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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Oct 8, 2011
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Lizzie screamed at Durwin,

"There's too many for just the two of us!" Durwin frowned.

"Alright then, let it fall. As soon as those Ghasts get in range let em have it." Durwin's skin had gone from a tanner tone to a lighter, and then lighter still. The longer this battle went on the more alabaster his skin became.

"Soon, we'll have more than enough to worry about. Just keep our army safe for the landing, I don't need any broken ankles or any sort of injury when the waves of enemies come marching upon us."


Aug 14, 2011
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Blinx took out multiple other ghasts with the fireballs. When he felt that the air combat could handle the rest, he hit the ghast's fireball back at it. The fireball misses and instead went off to burn part of the forest down.
Hopefully that stops them a bit...
Blinx aims again and hits the ghast this time. Ready to battle with the Blade, he got into a fighting stance.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin stared off for a moment before turning to the group.

"Well you all know what to do, just no funny business and don't call attention to yourselves." He then glared at the two Togolopians,

"Remember, we're all on the same side. I'm going up front to the breach." His blood red eyes flicked over to Duffie .

"Care to join me?"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth saw the ghast which had launched a fireball which had caused the city to start falling.

But with the instruments out, he could neither communicate with nor relay the information to anybody but himself and his little datapad he carried with him at all times.

Darth tugged at the controls, trying to move the partially-disabled Omikron around the skies.

"One thing that didn't get broken was the engine" Darth muttered.

He swept it around in a wide loop, trying desperately to stay in the air and salvage something.

He had just gotten it flying in a semi-level path when he heard an ominous sound and the aircraft shuddered again.

"Darn it." he thought.


The announcer on the intercom system echoes the same phrase repeatedly.
"Please move calmly to the top levels of the base for your security, thank you."​
"Please move calmly to the top levels of the base for your security, thank you."​
"Please move calmly to the top levels of the base for your security, thank you."​
The Commander notices that too many people are slowly walking in front of him. Pushing people out of the way, he enters the communications center and rips the microphone from the repetitive announcer.
There was a notable increase in the speed of the crowd.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin walked to the edge of the palace tower and looked down to the breach. One moment him and Duffie were seeing the damage, and the next Durwin had grabbed Duffie's are and they plummeting toward the ground. Durwin pulled her onto his back as his robe slipped away onto the building far below. Two wings flourished to life one to each side of Duffie and Durwin roaring laughter filled the air whipping by them. Duffie slugged him and the laughter cut off.

"We'll reach the breach before the Base hits the ground. I don't want to imagine what's waiting for us there."


The band of Texan bounty-men pull on the totem, with their sweat falling down their arms and bare chests. They inch the great pyre onto the cool building's floor. A relic of the ancient Maya, some believe it could have been the way the tribes of that area suddenly vanished, almost out of thin air. Regardless of its history, it now holds a key to the success of the present, and perhaps even holds the fate of the future.



Smoke billows upwards and stains the air a heavy black. Sky bases defenses are becoming overwhelmed due to the sheer numbers of the enemy, and with the army still approaching, the hearts of the combatants skip a beat, realizing their time may come to a close.
And then there it goes, the City of the Sky, can no longer support itself by the dreams of man, and begins to collapse. A slow fall, or at least perceived by those inside. Their home dies, and as the colossus of steel smashes into the soft ground, their lives seemingly are stabbed with the invisible knife that erases their most valued possession, hope. Their bodies smash into the ground, but most manage to remain alive, but those left underneath suffer the slow pains of mortality until their immanent death. It is a cold fate, when one looks up from their burning city to find the enemy looking up to greet you, hoping for man to meet its maker. That is the cold chill that takes these souls...
Fire! Fire away! The last hopes for these souls hide behind the fallen walls, where they release volleys of shots towards the enemy. No dent is made, and the survivors of the crash struggle to regroup. Miracles are needed in their last hours.


Aug 14, 2011
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Blinx hears the crash nearby.

"...what... what was that?"
He turns in the direction of the Sky Base, seeing it destroyed on the ground.
No...... can't believe it... it's fallen...

What about the others? What ended up happening to them?
Blinx pulled out the Blade of Time, now glowing with a fluorescent light.
"That's it. Now you're gettin' it," Blinx murmered.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin stood up from his protective position around Duffie.

"And so it begins." The demons and monsters that couldn't reach the base before, now had easy access to raze the rest of it to the ground. The Sky Base army gathered it's wits and moved to the walls.

"Once the head is chopped off the body will just be an uncoordinated lump. Easy pickings to our trained men and women. We just have to get to the head. Now you chose to join me, and I can't just leave you here..." Durwin looked into the endless bodies moving toward the base. He spotted the leader close to the front lines but still hundreds of meters into the fray. Durwin turned back to Duffie and helped her climb on his back again.

"Now I'm counting on you to cover me. If we have to stop and say hello to the invaders, I'm gonna blame you. Let's get to it." He jumped into the first wave moving faster than the wind, taking out only the ones that got in his way with quick single burst spells. Nothing too flashy to catch the attention of the commanders yet, but powerful enough to break the obstruction. Whatever he touched died, what attacked back attacked where he had just been. Nothing kept him from moving further into the black mass of death.


Aug 14, 2011
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That's it, I'm goin'.
Blinx runs into battle, armed and prepared. He wields the Blade of Time and has his sweeper for quick use.
Too bad rewindin' time won't help the Sky Base.

...the sky base...
That's it, fuckers. You're goin' down.
Blinx charges into battle, slicing off the heads of zombies and quickly smashing them with stomps.

[Just so I know, swearing is allowed in moderation, right?]


Aug 6, 2011
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[ Ohey, kind of a "popping-my-head-in" sorta thing, but, if you couldn't tell already, Imma drop out of here for now until school's over, too many exams and not enough free time taking away my time to do this here. I'll just live with the forest people for a bit, or if the war started, StoryMaster could control me. Welp, give my best wishes to the queen for me. ]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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As the Omikron shuddered once more, Darth took a quick glance at Skycity and saw it finally fall to the ground with a horrible crash.

"No..." he murmured.

He sat there for a brief moment, dazed, watching the city finish settling.

A sound of tearing metal directly behind him reminded him of his own peril, and he brought the the crippled aircraft around in a low sweeping curve that ended up being only about a dozen feet above the ground.

Directing the Omikron toward the enemies, Darth reached over, flipped up a safety cover, and slapped the eject button situated beneath it.

"Oh darn it!" Darth yelled. "It's broken too."

Darth slowed the Omikron down, hoping to possibly survive the impending impact upon ejecting from the doomed aircraft.

Unbelting himself, he yanked the lever on the manual cockpit release.

The top flew off with a clatter, and Darth flipped out of the pilot's seat, tumbling onto the ground and coming up next to a large boulder.

Darth had just gotten to one knee when he was knocked back down by the blast of the Omikron's explosion.

Picking himself back up, he risked a quick glance at the boulder which had saved his life. The outer three inches on the side towards the blast had been pulverized into dust and small bits of rock by the blast.

Darth slapped the boulder.

"Thanks!" he said.

Then Darth realized just how close he was to the enemy horde. He looked quickly back and forth but didn't see any friendlies in the immediate vicinity. The explosion itself had harmed a large number, for its size. But it had attracted the attention of almost every enemy ground troop in the area.
