What games are you going to play?


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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[Yeah shamelessly copying from @katman ]

There are few games under development/in early access.
Which ones you are going to get?
I'm going to snack on:
Universe Sandbox 2 (not really game but simulator) <Early Access currently>
Cities: Skylines <Under development>
Supreme Ruler Ultimate <Waiting a little, so it will be more polished>
Terraria 1.3 <Under development>
Starbound <Early Access currently>
Aveyond 4 <Waiting for it to come out for really long time>
Pandemic inc: Evolved <Early Access currently>
Craft the World <Early Access currently>
And Learn to Fly 3 (Ayyyyy lmaaaaooooo)
Also next TES game (TES Online isn't in main series)
Kerbal Space Program <Alpha/ Soon to go into beta>

So generally I want games, that you can mess and watch chaos unfolding.
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Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Starbound is awful, if you want a good early access game, buy Nuclear Throne.

Also real hype https://i.ytimg.com/vi/p22Sj-Zllwk/maxresdefault.jpg
Whats wrong with Starbound? :eek:
I'm stalking it website... its Stage 1 from what I heard - so basically its alpha stage.

Also Nuclear Throne and Binding of Isaac aren't in my type - I prefer simulations/strategies.
I like Terraria/Starbound because you can dig and dig and dig.
BTW what happened to Cube World? This game seems to be in development limbo.


Jan 6, 2012
Reaction score
Whats wrong with Starbound? :eek:
I'm stalking it website... its Stage 1 from what I heard - so basically its alpha stage.

Also Nuclear Throne and Binding of Isaac aren't in my type - I prefer simulations/strategies.
I like Terraria/Starbound because you can dig and dig and dig.
BTW what happened to Cube World? This game seems to be in development limbo.
Starbound died in the first week, terraria was relevant for half a year off and on and cube world died at launch for the ridiculous price.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Whats wrong with Starbound? :eek:
I'm stalking it website... its Stage 1 from what I heard - so basically its alpha stage.
I preordered Starbound before it became publicly available, I kept reading the dev blog daily for updates, they claimed it was in early beta. The hype was real.

When it did come out, what we got was more like a very early alpha build that they called a late to mid beta. The constant resets with the updates were fine but each time they made it horribly unbalanced in one major way and increasingly difficult in another. For example, there was a point where flighted animals did double damage and never stopped following you.. NEVER! Guns were not possible to fine naturally for the longest time and could only be purchased, but you'd be damned to find anything better than your current tiered melee weapon, and as for the weapons and armour, assuming you could get the highest tier available there was no point in using found weapons since they were all garbage, and a found legendary was never nearly as good as the best weapon you could make for you tier or even most other plain found weapons. Anyway, it's just always pissed me off that I paid money for a game with such potential that continues to be missed by the devs, they had something things that really were either pointless or unused and I eventually quit when they announced they wanted the end game to be completely PvP, meaning mandatory online.


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I preordered Starbound before it became publicly available, I kept reading the dev blog daily for updates, they claimed it was in early beta. The hype was real.

When it did come out, what we got was more like a very early alpha build that they called a late to mid beta. The constant resets with the updates were fine but each time they made it horribly unbalanced in one major way and increasingly difficult in another. For example, there was a point where flighted animals did double damage and never stopped following you.. NEVER! Guns were not possible to fine naturally for the longest time and could only be purchased, but you'd be damned to find anything better than your current tiered melee weapon, and as for the weapons and armour, assuming you could get the highest tier available there was no point in using found weapons since they were all garbage, and a found legendary was never nearly as good as the best weapon you could make for you tier or even most other plain found weapons. Anyway, it's just always pissed me off that I paid money for a game with such potential that continues to be missed by the devs, they had something things that really were either pointless or unused and I eventually quit when they announced they wanted the end game to be completely PvP, meaning mandatory online.
People paid for the product they expected and when they didn't give it they promised to update it. Even that didn't go well considering they put off the update for months


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
i am so excite for mine craft
Yea Minecraft 1.8 Sponge Multiplayer ;)

People paid for the product they expected and when they didn't give it they promised to update it. Even that didn't go well considering they put off the update for months
Is there another game like starbound or Terraria then?


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
JtTorso this level X requiring PvP was multiplayer's feature - that if you are going to play multiplayer, then X sector always will be PvP. You can still reach endgame without having to play multiplayer.
Also its Stage I - they said, that gameplay will kinda suck at that stage - its more for testing for now.
You are right in stable updates though.

BTW I forgot to list Kerbal Space Program here - its in alpha ;)


Jul 20, 2013
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I am not trying out Minecraft 2 (unless it is purely a Mojang creation).
And for Terraria, that's probably the only real 'Under Development' game I'm going to play any time soon.
I'm honestly too preoccupied with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess and the original Minceraft (Modded and vanilla, Try out the new Crackpack mod pack), not to mention I have some unfinished business with The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.


The Weeb
Sep 20, 2011
Reaction score
This whole "minecraft 2" thing. It won't happen. I doubt Microsoft are that stupid (If they do. Well. Meh, I lost my care for minecraft when the full release came out)
And for Starbound? Got bored of it. Unless a huge update comes out. I'm staying away from it

Games I'm excited for?

Terraria and KSP <3

(Terraria is one of the best games I've ever played, Always fun to play with friends <3)


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
This whole "minecraft 2" thing. It won't happen. I doubt Microsoft are that stupid (If they do. Well. Meh, I lost my care for minecraft when the full release came out)
And for Starbound? Got bored of it. Unless a huge update comes out. I'm staying away from it

Games I'm excited for?

Terraria and KSP <3

(Terraria is one of the best games I've ever played, Always fun to play with friends <3)
KSP with mods = even more fun :D
Interstellar + Kethane/Karbonite + Hooligan labs = I can go forever with my spaceship hoping from planet to planet :D