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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



The Great Warrior of the Skeletons approaches.
Wielding both a mace and a sword, this menacing animation approaches Darth and the clearing and places a foot on Darth's saber. Several legions of skeletons surround the two and make a battle ring.
The Great Warrior of the skeletons kicks Darth's saber over, tempting him to engage in battle. He gives Darth a deathly grin and raises his sword to point at the saber.

[ DarthLego5679 , let's have a back and forth battle.]​


Aug 14, 2011
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[Alright, not really the time I wanted to begin entering, but I'll get to it.]​
As the portal finishes the link between the two worlds, feelings of dread and fear flood over the Texan army. The horses whinny and buzzards screech.​
"Let's step forth onto the battlefields of Hell."​
Don rides his horse into the portal, vanishing as he passes through. His followers look at each other and shake their heads, then follow him through the portal.​


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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The Great Warrior of the Skeletons approaches.
Wielding both a mace and a sword, this menacing animation approaches Darth and the clearing and places a foot on Darth's saber. Several legions of skeletons surround the two and make a battle ring.
The Great Warrior of the skeletons kicks Darth's saber over, tempting him to engage in battle. He gives Darth a deathly grin and raises his sword to point at the saber.

[ DarthLego5679 , let's have a back and forth battle.]​

Darth winced as he unsteadily rose to his feet.

He looked around the circle at the legions of skeletons that surrounded them.

"Well, looks like this is it. May as well make it good." he thought to himself.

"Although even if I win this fight, I will still die because of the bloody thousand and twelve other skeletons surrounding us." he thought with a grimace.

He gestured towards the saber hilt, to himself and then to the skeleton warrior, and gives a look that asks everything without saying any words. The skeleton warrior simply nods, grinning eerily with its face of death.

Slowly bending down and picking up the hilt, Darth took the opportunity to look around at his surroundings one last time. Skeletons and other creatures as far as the eye could see. The fallen Sky City a few hundred meters away, a small cloud of smoke rising from it.

"I hope Duffie, Durwin, Harmak and Blob survive. And Refresh. That man saved my life once already. Looks like the least I can do is possibly return the favor. So many of their warriors are being distracted by this, it might buy them time. Heck, I've owed him a life ever since that fight with the bandits."

Reassured by this thought, although none too happy about the possible outcome, Darth clicked on his lightsaber once more with its deadly crimson blade.

"C'mon, skelly-boy. Let's roll." he said in an eerily calm voice.

Focusing, shutting out the pain. That was the only way he could beat this warrior, what with his own hurt knee, he quickly deduced. That, or some unexpected help.

"I'm going to die here, aren't I?" he thought to himself. "Could be worse, I suppose. I'll for sure give him the fight of his existence."

Fighting through the pain he took a firm two-handed grip on the saber, took a step forwards, and raised the gently humming blade until it pointed right at the chin of the skeleton warrior.

"I said, let's roll." he said darkly, motioning at the face of the warrior.

[Perfectly fine with me, apologies for the slow response]


The warrior gives Darth a great kick with his right leg which sends him a few feet back and back onto the ground.
The warrior took a few steps back and begins spinning the heavy flail in its left hand. Faster and faster until the head of steel becomes a blur, until finally the warrior releases the flail and with great precision charges towards Darth's chest as he lays on the ground.


The skeleton straightens itself after the forceful shout. It looks about the surroundings, unable to find the source of the energy. It calls forth its challenger.
"Nivahriin Do Jul Wah Nok Ko Vokun!
Dreh Ni Krif Voth Dukaan Ahrk Faas!
Meyz Het Daanik Gein! "


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth lay there, the pain almost overwhelming him.

Through the blur he saw the skeleton warrior start twirling its flail. Faster and faster the steel weapon went.

"GET UP, DON'T JUST LIE THERE AND DIE, YOU IDIOT!" his mind screamed at him.

But his extremities would not respond. He lay there, watching almost stupidly as the skeleton warrior prepared to kill him.

Just at that moment, he heard a shout
A great force of energy and wind appears from out of Darth's view. The skeleton warrior jumps, the force barely clipping its ribs, but still tossing it backwards a great distance.
"Hin Ahzid Oblaan Fen Fundein!"

Watching the skeleton respond in the same manner of shouting, Darth seized the opportunity and lunged upright.

He almost passed out from the pain, but gritted his teeth and pulled himself fully upright.

He glanced around and saw that the rest of the skeletons had not moved.

Grasping his lightsaber, he threw it in a blaze of blood-red at the distracted skeleton warrior.


The Lightsaber whirs and slices through the skeletons armor, the hilt becomes lodged into its left shoulder plate and in the process slices into the skeletons bone. With the other arm, the skeleton removes the hot saber from its armor and throws it to the ground. Angry now, it charges at Darth with only the sword, having to leave the flail behind because the left arm can no longer support it.
"Grind Hin Dez Kendov!"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth did not understand what was going on, yet he knew only one thing: The skeleton warrior was coming after him with a VERY sharp sword, and he was now weaponless again.

"Forces other than I are at work here. I must remember to thank whoever has been distracting the warrior, if I ever make it out alive. I wonder if it's that Harmak..."

Darth had no more time for thoughts, as the skeleton had reached him and had swung a wicked blow aimed at his head.

Diving underneath it, he rolled over to where his saber hilt lay. Grabbing it, he turned to find the skeleton warrior bearing down upon him.

With no time to ignite the saber, he dove underneath the left arm, grabbing the bones and torquing them around until one snapped with a sickening *CRUNCH-SNAP*

Giving one more violent tug, he ripped the rest of the arm free from the skeleton, and quickly grabbed the heavy flail. Seizing it with both hands, he whirled it around twice, then slung it at the charging skeleton.

As soon as this had been done, he quickly reignited the blade with a little snap of his wrist.


The skeleton warrior dives out of the way of the flying flail and stands erect. With a cock-eyed expression to his skull the skeleton warrior grins at Darth and then darts his head towards the fallen arm.
Suddenly, the arm became animated and began tugging and climbing up Darth's body and eventually reaches his neck where it begins attempting to choke Darth.
With Darth now occupied, the skeleton turns its attention to the challenger hiding in the shadows. The Skeleton warrior whispers, attempting to seek out the hidden aura.
" Laas Yah Nir"
It found Defiant_Blob's life force moving around the edge towards the left.
"Yol Toor Shul!"
The skeleton expels a breath of fire after Blob, attempting to make him nice and toasty.


Aug 14, 2011
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Blinx powers through the crowd, finding the skeletons to be easy to defeat.
Wonder how the others are holding up...
Seeing Darth, Blob, and a large skeleton, Blinx panics. He quickly pulls out his time sweeper and aims.
"Get ready, bitch."
Blinx shoots him in the head, making the fire angled, missing Blob.


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
[hooray for getting back early!]

Durwin jumped to the right a split-second before the club cratered the ground where he had just been standing. Durwin unleashed small burst attacks like had he been using on the army grunts, running away from Duffie and keeping the thing distracted.
[aight take it away StoryMaster ]


Blinx powers through the crowd, finding the skeletons to be easy to defeat.
Wonder how the others are holding up...
Seeing Darth, Blob, and a large skeleton, Blinx panics. He quickly pulls out his time sweeper and aims.
"Get ready, bitch."
Blinx shoots him in the head, making the fire angled, missing Blob.
[What does a Time Sweeper shoot exactly? :p Bullets?]


[hooray for getting back early!]

Durwin jumped to the right a split-second before the club cratered the ground where he had just been standing. Durwin unleashed small burst attacks like had he been using on the army grunts, running away from Duffie and keeping the thing distracted.
[aight take it away StoryMaster ]
"Ooooh, ya butterfley men ar fahst!"​
The Ogre rambles after the swift Durwin. It swings its bat wildly as it tramples across the battlefield, knocking many innocent skeletons and zombies hundreds of feet away.
"Come faight me butterfley man!"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth watches with interest as the skeleton warrior evades the flail.

His interest quickly turned to shock when the arm became animated and began to strangle him.

Grappling with the arm, Darth barely managed to keep it from completely cutting off his airway, although just barely.

"Darn it" he thought.

Twisting it this way and that, he worked and worked until finally he got it released from his neck. Violently throwing it on the ground, he grabbed the lightsaber and hacked it into small pieces.

"There, try strangling ME again, will you."

Glancing up, he spots a shot from the timesweeper that doesn't really harm the skeleton much.

"Harmak is nearby, I may have a chance yet!" he muttered.

Darth took a short running start and slid underneath the once-more distracted skeleton's blade, and took a sweeping swing at the knee joint, watching the saber leave a charred, slightly smoking bone end behind it.


Oct 8, 2011
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As if... I could knock it out with it's own club but I'd have to loosen it's grip first. Or I could- Durwin suddenly slipped and fell backward. His hands hit the ground and he scrambled to quickly get up.

[If you get the reference, Cookie for you!]


The skeleton falls to a knee, and with its knee needing time to repair, the skeleton resorts to its power of the Thu'um. The skeleton raises its head towards the clouds.
At the last phonetic sound, a pulse of energy is sent towards the sky. The clouds darken, and the sound of thunder rolls and echoes in the valley.​
Then Darth feels a tingle down the back of his neck....​
...and Harmak's fur stands on end...​
...the lightning was coming!​
[run around crazy]​


As if... I could knock it out with it's own club but I'd have to loosen it's grip first. Or I could- Durwin suddenly slipped and fell backward. His hands hit the ground and he scrambled to quickly get up.

[If you get the reference, Cookie for you!]
[Ooo Bertie Botts "Everyflavor" Cookies, my favorite!]​
"Bah! Let mee eaht ya!"​
The Ogre picks up a few helpless goblins and begins throwing them at the running Durwin.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
The skeleton falls to a knee, and with its knee needing time to repair, the skeleton resorts to its power of the Thu'um. The skeleton raises its head towards the clouds.
At the last phonetic sound, a pulse of energy is sent towards the sky. The clouds darken, and the sound of thunder rolls and echoes in the valley.​
Then Darth feels a tingle down the back of his neck....​
...and Harmak's fur stands on end...​
...the lightning was coming!​
[run around crazy]​

Darth risked a look around him at the gathering clouds. Sensing there was little time before lightning began to strike, he quickly raised his saber and took a violent swing at the skeleton warrior's forehead.

He then turned and dove towards a small bit of cover, and came up from his dive in a roll that brought him up next to a small boulder.

Seizing this opportunity, he reached back over his head and, with a quick gesture, whipped a fallen tree into the masses of skeletons surrounding them.


The force pushed tree causes a few dozen skeletons to collapse and shatter under the tree's weight, but it just makes a small dent in the armies numbers.
One side of the skeletons helm came crashing to the ground. Now useless, the skeleton removed the damaged helmet and stabs his sword into the ground. With his one hand, it points at Darth, and the skeleton unleashes his storm's power.
The lightning crashes down a few inches in front of Darth, but what that has caused is for the support system in Darth Lego's suit to short circuit, which makes it very difficult for the already injured Darth to breath.
The hair tingles on Darth's neck once more.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
[I hope this is better than the troubles we tossed off before. Also, lovely pic, StoryMaster ]
The force pushed tree causes a few dozen skeletons to collapse and shatter under the tree's weight, but it just makes a small dent in the armies numbers.
One side of the skeletons helm came crashing to the ground. Now useless, the skeleton removed the now uselesshelmet and stabs his sword into the ground.
[EDIT: The department of redundancy department will be very upset. :p]

Wheezing, Darth started to recover from the lightning attack.

"Dammit" he coughed.

Gasping for breath, he coughed and tried to breath, but struggled to because of the damaged systems in his suit.

Feeling the hair on the back of his neck tingle once more, Darth groaned inwardly.

"Oh darn it..."

Darth quickly seized the advantage. The skeleton warrior had stabbed the sword into the ground to free up it's hand. With a pulling gesture, he yanked the sword free and brought it to his grasp.


Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
[it is absolutely, positively, without a doubt unnecessary (and tacky) to be redundant in your writing.]

That's it, come on... there! The Ogre came after Durwin and didn't pay attention to what was underneath it. Suddenly the ground dropped out from under the Ogre and it fell 30 feet and landed on it's bottom. Durwin walked to the edge of the improvised trap and smiled to himself. He called down,

"Now, I can help you get out of there. But first you gotta let me in the barrier!"