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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 14, 2011
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[We need to finish this, guys. Let's do it.]
Good riddance, thought Blinx. He ran for his blade and picked it up.
Swinging it through the crowd of monsters, Blinx noticed a few of his friends.
Durwin, Darth, Duffie and another strange person? Hm.
Knowing that they all had time control neutralizers, Blinx paused time to signify that he was nearby.
[Durwin, Duffie, Darth, Drazhar... I sense a lot of alliteration!]

Meanwhile, at the remains of Sky Base...

A strong yet dormant bomb becomes activated. The bomb will detonate within a matter of twenty four hours.
[This next part is before Darth was shot and Drazhar was killed.]
The bomb slowly ticks down. 16 hours remain.
I should leave them be, Blinx thought.
Blinx dashed in the opposite direction of where they were. A few hours of running around led him to find a menacing beast.


Aug 14, 2011
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"I'm unsure of our whereabouts, but if I had a guess... some kind of afterlife perhaps?"

Don holds his hand over his head, the hole still hurting him. He spots a coconut lying underneath a palm, and has the sudden urge to access its liquid. After throwing the coconut several times against the palm, the nut cracks slightly, allowing the milk to flow slowly from the shell. He raises it above his head, and drip by drip the milk falls into his hole, a sizzle being heard each time.

He lowers it, with the hole still apparent, but the pain is eased. He offers it to Darth.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth attempts to reach for the coconut, but is too overcome with pain, and slumps back to the ground.
"That won't do me much good in this sealed suit, partner. May as well leave somefor yourself later."
Darth winced as he sat up on one elbow. The pain caused his vision to darken for a minute, then it subsided a bit, returning to the partially fuzzy blur.

"Sir, I don't believe we've met. I'm called Darth"
Darth looks at Don quizzically.
"Who are you? And how did you come here?"


Aug 14, 2011
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"My name is...my name...my....." He closes his eyes, shaking his head.

"I can't remember, sorry. Last thing I remember is a bright light and well... not much else."

He sets the coconut down, in case Darth would like it later. He notices the sun setting across the water, the waves like silver glass.

"Perhaps we should begin to make some sort of shelter for the night?"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"My name is...my name...my....." He closes his eyes, shaking his head.

"I can't remember, sorry. Last thing I remember is a bright light and well... not much else."

He sets the coconut down, in case Darth would like it later. He notices the sun setting across the water, the waves like silver glass.

"Perhaps we should begin to make some sort of shelter for the night?"
"That would be a good maneuver". Darth assented.

"I'll call you Bill for now. Is that okay with you?" he inquired.

While waiting for an answer, Darth rolls over, painfully gets to one knee, then stands upright, swaying slightly.

"Wish I could breath unfiltered air..." he muttered. "Where should we start?"


Aug 14, 2011
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"Bill? Hmm well I suppose so, until we think of a better one."

Bill looks at the waves that are crashing down near his feet.

"Well, the tide will rise sometime in the night, I imagine. Let's move a bit inland. I see a boulder over there by those woods which you can rest on while I gather supplies."

Bill puts an arm around Darth, assisting him towards their boulder, which is large at the base but smooth as a table.

[Also I was wondering about something... Would you guys want to cut to after the battle? I dunno, it just was hard to maintain and the flow wasn't really going all that well... Perhaps this is when we can add more people, as our numbers are dwindling. Also, not going to use the StoryMaster account for the time being, don't think I'll have the time to do all that again. DarthLego5679 Defiant_Blob Duffie Thetogolopian HarmakPaul Refresh100 Jolteon42 ]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Bill? Hmm well I suppose so, until we think of a better one."

Bill looks at the waves that are crashing down near his feet.

"Well, the tide will rise sometime in the night, I imagine. Let's move a bit inland. I see a boulder over there by those woods which you can rest on while I gather supplies."

Bill puts an arm around Darth, assisting him towards their boulder, which is large at the base but smooth as a table.
"Okay, Bill."

Darth initially tried to refuse Bill's attempt to help, but eventually accepts his efforts.

"Thanks" he says. "Hopefully I'll be up and around in a few minutes, the pain's not too bad. Are you sure YOU'RE all right though?" pointing to the hole in his forehead.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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[Maybe after we're finished, we start a new story? Probably not a sequel, unless it's ridiculously far into the future. This way any mistakes are blamed on not having accurate history of the past]
[The nostalgia in me wants to keep the same people, because I've grown fond of Durwin, Duffie, Blob, and DK's, etc. I will roll with whatever you guys choose]


Aug 14, 2011
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[Maybe after we're finished, we start a new story? Probably not a sequel, unless it's ridiculously far into the future. This way any mistakes are blamed on not having accurate history of the past]
[I quite like that idea actually, just you guys do your own thing though for now on, I'm not going to control the StoryMaster characters. I'll let you guys go out with a big bang, seeing as how it won't affect any future stories.]


Aug 14, 2011
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"There's some bamboo here that we can probably use as some sort of building material, so you can start by cutting down a lot of it. After your done, you can find some sort of string we can use to tie them together. After that you can look around and find anything else we could use."

"I thought I heard some running water nearby as we were walking up here, I'm just going to go into the jungle and see if I can find some fresh water, and whatever else I find in there."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"There's some bamboo here that we can probably use as some sort of building material, so you can start by cutting down a lot of it. After your done, you can find some sort of string we can use to tie them together. After that you can look around and find anything else we could use."

"I thought I heard some running water nearby as we were walking up here, I'm just going to go into the jungle and see if I can find some fresh water, and whatever else I find in there."
"M'kay, I'll start on that."
As Bill started off into the jungle, Darth turned towards the thick clusters of bamboo.
"Hmm, what should I cut these with?"
Looking down to his belt, he noticed that his lightsaber is once again clipped to his belt.

"I thought I had lost you!". Darth exclaimed.
Igniting the blade, he took a dozen or so sweeping strokes through the thickets, then piled up the resulting wood. He repeated this four more times until he had a stack twice as large as the boulder.

"It's a start." he said. "Now. String."
Glancing around, he saw thousands of vines on the trees. Grabbing armfulls at a time, he carefully collected enough fit their present need.

"Hmm, wood would be nice." Darth decided.
Taking out his lightsaber again, he slashed at the base of a average palm tree. He was pleased to see it fall right where he wanted it to, but not too pleased to see it partially in flames from the blade of the saber.
"Dammit..." he said, scrambling to throw sand on it.


Aug 14, 2011
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[If you're talking about the next story, probably not Blinx. Though, maybe if we travel through time or something. A future timesweeper? ;P Or maybe we travel back in time to this current time to observe something. Sorta like in
Skyrim when the Dovahkiin uses the Elder Scroll
[That also works with me. Maybe Blinx could be his idol.]


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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[Also I was wondering about something... Would you guys want to cut to after the battle? I dunno, it just was hard to maintain and the flow wasn't really going all that well... Perhaps this is when we can add more people, as our numbers are dwindling. Also, not going to use the StoryMaster account for the time being, don't think I'll have the time to do all that again. DarthLego5679 Defiant_Blob Duffie Thetogolopian HarmakPaul Refresh100 Jolteon42 ]
[[Dont worry have something up my sleeve]]

Awaking from his long pass out balloon looks around to be on some sort of palm tree. "Huh what happened? Did I miss the battle." He looks around and notices a dark figure next to the tree. "Hmm that guy looks familiar. wait a second it's Da-" Suddenly he swings his lightsaber and the tree falls to the ground.