[Withdrawn] Mastersten's application [21-01-2015]

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In Omnia Paratus
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Username: Demonic_Mstrstn
References: Katman46
What is your age?: I am 17 sir
How much time have you spent on the server? On Mastersten13 I have 11 days 21 hours 15 minutes
On my alternative account King053 I have 3 days 9 hours 20 minutes
How active are you on the server? I try to come online every day for at least an hour but lately AoD isn't really popular meaning that it stimulates me less to come online
Do you have past staffing experience? I do have staffing experience but not here at blocktopia if requested I will put the names of those servers in
What are your weaknesses, and what can you do to improve them? I fear I have to name 3 of them, the first one is language: since I'm Dutch, English isn't my native language so I have trouble chatting sometimes, I am actually trying to improve it more. The second weakness is activity: I'm in the second most important year at school that sometimes just goes first before everything else. The third one that I see as my biggest weakness is criticism: I had a moment that I was raging and highly flammable (not real of course) meaning that every small piece of criticism towards me was answered with angry comments from me. I try to improve it now by keeping myself calm and try to watch everything from a sober point of view.
What achievements within Blocktopia are you most proud of?:
the moment I gained Reckoning on army of darkness
Why do you stand out among other applicants? The moment I joined AoD I wanted to join the staff team, that is almost 3 years ago and now I finally applied because I'm afraid that AoD will not survive the overhaul. If that happens I Will regret it for a long time that I never tried to become Operator
Additional notes: if my application isn't going to pass, I can look in the mirror and say "at least you tried"

Sincerely Demonic_Mstrstn AKA Mastersten
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The Melon
Aug 30, 2014
Reaction score
Hey Demonic! Thanks for applying! :)

I'm guessing that I'm not allowed to vote because I'm on trial, but, if I could vote, I would give a huge
+1 because your mature and I've seen you helping out alot when I've been online and I'd love to see you on trial!
Good luck!


Hey Demon! Thanks for submitting your application.

I'm having a major brain fart right now, so I apologize that I'll keep this short and regurgitate info you know.
Basically, You're mature, you follow the rules, and you're nice to new players. As you know I would like to see you help more (though seeing what Jay and Naoh have said this may be as simple as me not seeing you help). There's no reason for you to not to have at least a trial.
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