Friend just bought him.I can't believe I haven't seen Hecarim in a game; he seems really fun and if I ever learn how to jungle, he's mine
They even had a leaver. x) Also, 35 minute game and only 36 cs? You've gotta improve your last hitting. (Just some constructive criticism)Look at my awesome team! *insert pic of jolts team*
Yeah, I try to do that.They even had a leaver. x) Also, 35 minute game and only 36 cs? You've gotta improve your last hitting. (Just some constructive criticism)
I usually farm up to lvl 6 as fast as possible (i jungle warwick) and then worry about ganking a ton. There isnt much of a use for you to gank as WW unless you have your ult.About Hecarim/Warwick jungling:
Warwick is easier, 'cos your natural health regeneration is pretty high, but...
Warwick's ganks aren't so effective without ultimate. No slow, no stun, no knockback.
I find Hecarim better jungler because it has that nice knockback/speed boost.