Deceitful - A Story of Betrayal and Regrets


Blocktopia's Official Octopus
Sep 9, 2011
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Hai Blocktopia!

Recently I've been feeling like writing a story, and I usually loose hope in stories after a while. That's why I've decided to share a story with Blocktopia. Every week or so I'll post a new chapter to the story and see how it goes. I haven't yet written the first chapter, only developed a rough plan, which I will not be sharing with you to ensure you get the most out of the book (it's about betrayal and other stuff that should be revealed at an appropriate time), and a bit of a trailer. :p

I was running along the weak wooden rooftops of Mirksdale. Mirksdale is a peaceful town during the day, but when the sun goes down, shit happens.

It was September, the start of Autumn, and trouble was stirring between the assassin gangs that roamed the streets of Mirksdale. Mirksdale was an agriculturally based town, most of it's citizens were struggling to pay for themselves, many were homeless, at least, before the king of the land, Agrioth, was shot in the knee with an arrow, and died of blood loss. That's when they came. The assassins. Now many citizens of Mirksdale have become assassins, to earn enough money to buy food. Even children got paid to murder people.

That's where my story begins...

Zhyke walked outside into the cool, September night. It was the beginning of Autumn, the beginning of his family’s wealth. He climbed atop the stables where his family of two lived, they didn’t own the stables, but Zyke’s uncle did. He made a living by renting the horses out to rich people who needed a horse to travel along Achstuun, a road that wove through the far mountains, Yggdre, of Wyvn, the Southern fifth of Akhonia, all of the explored lands.
The stables stank of animals, Zyke’s uncle, Kyrne, had not cleaned them in a while, for he was too busy managing all of the business his stables received. Zyke reached inside of his black robes, which made him almost invisible at night, and pulled out a mask. The mask was carved out of oak wood, and was made by his father, Mirtluk, a woodsman, before he had died. Zyke headed along the outskirts of Mirksdale, the stabels were located on the outer rim of the town, just outside the mossy wall, which one could call a ruin.
Mirksdale had never been such a destroyed place, once it had been wealthy, and the king had visited often. Food and drinking water was sent to the town regularly from the palace, and not a bandit was in sight.
That was before the dragons came…
Nobody knew how or why they came to Akhonia, it just happened. One day an adventurer was out mapping The Unknown, what us normal folk call the area which hasn’t been mapped yet, and then they spotted a giant flying beast. It was at least 10 metres long and it’s wings blocked out the sun. The adventurer headed back to the royal palace as soon as they could, and reported the sighting. Since then, dragons have slowly started heading deeper and deeper into the explored areas.
That’s when they attacked Mirksdale. I was only a little boy at the time, about 2 years old, but I remember the screams of the townsfolk as they got burnt to a crisp by the dragon’s breath. I’m not sure if it was just one, or two dragons, my mother was protecting me at the time whilst my father was out helping fight the beast. That’s when my father died.
I jumped over the stone wall and headed into the inner parts of the town. It was then when I headed down the well and saw them.

Feedback anyone? Excited for the next chapter? I'd love to hear names (towns/people/things come at me bro!).

Also, spread the word! :D



"Come buy our orchard fruits, Come buy, come buy~"
Aug 6, 2011
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I see that creative talent, impressive! The only advice I could give would be that introducing so many names in one sentence can leave the reader a little overwhelmed. But what you have there is better than anything I could have written at your age, so heck, keep at it :D