In this little guide (if you can even call it that) I'll tell you everything I know about wake induced lucid dreaming and lucid dreaming in general.
First of all I'm going to start by saying that the crux of lucid dreaming is to be relaxed and alert. The problem most people come across when attempting WILDs is that they try to be very alert, but almost are never able to fall asleep, or, they fall asleep, but lose their alertness.
The reason behind this is very simple. We are so used to lulling ourselves to sleep with our own thoughts. Our thoughts distract us from the feeling of falling asleep, so we never notice it. The trick to wake induced lucid dreaming is to fall asleep with an empty mind.
For many people, stopping the internal dialogue seems very difficult. Every minute of every day they are doing nothing but talking to themselves in their head. Most people say they can't stop thinking, that's because you can't think your way out of thinking. The best way to stop thinking is to become aware of your thoughts, but let them be. Do not dwell on or entertain any of these thoughts, do not try to stop them either.
You must be aware of them and allow them to pass one by one. If you manage to do this, they will slowly reduce in number until, before you know it, there isn't any thoughts at all.
It is essential that you practice this every day while in an extremely relaxed physical state. For me, this means taking about at least an hour every day to lay on my bed, on my back with my eyes closed and letting my thoughts subside, and my muscles and breathing relax.
Something that I have come to understand is that thoughts come from a sense of need or lack. Many people cannot lucid dream because they desire it so much, therefore they cannot stop thinking about it.
When I practice emptiness I lay down and become intensly aware of what I am feeling. I become aware of my clinging to need. Maybe I rather not be lying down and doing literally nothing, maybe I want to go play video games, go talk to someone, eat something, get something done. Maybe I want to think about something that happened or that will happen because it makes me feel good(or bad). Or maybe I'll be thinking about how badly I want to lucid dream, and what I would do if I were in one right now. Maybe I'll just want to sleep.
I lie there with my eyes closed, and completely let go of every single one of those needs until I am completely OK with lieing there and doing nothing. Once I am ok with it, and no longer resist it or see it as a means to an end, then my thoughts will slowly go away, until I desire nothing, and think nothing. While doing this it is best not to move a muscle, nor open your eyes. Especially when you are attempting a WILD. The more you practice this, the better.
The next challenge is to fall asleep at this stage. The trick is to stay in that state for such a long time that your body falls asleep, but your consciousness doesn't. The more you practice this, the less time it will take to fall asleep with an empty mind.
Let me warn you that although you may practice this, a practice session can easily turn into the real thing. Quickly and suddenly without warning you may enter a dream state. So be ready for that, because it can scare the bejeezus out of you.
Whenever you choose, you can do what you've practiced in the morning, which in my opinion, is the easiest time to wild. After 4 to 8 hours of sleep, get up for a while, then go back to bed and do do what you've practiced. If you don't fall asleep and enter a WILD then that's ok, it only adds to your practice. It is best to do this while on your back, as being on your side or stomach tends to smother your awareness. You can give up at any time by rolling onto your side and going to sleep normally.
There are signals of falling asleep that normally you wouldn't even notice because of the distraction your thoughts cause. It might manifest in the form of a high pitched buzz in your ears, or hearing people talk that aren't there. Maybe you'll feel like you're falling or like something is sitting on you. You will most likely be overcome by sleep paralysis and not be able to move or talk, regardless, you must not get scared and try to move or wake up, nor should you try to open your eyes yet. You must let go and allow the hypnogogic hallucinations to pass. Once you have reached a state of silence after its over, then you can open you eyes. Once you do, you probably won't be in your room anymore, you'll be dreaming. After that, you are on your own.