Accepted [Zombie] Infection - by Unusual

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Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Map Name: Infection
Map Authors: Unusual_dude
Game Type: Zombie
Map Worldborder:
Center of map: x: -1474 z: 2075
A radius of 60 should cover the entire map
Download: /warp Zombie on create!
Round Time: 300 seconds
Preparation Time: 45 seconds
Spawn Locations:
Survivor spawn: x: -1474 y: 107 z: 2075
Hunter spawn: x: -1474 y: 117z: 2075 (10 blocks above survivor spawn)


  • Lead hunter kit(s)
- Shears
- 5 Cobwebs
- 10 bread
- 2 Splash Potion of Slowness (1:30)
- 2 Splash Potion of Harming II
- Splash Potion of Swiftness I (3:00)
- Milk Bucket

  • Hunter kit(s)
- Shears
- 8 bread
- Milk Bucket

  • Survivor kit(s)
- Shears
- 6 Bread
- Milk Bucket
- Splash Potion of Swiftness I (3:00)
- Lingering Potion of Healing I

  • Juggernaut kit(s)
- Diamond Helmet
- Diamond Chestplate
- Diamond Leggings
- Diamond Boots
- 20 Bread
- 5 Cobweb
- Splash Potion of Siwftness I (3:00)
- 4 Splash Potion of Harming II
- Potion of Regeneration II (0:22)

[Block Restrictions]:
  • Blocks survivors can breake: Cobweb
  • Blocks survivors can place: Cobweb
  • Blocks hunters can break: Cobweb
  • Blocks hunters can place: Cobweb
[Optional] Fall damage: Nope
[Optional] Can drown: Nope
[Optional] Can use /loc: Yes
[Optional] Locate randomness: 100
[Optional] Max build height: Does not matter, since they cannot get that many blocks.
[Optional] Enable insta-zombify?: Yes, that would be cool
[Optional] Percentage drop rate for each team: 100%

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Hi Unu, thanks for the map submission!

This map definitely stood out for me since it's an unique idea. Overall, the map looks great and has no problematic jumps. However, I'm not sure if it will work too well as a Zombie map. When discussing your map, you've brought up the old Octopus of Love as an example for comparison. The main feature of the old map is that it had snowballs -- something with knockback. In this map, the main aspect seems to be speed, (Speed, slowness, cobwebs, shears, a parkour/running style map) which seems to fit Infection maps more. This map has almost no aspect of PvP other than a few harming potions. I don't see this working well for Zombie, as interesting as it is.

Without fall damage, it will be hard to kill another player. Players can just run away after falling onto another platform. This may make the map drag on longer than necessary and cause players to be frustrated.

A possible issue I see is that when a survivor (after preparation time) is stuck in a cobweb, the only way for hunters to kill them, without risking them running away by breaking the cobweb, is to punch them to death. (Regular) Hunters don't get potions of harming in their kits and by the time the Dark Hunter is chosen, most of the potions in the chests will be gone.

There are maps that do not follow the typical Zombie format, (Donut, Sumo, Pool Hall, possibly Explosive Arena, [though people rely on swords for kills more often than TNT] etc.) but they all have an obvious way to kill survivors/hunters.

I have two main suggestions for the direction of this map:
1. Make this an Infection map instead
2. Give Survivors/Hunters (or just Hunters) items or weapons with knockback
a) Enable fall damage​
b) Remove cobwebs​
c) More harming potions (?)​
I understand that you're trying something new, and I honestly appreciate it, but I'm not sure if it works well as a Zombie map. Feel free to disagree, correct me, or ask me any questions.
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Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks for your reply Arelic. I think it will be best if I first tell you how I thought the gameplay in this map should be.

My idea was that it was going to be similar to a 'knockmap' (a map where point is to knock people out in void. Like Donut and Sumo), but that there was not going to be any weapons of any kind, even with knockback, only with fists(or any useless items). So, first I thought it would end up with gameplay like
, where people mostly fight in the middle to avoid falling outside, while the rest is jumping around just to collect chests or camp. However, when I first tested the idea (fighting on a small piece of land, with outside, only with fists) with thearchiteck on Create, I noticed that it was a lot harder to be survivor than I thought. It was easy to stay in the middle, but once you had to eat you were in trouble. I also saw that it would not be possible to survive only in the middle, since you would get fisted to death (even the fact that this is on Create, with fast regen). In other words: I found out that survivors had to have space to run away from the hunters, or they would die. I also thought it would be harder for survivors to run away from hunters than the opposite, mostly because survivors have to eat.

Thats why I ended up making the map bigger than expected. I also added very simple parkour and paths that are not too thin. This because I wanted survivors to both be able to fight back (without hunters directly falling into void in one hit), without just camping. I also added many clouds underneath the spawn and such, so the survivors would not die once they missed a jump or got hit. The other stuff I added in the map other than food (cobwebs, damage potions, milk buckets, speed /slowness pots and shears), was for making that fight that survivors would have to do to survive, easier. The idea with damage potions was simply just to add another way of killing hunters for survivors, and they worked good on Octopus of Love. The speed / slowness potions, milk buckets and cobwebs was added to create a more strategic game. This way survivors would have to choose when its best to use the given items, in order to survive. They also would have to make sure the items are not being used against them.

Sooo, basically my idea is that survivors will have to run away from hunters like in Infection to survive. The biggest difference from infection is that survivors regurarly will have to eat, and hunters then can catch up. Hunters can kill survivors either by knocking out in the void, or by punching survivors to death. If a survivor chooses to stay in spawn, and not running around he will simply be punched to death. Survivors can on their side also knock people out to the void, but they can also use damage potions to kill. In order to survive the survivors will have to play strategic and use the items they have wisely. They most likely also have to fight back sometimes, and play carefully.

I'm not sure if it will work too well as a Zombie map. When discussing your map, you've brought up the old Octopus of Love as an example for comparison. The main feature of the old map is that it had snowballs -- something with knockback. In this map, the main aspect seems to be speed, (Speed, slowness, cobwebs, shears, a parkour/running style map) which seems to fit Infection maps more. This map has almost no aspect of PvP other than a few harming potions. I don't see this working well for Zombie, as interesting as it is.
I can understand the uncertainty, and can see how people think this would work better for infection. When that is said, I still think this map will work well with Zombie. What you are saying about the snowballs is a good point. However, it is easier to avoid hunters, navigate and easier jumps which makes it easier to escape hunters. I also think its easier to cut of survivors, if hunters play strategically.

Without fall damage, it will be hard to kill another player. Players can just run away after falling onto another platform. This may make the map drag on longer than necessary and cause players to be frustrated.
As I have said, I do not think escaping will be a problem. Therefor I cannot see any problems for how hunters will struggle to kill survivors. I think in the other hand that fall damage just is annoying, and that fall damage takes too much damage - people can die when they are being knocked down to a lower platform.

A possible issue I see is that when a survivor (after preparation time) is stuck in a cobweb, the only way for hunters to kill them, without risking them running away by breaking the cobweb, is to punch them to death. (Regular) Hunters don't get potions of harming in their kits and by the time the Dark Hunter is chosen, most of the potions in the chests will be gone.
I think most people underestimates how much damage fists will take. I tested this out and found out that it took 23 hits at fastest to kill a guy with fists on AoD. We see a lot of deaths like this on Pool Hall and here you have to hit 24 times to kill. It seems much but the regen is only 0,5 hearts each 3,5 second. If you can run away and not get hit once more than each 3,5 second, you will stay at 10. If you lose more than that each 3,5 seconds you will come closer and closer to death. Also if someone gets stuck in a cobweb in order to survive, I think it would take like 11-12 seconds to kill him.

b) Remove cobwebs
c) More harming potions (?)
I think its hard to see if these items will either help or worsen the gameplay. Therefore, I would like to wait with removing / adding these items until the map is tested, and I can see how they are working the gameplay.
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Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
Hi Unu, I wanted to give a little feedback on your map (and possibly inspire others to do so as well, so we might get to play your map soon).
Before I commence I want to thank you for making another map (you do make quite a bit of quality maps) and I want to say I personally really like it.

I will start stating my opinion on the Zombie/Infection issue. In my eyes, this is not an issue, but what makes this map special and unique. I think it would actually work as a Zombie map, with the infection feel to it. I do think the map should be focussed on knocking people of and chasing them into dead ends, they have to fight their way out of.

For the overall map I have to say there is A LOT. Which could be good, and could be bad. There are tons of ways to go and many different ways to trap survivors or outplay hunters, which is nice. However, the map could seem TOO much to new players and can get hectic quite fast. I do not have issues with any of the jumps, since they all seem possible and not that hard.

Lets move on to the layout of the map as in lower/upper part. If you are a survivor, in the best case scenario you wanna run around the upper part. There is less chance to get knocked off and more ways to go. If we go down a bit, it gets harder to find paths to take and making sure you will not get knocked off. On the lowest part, there is a big chance to knocked off and multiple dead ends/tricky spots. I feel this lay-out provides for some quality gameplay, however, what happens if the survivors manage to run around top all game. I suggest you move the chests to the lower level of the map (maybe add some more things in them, so it is worth to go for them) and lower the prep time (to 30-45 seconds). If you want to go for the items you have to put yourself at risk more, which could bring an exciting element to the map.

All in all, I like the gamemode, I like the map, maybe you could make things a little more messing around with the upper/lower aspect of the map.

PS: no fall dmg pls

-edit- I forgot to say I hate lingering healing potions with a passion. Their healing is too powerful, especially when you want hunters to deal dmg with only shears/fists.
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Sep 13, 2015
Reaction score
Ok, I have made some edits to the map. I first of all made all the clouds look nicer. I also moved some of the good items downwards, mostly harmings pots, but also some slowness and speed pots. Then I replaced the splash potion of harming I to II in the leader hunter kit. At last I lowered the preperation time to 45 seconds, to possibly make a more risky game, when it comes to getting good items.


Hi Unu, thanks for making some adjustments!

After testing the map and seeing the updates, I'm willing to give it a try. People accidentally fall into the void all the time, so my previous concern is probably not that big of an issue. Lowering the preparation time and moving the potions to the lower layer are ideas I definitely like.

I still don't see the use of cobwebs, especially since no one really used it while we were testing the map. Like I said before, an alternative may be to turn it into an Infection map, but I can't really decide if this map will work or not until players actually test it out. I do feel like having a regular item (not a weapon, so that it won't deal damage) with weak Knockback will help the map. It'll inform the players of the way to play the map (this tells them that this is not a "normal" Zombie map from the start) and guide them in the combat.


AoD Dev and Admin!
Tech Lead
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AoD Staff
Jun 4, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks for the map Unu. Although there are still a few concerns about how the map will work out on the server, it can't hurt to give it a try and see how it goes. As I discussed with you, the map is being renamed to Sky to prevent confusion. The map is on the server now, so yell at me if I've made a mistake when importing it.
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