Where are my old farts at!?


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hi pickle :D

Thalassa and Shande pop on forums/servers once per some time.
Brickwolf doesn't care about anything anymore.
Ogarci, on other hand have a lot of fun here - he doesn't let past hold him.
Right now hes making a SMP.

And for other Classic Lava Trusted+ they all left.

Edit: And for other CLS players I'm raxo2222 btw, Enderfive is having fun too.
Last edited:
Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
dirtcake says hi
omg dertcaek. I say hi back.

You've seen nothing
Don't be a stranger :C

as for BrickWolf , he's ALWAYS been grumpy old man, who now does nothing but fume when people dont heal him on league of legends xx
Even more accurate now.

Hi, your name sounds familiar.
It's possible. If not hi! Tell me which server you came from :)

Hi pickle :D

Thalassa and Shande pop on forums/servers once per some time.
Brickwolf doesn't care about anything anymore.
Ogarci, on other hand have a lot of fun here - he doesn't let past hold him.
Right now hes making a SMP.

And for other Classic Lava Trusted+ they all left.

Edit: And for other CLS players I'm raxo2222 btw, Enderfive is having fun too.
Oh! Hi! To be honest, I didn't actually talk to Thalassa a lot. I did with Shande though.

~Please excuse me while I learn the functions of the forum~