When I First Stepped Upon This Wasteland...


Oct 20, 2012
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Please note that these are my exact thoughts during my first time playing Solitude.

Please do not comment on my OOC (out of character) overdosage of cussing.

I open my eyes and find myself in this strange place.

I was told to follow the red line, and thus I followed it. A boy named Crash was with me, as well. At the end of the red line, we encountered buttons.

Go Through The Tutorial and Skip The Tutorial.

'LET'S JUST WING IT,' I thought to myself as I press Skip The Tutorial.

Now, you guys would think, 'MORON' by now, but I'm not gonna go through some boring walkthrough.

But I teleported to this place, with the red line again.

When I followed the red line, guess what?

There were buttons with the steps of the tutorial.


I ran back and pressed the button to go back to said strange place, and went back down and pressed 'Skip the Tutorial'.

I ended up right back there.

In which I decide to see why the fuck did I end up here again.

... Well.

I guess this was also made for people who want to skip to the game too, huh?

Well, there's the door...

I pressed the button.

And instead of the door opening, I ended up in some field full of dirt.


I noticed what was in my inventory.

I opened my backpack and saw some stuff.

The leather armor seems to be in bad condition; but it's better than nothing.

For some of you, my inventory sucks, but to me it's pretty sufficient.

And then I come accross the food.

... Well, apparently bread which is a few centuries old is still edible.

... It's the only food I have, can't be picky.

For food that's a few centuries old, it actually looks quite new. Freshly baked.

... You know what, I'm not gonna question it. I'm just not going to.

I decide to just keep walking, just keep walking...

... Ain't I singing an edited version of 'Just Keep Swimming'?

... Um...

I decide to just collect the dirt on the way. Unlike some people's way of thinking (I think of Xfolo at this) I think that dirt's actually pretty efficient. Everything's useful, as I say. I could use this dirt as a makeshift home later on. I've done it before, right?

And then I come accross stone.

I decide to collect said stone with my pickaxe, but I didn't dare to use my pickaxe's durability for too long; I'd probably need it later.

Just as I decide I'm going to continue my journey, the sun is setting.

... Shit.

I decide to just fill up a few missing chunks out of the hole that I made and leave one block open for light.

So I just sat there, waiting...

... How come I don't hear any mobs?

I place a dirt block and look out the window.

... No mobs.

What the fuck's happening here.

I also notice, that every single time I talk, no one's listening in chat.

... I decide to just check the wiki.

I ended up reading all of the articles (surprisingly, it only took a few minutes) and then I realized that no one can hear me, there's no one to talk to.

... Don't I walk upon Minecraft to escape the reality, that I'm in that same situation in real life, in my own school?...

I shook my head off of those thoughts.

No need to spoil my own fun.

So the sun rised, and I left the makeshift home. But not without reclaiming the materials I used.

... I spotted zombie flesh.

I spotted freakin' zombie flesh.

Well apparently mobs do spawn.

They just don't do that around me.

I just walk along...

... To find some canyon.

Man, that is some canyon.

I have no idea how I managed to get past without using a bridge.

And as I get to the other side...

... A wild dead tree appears!

There were a lot of them. Right at the foot of a nearby mountain.

I started collecting wood. I already got 35 logs.

The sun was setting, so I made a makeshift home. I can collect the rest of the wood later, I thought.

I made a crafting bench and furnace while I was at it.

When daylight came, I realized that a skelly mob was at my doorstep!

It burned before I did anything, though.

So I opened my door, and walked out. I turned around to walk towards the nearest tree to collect its wood, and saw a fuckin' creeper,

I precisely spammed the S button and spacebar. While screaming.

The moment I was about to stop because the creeper had stopped chasing me, another creeper along popped up and I started to spam S and spacebar more rapidly, if that was possible.

I haven't had to fight any mobs yet and I'd like it to stay that way, thank you very much.

Once I got away (and got scolded by my siblings for screaming when I saw creeper number 1) I found myself at the foot of another mountain.

... I admit, the first thing I thought was I THOUGHT I JUST RAN AWAY FROM THIS PLACE.

... Yeah, I encountered more dead trees.

I ended up collecting all of the wood I saw. All of them. Every single one that was in my vision. And then I started to scale the mountain.

... When I got to the white bit of the mountain, I encountered problems.

Firstly, it was hard walking around up there. I kept falling into pits and nearly suffocated in a dirt block. I also ended up getting Nausea and Weakness.

Thirdly, it started to snow, rain and the sun was setting. All at the same time.

I quickly made a makeshift home up there.

It was okay. I still had Nausea and Weakness, but other than the fact that evil blurry vision is evil there weren't any problems with it.

When daylight came, I packed up and proceeded to get the fuck out of there.

And guess what?

At the foot of the mountain, there were more dead trees.

Dammit, I already got 2 full stacks of wood in logs and the third one's nearly a full stack as well thanks to those.

Yeah, I cut them all.

I think that dead trees are common on the foot of mountains.

As I continue to walk, the sun started to set. So I quickly made another makeshift home.

Except that this one's a bit different from the other two.


First off, the other two were in walls of some mountain or building or something. This one was straight under the floor.

Second of all, the spider on the roof turned out to have a scary as hell face.

Luckily, I didn't have to get out, and the fence was more than efficient to see its face.

That doesn't make that spider's fucking face any less terrifying.

How the hell did his face turn out like that?!

I performed the gtfo act here too.

Except this one comes in the form of logging out.


I suck, I know.

~Faliara Topaz​