xXxFruitNinjaxXx - Trusted - 9/12/2014

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Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Your In-Game Name:

Do you have any alternate accounts that can also play Premium? If so, what are their names:
No alternate accounts.

What is your Timezone?
EST (GMT -5/-4 depending on DLS)

Who has agreed to reference you? (You need AT LEAST 1 staff reference):

[BCOLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Shadeslayer96[/BCOLOR]

What is your current real life age? (Don't be Shy)


How many hours have you played on AoD in total? (Use /timeonline to check)
18 days 19 hours 44 minutes last time I checked.

How active are you on the server, and how often do you come on?
I’d say I’m fairly active. I try to come on everyday after school. On the weekends I try to get a few hours in.

Do you have any past experience staffing in Blocktopia?

Yes. I was an Operator on CZS and a Trial Op on Infection.

What would you say your biggest weakness is, and how would you work to improve it?

“Being a quick decision maker”
My biggest weakness would probably be being hesitant at times. I like to make sure I’m correct before acting upon something. I think this should be easy to improve, as I am very familiar with the AoD rules.

What achievements within Blocktopia are you most proud of?
I am proud of my previous staff positions, those were a lot of fun. I won the humble bundle giveaway once, so I mean free games are nice. onfire37 and I also had two server portals that won the one map building competition, although that was short lived.

Why do you deserve the rank?
Well, I am very active on the server. I’m always welcoming new players to the server, and providing help to players that need it. Also, if I have some free time and the server is empty, I will try and sit on the server for a little while trying to get some players to join. And, overall, I always try to keep the server a fun environment.

Add any other extra information here which you think will benefit your application:
AoD is my favorite server, and I want to help out by becoming a staff member. I was planning on applying a while back, but then applications were closed. Now that they have opened again, I am glad to be able to apply.


Princess ♥
Aug 6, 2012
Reaction score
Short, sweet , and quick to the point. Just how I like them.

Fruit, I've been around you for years. Your maturity when it comes to Staffing is pretty good. I've seen you help out in any way you can on Army of Darkness, and you're always carrying a positive attitude on the server. Now, it doesn't bring much to the table, but you have a history staffing these types of servers (Zombie Classic and a brief stint on Infection). You were a good staff member then, and I've seen a good change in that. You've grown as a player, and as a friend, not only to me, but the other people on the server.

I'd be more than happy to see a Trial for you. +1


-1 I never once saw you scratch the butt
I mainly referenced you because of your activity and maturity, however I like how helpful you are to the players, new and aged. You're always fun to play with and joke around with, too. I really have no complaints. In your application, you stated that you have some trouble making swift decisions. This is something I used to deal with a bit, and still do (although less). If you well and truly think you may have issues with making quick decisions, our warnings can be removed, so if you decide that someone didn't deserve a warning, per se, you could fix it.
+1 Trial, please.


The Speedo
Mar 24, 2012
Reaction score
Fruit, you're a cool guy with a friendly attitude all the time and your maturity raises no questions. You fit the mold for staff very well, and I admit that I was surprised you weren't staff already when I came back to AoD some time ago. +1 from me, good luck!


Mar 23, 2014
Reaction score
Thank you for applying Fruit!

I got to say I haven't been online a lot but I know you can handle staff position. You're a great and fun loving guy who puts a smile on everyone's face. Having past staffing experience help a lot too! I know you love having fun but try to lessen the caps. Remember players are gonna look up to you [hl]when[/hl] you're staff. That's all I got to say. +1 bae


─═☆The Blue Bird☆═─
Nov 24, 2011
Reaction score
Hey Fruit, thanks for applying.

I couldn't really base anything off from what I've seen of you before you have applied so I can't judge fairly except that I know you were helpful then. From what I've seen in the past days, you're pretty mature and still helpful. You'd fit in fine with us and your staffing experience helps us understand that you know the basics of staffing.

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