked as moderator on the forum yet, but damn well my name is on that recommendations list. From what I've seen, Vrgin is honest, hardworking, and helpful. He's one of the best PvP players on the server and would bring to the team prior and well-needed staffing experience as well as being incredibly active. I think he would make a great and proper addition.



Survival Staff
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
Vrgin's been around for long enough to know our player base and the community very well, plus has past staffing experience . He's a good player and a well known member or our little family. He'd make a great addition to the team, specially since the server is new and sometimes some of us aren't as active.

I'd say, that's a solid +1