Learning to play Fiora. So much squishy.
Any tips?
Masteries and Runes should be built that you can last in a fight. At level 30 you should be playing probably the recommended 9 offense/ 21 defense masteries (though I just suck at masteries, I'm just going with what I've seen)
Dragosh and I queue'd together, this game is gonna go well:
iJarbin: teemo soraka bot
President Eadin: then you sir are an idiot
GeneralZelgius25: Not happenin'
JayFeather21: OOh
iJarbin: Ahahahahahahaa
iJarbin: Okay
JayFeather21: A feisty team that wants 2 top
President Eadin: i dont lane with support
JayFeather21: x)
iJarbin: lmfao
More edits!: We lost that game, Teemo died 16 times, Nasus died 10 times. Dragosh went AFK. The enemy Lux had 18 kills. Enemy Panth. had 7 e-e