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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth glanced around. No friendlies anywhere near him, and he was now a shining target because he had killed their leader.

"Darnit" he mumbled.
He dove behind a chunk of rubble as projectiles slammed into it from all points of the compass.
"Too close" he muttered.

He quickly removed the datapad from his belt and keyed in a sequence of letters and numbers.

"Hope they get here in time." he whispered as a particularily large fireball skimmed the rubble and ignited a downed Omikron beyond.

"They've almost got me" he decided. "Better move before I'm rejoining Kate in the afterlife."

Making up his mind, Darth looked up and spotted what he needed: a flying transport of enemy troops. Concentrating, he leapt up and caught onto a bracket on the bottom of it. Climbing handgrip by handgrip, he reached the open door. Grasping the edge with both hands, he heaved himself up into it. Approximately .4 seconds later an arm tried to shove him back out. Grabbing the arm he pulled, launching the skeleton into the air.

He then proceeded to demolish the rest piecemeal, since they couldn't use their bows due to the cramped space. Darth opened the cockpit door and stabbed the pilot through the back of the neck, and threw the body out.

Seating himself at the controls, he swiftly flew it behind their own lines and landed it. He raced towards the point where their line was failing. He reached it just as yet another wave of troops pushed against it. They would have overwhelmed them, the survivors said, except a 'tall black human demon' went on a rampage and slaughtered almost all of them.

"Captain" Darth addressed the leader. "Where is the queen? Where do you need help the most?"


Aug 6, 2011
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The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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Aug 6, 2011
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Aug 14, 2011
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[Sorry, gonna finish my perspective now. I've had this for a while now, but I've been procrastinating for too long.]

Blinx saw an intricate wiring that allowed the serpent-like machine to experience emotions and senses other than touch. Within the center, there was an artificial beating heart. Each beat sent an electrical current through the wiring to create the artificial feelings and emotions.It was as if the serpent was a true living being.

When Blinx went to examine the heart, an alarm sounded. Not long afterwards, the equivalent of antibodies began charging towards Blinx. Thinking quickly, he pulled out his time sweeper and tried to pause. It didn't work. Confused, he almost got hit by an antibody. Regaining his senses as quickly as he could, he charged for the exit. Getting close, he noticed that the doors were shut. Trying to pause time again, the time control did not work. Upon examination, nothing was wrong. It was as if an electrical current was sent through the air to disable everything without a connection to the robotic snake.

"Well, I'm screwed... Time to take my final stand."

Dodging as many antibodies as he could, Blinx was trying hard to survive. He noticed that the heart was still uncovered and thought of a plan. He reached for the Blade of Time and began trying to slice at the antibodies. The steel they were made of was so hard that the sword didn't even scratch them.

"Well... fuck."

The antibodies overwhelmed him and almost killed him.

Then a warp gate opened.

Blinx used his arms and dragged over to the warp gate, trying to avoid the antibodies attempting to bash themselves against Blinx's body. When he was only a few meters away, an antibody slammed into his arm, preventing him from reaching the warp gate using his arms. He rolled over for the last few meters and entered the warp gate. It closed before any antibodies could get through. Blinx became unconscious while warping to the Time Factory.

The operators of the Time Factory saved Blinx's life by opening the warp gate. They ran to the door that Blinx went through to get to the warp gate of the world he almost died in and took him to the factory hospital to mend to his wounds. After three hours, Blinx regained consciousness.

The head operator told him about how the distress signal installed in the time sweeper sends the message "HELP" whenever the time sweeper loses it's power in another world using a reserved power source designed to be protected from anything. If it weren't for the recent invention, Blinx would have passed away.

After the head operator left, Blinx muttered out one word before falling asleep from the medicine.

"I failed..."

[Now I don't need t' be pestered t' finish this! For opinions, how was it?]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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[ There's just so much reading I have to do to catch up, because I have no idea where I'm currently at in the story. D:]
[And instead you go post in Sp3c's roleplay? ;P]

The captain stiffens, and then asks Darth "What do you mean?"
"I mean, where are we losing the worst so I can help shore it up?" Darth replies.
"Oh" goes the captain. "Well, it's almost a lost cause but I think over here could use some work. Or where that cat was."
Darth clenches his fists. "Okay." he mutters.

He sprints away towards where he last remembers seeing Harmak. He arrives just in time to feel a time portal open up and Blinx vanish into it.
"Dammit" Darth said angrily. "Second time he's ditched us."

He sliced and thrashed as many enemies as possible, but he was sorely pressed and almost overpowered.
Then he remembered the Sith Code.
As he slashed and cut, he felt himself beginning to calm inside.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
Another zombie detachment dies in a crimson blur

Through passion, I gain strength.
He grabbed a large war machine with the Force, and destroyed an advancing battalion of enemy skeletons.

Through strength, I gain power.
He slashed his way through the toughest of endermen.

Through power, I gain victory.
No enemies remained alive on that portion of the battlefield.

Through victory, my chains are broken.
Darth felt refreshed.

The Force shall free me.
He sprinted off towards where the last stand was being almost overwhelmed.


Aug 14, 2011
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He sprints away towards where he last remembers seeing Harmak. He arrives just in time to see a time portal open up and Blinx vanish into it.
"Dammit" Darth said angrily. "Second time he's ditched us."
[It's slightly impossible t' see me because I was inside the robotic snake when it happened. I blame my procrastination and not posting this earlier.]


Aug 14, 2011
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[ DarthLego5679 Defiant_Blob Duffie balloon98 Refresh100 Thetogolopian DKnucklehead This needs t' be finished. How about this: for each person that completes their part, I give you a cookie. Maybe that way, you guys won't forget about it. If you want to though, at this point I think it would be fine t' allow someone else t' finish your part.

That sound good enough? Because this is just becoming an on and off discussion that keeps bein' revived.]


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
[ well after Darth ditched me in the story this is about all I can think my character would do.]

Balloon then set up the beds and waited and waited and waited for darth to come back from whatever journey he was off on. "Hm he has been gone a while... I should look for him make sure he is okay." Balloon then set off to look for darth and is said to still do so this very day.