Making my own role playing game..

Oct 27, 2012
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I recently acquired a copy of the program RPGmaker vx and started making a RPG on it. I only just started, so it is not close to being finished (or started). When I feel that I have enough put together to allow for people to give it a try, I will post a link to where you can download it.

I am at a standstill at the moment because I am trying to make it to where you can choose what class your character has, but I am having some technical difficulties getting the selection menu to work the way I need it to.

If any of the Admins on here don't mind, I would like to be able to do multiple posts in a row as updates to the status of the game instead of just repeatedly editing this post and making it super long. I will not do multiple posts in a row here until approved by an admin.

If you have any suggestions for features, post them here. If I can fit them into the game, I will try and do so as long as it fits in with the game well.
Oct 27, 2012
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What's the plot or scenario you are creating?
I am not sure just yet. I have only really spent about 10-15 minutes on it adding a new class to it and starting to figure out how to allow for class selection. I might just have the character start in a house of some kind with an npc that asks you what class you want to be. I need to figure out where I want to go with the plot and game content. I am in the last 2 weeks of this semester of college, so I do not know exactly how much time I will be able to put into making this.


Aug 6, 2011
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I've used RPG Maker VX before, as well as the updated version known as RPG Maker VX Ace.

I had a hard understand and lack of time of the scripting, and just scraped my ideas. It was fun, and I hope you have fun, too. ;)

As for your game in general, what type of RPG will it be?
-A typical classical type of RPG?
-A Survival Horror RPG, such as games like Witch's House?
-Or maybe just a Survival RPG, like The Mirror Lied?
-It could even just be an RPG with a story, with little battle, like To The Moon!
-There's also Action RPGs, but I'm not sure if that's possible much through RPG Maker VX. It is, but I think it has more promise on RPG Maker XP.
Oct 27, 2012
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I thought about really exploring the range of what the program can do. I am pretty good at using the program and have had little trouble figuring out how I want things to play out and how to make it happen. I have a general idea of where I want to go with it, but I am not revealing anything just yet.
Oct 27, 2012
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UPDATE: I have gone in and added some additional content to the game that wasn't there such as a new class and the ability to pick your character based off of presets and then use that character with your preferred class. The way it is originally setup, you can't choose what your character looks like or what class they are. I am also going to try and test the new class I am adding to test how balanced it is compared to the other classes in the game.I might even add in some more class types. If you want to see a specific class type, post it here as well as how that class plays out in an rpg and I might try to incorperate it.

Also, sorry for the double posting, but I am not sure how to add updates and have it show up on the thread page as having new posts. Perhaps if an admin reads this, if they would be so kind as to let me know if anymore double posting after this one would be allowed or not? I will refrain from making anymore double posts until I get word back on this.


Aug 6, 2011
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If you want to see a specific class type, post it here as well as how that class plays out in an rpg and I might try to incorperate it.
Gunslinger / Marksman / Archer? :D
[Will post RPG info later, for each, unless you want a specific kind.]

Gunslinger uses pistol and rifle weaponry;
Marksman uses crossbows, bows, and throwing weapons;
Archer uses the typical shortbow and longbow, but has more abilities associated with the bow in general.


Nov 10, 2011
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I'm not a game dev myself, but random advice anyway! :D
Make sure the balance between gameplay and story is stable.
Make sure the story is explained, but don't halt gameplay every twelve and a half seconds for a long, drawn-out cutscene explaining it.
Oct 27, 2012
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I can do marksman or archer because there are sprites and stuff for bows in the program, but there are no sprites for gun from what I saw. I can double check though. I also only really need a class name, I might not be able to incorperate new skills and stuff or at least very easily.