Dat Novel


Aug 8, 2011
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So after a while of pottering around home being ill and all a few weeks ago, not being able to go out an do sport or complete any work, generally tired beyond repair and needing something to keep my brain from rotting, I was challenged... kinda, to type a novel, because why not?

Don't ask me how it started, because it's difficult to explain. But what is far easier is that I wrote this for a purpose. Seeing all the recent news and general rubbish leading up to Christmas, socially economically, environmeantally, politically, whatever, I wanted to write a satirical novel based loosely on a crime drama and an... erotic... novel (don't ask, this was the challenge set by a friend, and don't worry, those bits aren't to be posted).

Inspired mainly by John Steinbeck and his portrayal of everyday life during the harsh 1930's, I wanted to show the world how I see it, kinda...

So here it is, no title yet, I need something witty and clever, because nowadays certain novels are losing that charm. *READER DISGRESSION ADVISED* There be swears and whatnot, and other stuff, nothing bad though. It's been americanised language wise, just to make it easier considering it's setting. Still needs to be proofread and properly edited, so laugh at my mistakes, it adds to the charm of a beginner ;).

The novel is set in North America in a fictional city called West County along the East Coast. The city has become an area of success in recent years due to entrepreneurs and industry flooding the city with life and employment, however, the harsh realities of life are played out by several characters, showing the flawed system that society faces in particular cases. The story follows a prosperous Law Graduate Johnny Walker and his journey into the depths of West County, meeting the rich variety of "life" Earth has to offer. But behind every story is a sense of darkness, one he will have to overcome and quash to free the city from the ever increasing crime rate.

Chapter 1

A dull sun rose over the mountainous skyscrapers of West County and formed a blanket of haze upon the sleeping city, a chill wind rushed through the streets gently caressing the leaves on the old oaks along the sidewalk, forcing them to shiver and moan their silent song. Singular figures slunk through the dark corners of the city searching for some rest bite against the bitter chill of the November morning; lost souls in a sea of lust and greed, these were the victims of homelessness and a prominent capitalist regime, and they made their presence known by the ever increasing murder rates and rapes. For all its flaws, West County was still a hubbub of social excellence and economic success. But like all places on Earth, it was one where the rich prospered, and the poor suffered. And yet, life went on, continuous, monotonous and full of surprises, especially for those new to the city.

Johnny Walker was waking up at this time, a minute before his alarm blared out every morning at 6:30am; his body was attuned to the early start and knew a new day of hell was to begin. Tired eyes opened to a blackness that only the true light of day could hold at bay, and he violently slapped the alarm as the call of the day spoke to him, telling him a new glorious day was his. A roar of a yawn announced his arrival from his long slumber, which that night had been particularly difficult, after a late night Sunday poker game had rendered him overly hung-over and slightly poorer. He sat up, looked around like a Meerkat scouting the horizon and slowly rose from his bed, slightly dazed and blinking violently. Grasping his head he reached for his drink on the bedside table, and proceeded to knock it to the floor, making his foot wet, and himself increasingly annoyed. A murmur of discretion and a shuffle of his feet were followed by a less than elegant stumble to the bathroom, where a blinding white light greeted his sore corneas. Cowering like a bat disturbed by a flashlight, Johnny picked himself up and fell into the shower, grasping the thermostat valve handle and pulling himself to his feet before a jet of cold water pierced through his skin like fire. Surprisingly unphased Johnny stared deeply into the tiles, seeming to make sense of everything that happened before, well, after he realised he was freezing his arse off and turned up the heat of the water. Drying himself off after a quick shower, quick due to the lack of warm water available at that time in the morning and the fear of the return of chilled water, Johnny gazed into the wide mirror on his brilliant white bathroom wall, like a genius trying to figure out the impossible question.

Johnny was a tall man at around 6ft something; he never had time to measure himself. He was slim but muscular in stature with a dominating figure and a spotless posture with a rich tanned radiance from the summer vacation. His face was young and boy like with defined, but soft features. With radiating blond hair brighter than the sun itself his presence literally lit up the room, and piercing green eyes seemed to focus any gaze from a crowd to him. He picked up the razor and proceeded to style his stubble into something rugged and sexy, but it didn’t work, not this time in the morning, so he continued with a full shave. Stepping from the bathroom and stumbling yet again, but with some grace, to the side of his bed, he proceeded to open the vast inter wall wardrobe. Like a gaping chasm it seemed to contain everything but still there was room for more, it wouldn’t be a surprise if secret treasures were kept within. He picked out a snazzy piece with dark navy blue trousers, and stunning white shirt which had sleeves slightly to short which required them to be folded up, making him look professional but approachable, and the top button undone to allow some breathing space, as well as a navy tie to match his trousers. Johnny was young, 22 years old and an aspiring... office worker. Fresh out of University he was to start at the bottom and to work his way up, way down the bottom considering he studied Law for 4 years and got a first degree diploma, one of his greatest achievements.
He walked slowly into the kitchen and lounge, slightly more awake at this point with gleaming eyes fixed upon the fridge and sustenance. Grabbing a small breakfast of cereal and a coffee, Johnny looked up at the clock on the wall, adjusted his focus, and jumped from the table in fright, face white with terror, he was late, again. 4 weeks into the job and he was still late for the start of the day, which wasn’t too bad, his boss didn’t mind and accepted that the day started at 9:30am for most people instead of 9:00am. She was a minx in her own right and deserved to have this opinion, as well as the attention of every un-married man in the office. Rushing to finish his breakfast, Johnny scoffed his cereal and dumped it in the sink before sprinting to the bathroom again to clear his bowels and clean his teeth. Hurriedly he put on his coat, a moleskin jacket with a high collar that covered a striped scarf that screamed, “Sophistication”. Opening his front door the apartment and stepping one foot out he looked around before a gentle meow came from behind. Of course, Johnny forgot to feed his cat. Terry was a young tabby cat and had a beautiful black and white checked coat and a large black circle around his right eye. Johnny quickly threw down some food and watched him munch it down, before allowing Terry to stalk his territory outside the apartment once he had let him out. The landlord didn’t allow pets, and didn’t know Terry was there, but the neighbours didn’t mind, and generally handed out food to him outside in the park where his common hunting grounds were established. Johnny quickly grabbed his keys and ran to the cars down the stairs; Mrs Magrady was using the elevator, so he needed to take a short cut. Like an athlete he ducked and dived through reception to his car outside on the street, prime position for it to be stolen or vandalised, but the risk was worth taking for a quick exit from home. The car started, after some disapproval from the engine about the bitter autumn weather which had claimed so many other cars that morning. Johnny was off on his way to work, luckily, not having to take the bus like last week, where he must have dodged every human disease known to man. A new day had started, but yet again, the monotony of urban life was not over just yet.

Enjoy, I would appreciate feedback, these kind of stories aren't for everyone, and it's very long, like novels should be :D.

Lotsa love,


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Very nice, indeed you do have a good writing style. One thing I must say, is it seems very poetic. This can be a great thing and sometimes a very bad thing. Depends all on the work. When I write, I sometimes fall into this poetic lull as well. From what I can tell, this city will be used as a medium, a way to show the evils that humans can so easily befall for; and the way the story (so far) is presented, it just doesn't seem, how do I put this...real. The character I like, but seems slightly to perfect. Humans aren't perfect and never will be; we are a monstrous race. Sorry if this confused you, but it's very hard to put these ideas into words. The man just seems, translucent; not entirely alive.

Anyway, I think it's a great start, and like I said in Hype's blog thread: you can't perfect a story, never. So just toy around with it, and try and get it as fine tuned as possible. First time I wrote a story, after I finished I looked down and said: Why'd I just do this? After a few months, I found it once again and finally realized why I wrote it. So I think your off to a great start, and if along the way you forget what the hell your writing, don't give up and keep trudging along. I'll make sure to watch this thread. ;)


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Very nice, indeed you do have a good writing style. One thing I must say, is it seems very poetic. This can be great thing and sometimes a very bad thing. Depends all on the work. When I write, I sometimes fall into this poetic lull as well. From what I can tell, this city will be used as a medium, a way to show the evils that humans can so easily befall for; and the way the story (so far) is presented, it just doesn't seem, how do I put this...real. The character I like, but seems slightly to perfect. Humans aren't perfect and never will be; we are a monstrous race. Sorry if this confused you, but it's very hard to put these ideas into words. The man just seems, translucent; not entirely alive.

Anyway, I think it's a great start, and like I said in Hype's blog thread: you can't perfect a story, never. So just toy around with it, and try and get it as fine tuned as possible. First time I wrote a story, after I finished I looked down and said: Why'd I just do this? After a few months, I found it once again and finally realized why I wrote it. So I think your off to a great start, and if along the way you forget what the hell your writing, don't give up and keep trudging along. I'll make sure to watch this thread. ;)
Oh don't worry, he isn't perfect, the first chapter is there to lull you into a state of perfection as you have said. It was more of a way to set the scene before the drama begins, like that of Steinbeck's books (Of Mice and Men is a prime example).

The city is used as a medium yes, but as a satire it is over exagerated deliberately so that subtle details can be added later without you really realising until they are made important.

Thanks for the info btw, I do like feedback, I should've posted chapter 2 since it begins to change slowly during this part of the Novel, but not too much.


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Oh don't worry, he isn't perfect, the first chapter is there to lull you into a state of perfection as you have said. It was more of a way to set the scene before the drama begins, like that of Steinbeck's books (Of Mice and Men is a prime example).

The city is used as a medium yes, but as a satire it is over exagerated deliberately so that subtle details can be added later without you really realising until they are made important.

Thanks for the info btw, I do like feedback, I should've posted chapter 2 since it begins to change slowly during this part of the Novel, but not too much.
Aha. And yes, ''Of Mice and Men'' is a great work. I look forward to seeing the chapter!


Aug 8, 2011
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Half of Chapter 2:


4 weeks earlier.

A cool breeze blew over the bowed tops of the trees as they swooned in the heat of the day, it brought life to the flowers which shimmered and burst with pollen, showering the street in a yellow carpet. The air was thick with the daily grime and pollution of late morning on a Wednesday from the vast ocean of cabs and buses as they jostled to place themselves in the sun’s rays, like a river searching for the sea across a delta. The people’s lives ran quickly as they flooded the sidewalks and eroded away the space that was once present to the lost souls of the city in twilight. These people were garbage to society, this city was a home, but not their home, and it became more evident. Over the course of the morning, the flood gates of work and greed opened to deluge the streets in activity. But one speck, in the distance, one tiny yellow cab with the door flung open, contained hope.

Johnny stepped out, breathed in the air in ceremony, then coughed violently, wiping his eyes and blowing his nose due to the fumes of the passing Lorries, before paying the cab and dropping his heavy luggage upon a small mound, probably shit, but who knows in West County. “Y’know where you’re headed too pal?” Came a gruff Latin accent from the driver’s seat, a thick hairy arm reached out the window and deposited the change in Johnny’s hand, a kind smile was written on his face. Johnny stared at the small man with a thick black moustache and a slightly balding head and gently gave back the change.

“Keep it, thanks for the ride buddy, it’s just down the block from here yeah?” Johnny’s voice was soft and deep, like that of a politician, when he spoke people would listen until he had finished and would stare longingly into his deep green eyes.

“Yeah, just go down one block and take the next left, I can’t take you down there see, too much traffic this time O’morning.” The cab driver pointed towards the end of the street and moved his hand in a robotic fashion, pinpointing precise movements to the direction in which Johnny had to stroll. “You take care of yourself now man, these streets aren’t the safest, there are homeless people everywhere, my brother Arty got jumped the other week, and he was a mess...” The cab drivers voice seemed to break off at the end with a cough and a sniffle, he looked back at Johnny with the same smile, but a slowly reddening face, Johnny knew that bad things happened, and could clearly see what pain West County brought to the locals. Johnny nodded and gave a small wave before picking up his shit covered bags and slowly walking through the raging torrent of traffic and people. The grey stream seemed to be infinite, a monotonous coloured river of businessmen and shop workers in dark coats, only a few beautiful souls stood out in the crowd and seemed to clear the fog

of the capitalist regime in West County, dressed brightly in inspiring clothes and esteemed in greatness, whether physical or mental, these were the future of humanity, even though their contribution was small, they stood above what they had, and achieved something good. Johnny was one of a privileged few.

A few minutes after leaving the cab, Johnny’s progression had been halted by the crossing just at the end of the block, as well as the jam of people, either texting or talking on a phone, or standing motionless like a mannequin, sucked lifeless by the day to day toll of a job, longing for a bed to sleep. A tug on his ankle alerted his attention to a small thin man sitting at the edge of the doorstep leading to a high-rise store filled with beautiful expensive clothes. He wore tattered trousers which were stained brown by the grime and smog of the streets and a thin jacket which was clearly to small; a scarf which looked uncomfortable but warm, with the words “West County Wolves” clearly written in yellow against the dark blue. A small dog rested against his thigh and looked skinny and sickly, but seemed to give the man comfort, something to keep him alive for. His face was forlorn and tired, but still had a youthful glint to his eye, a glint of hope. Johnny had noticed this man down the street, and noticed how he had been trodden over like the crap that he was seen as strewn across the sidewalk, not a single person had acknowledged him, nor had even made eye contact, they were disgusted by him. But Johnny, he was different. The lights turned red and the jam of people shifted as they crossed the street, Johnny knelt down, putting his bags to one side and offered his hand to that of the homeless man, the man opened his hand and held Johnny’s with a bewildered face, but one of hope. Johnny reached into his back pocket and brought out a freshly printed $20 bill which was folded neatly with a few coins of change and pressed it hard into the man’s hand, giving a wonderful white smile to brighten his day.

“Buy some food, something good, like, I don’t know... a pasta dish. Go find somewhere warm and safe and rest. You look tired friend, you don’t deserve this.” Johnny tightened his grip and shook the hand at the same time, before releasing and standing up slowly, picking up his bags and gently walking to the traffic lights. The homeless man stared at his hand, eyes wide and mouth opening.

“Hey Kid!” He yelled with a muffled voice under his scarf, and with a slight cough he stood up. Johnny turned and gave a soft look into his eyes. “God bless you...”

Johnny smiled and walked the street whilst the homeless man looked at him with a wide smile across his thin face, waving franticly at him in excitement. Johnny was pleased he had helped, he was a charitable man, and cared for those he couldn’t themselves. But of course, he was an atheist, so the comment was amusing to him. “God bless you...” he whispered to himself. “What god would allow that man to die?”

As the traffic and swarms of people seemed to dissipate around him, Johnny found himself away from the rush of city life in a side street lined with beautiful old oaks, stretching across the road like to lovers reaching out to embrace. They seemed to wave him in, beckoning him away from the hellish greyness of the main road. The street was still busy, there was no doubt about that, but Johnny’s presence was felt, he seemed to be instantly welcomed in a warm orange glow of the blaring sun. The street was lined with small businesses with bright colourful banners and a lush forest of vegetation, everything from bakeries and patisseries to wedding shops and old cultured bars that contained the life of the city, the true people in the city. Johnny rushed along the side walk, his feet lifted by the slight breeze behind him, pushing him forward and helping him along, almost like his eagerness was felt by nature itself. He found himself next to a high rise apartment block, one of many down the long street which was wide and towered over him like a friendly giant. The doors revolved with a slight hum and the smell of roses wafted gently into his nostrils, stroking the insides, seducing his senses and calming his mind from the bustle of life outside, until he was bumped into by a young woman rushing from the lobby. She turned and shouted with a giggle “Sorry there man, I gotta back to work!” before sprinting away towards the hell Johnny had escaped from. He caught a glimpse of brilliant blonde hair flowing from the back of her head, and wonderful red lips with light blue eyes that enticed and excited. Heart struck, he gasped at the angel that just passed, and couldn’t ignore the ray of sunshine that had blessed him, and knocked his bags to the ground. Picking them up slowly, still staring deeply at the angel, he clambered up the lobby stairs and awkwardly manoeuvred into the revolving door to the warm lobby.

Still shocked, Johnny’s head turned and mouth dropped to a high ceiling with cascading vines from large indoor plants found on a marble balcony above him, obviously there to impress. The rouge walls increased the warmth of the room and squeezed him towards the reception, past the hush of the lobby where people silently brushed past him and rushed to the elevators. Johnny sauntered over to the reception desk with life in fast forward around him, his presence was felt, and a force field of promise sheltered him from hustle of the lobby and guided him towards a pretty young woman with striking blonde hair, almost white as snow in fact. She had a smooth curved face like a heart that welcomed the eye and kept it focused, a keen hazel eye that had a similar effect to Johnny’s but wasn’t overpowering. She looked up and turned in her chair, her short hair whipped across her face and glimmered in the bright reception glare. She was wearing a nice little number, a short red dress with a maroon overcoat, obviously the dress code, but it had flare, it had sex appeal, perfect for sleepy eyes of the day to day commuter. A cute smile and a blush struck her face as their eyes bound in a hold of greeting. “I’ve never seen you here before, can I help you?” Her voice was calm and soft; it singled out Johnny’s ears, and seemed to caress them gently. “I’m new here, just rolled up in a cab and I’ve come for my apartment.” Johnny gazed deeply into her eyes and spoke in a similar friendly tone. “Well then, you’re going to need this,” The girl flicked the keys seductively around her finger before thrusting them at Johnny’s chest, “But first I need your paperwork.” She placed the keys on the desk and shot out her hand for the ruffled pieces of paper situated in Johnny’s scruffy luggage. He reached down with a groan and rummaged around the chasm like bag, he must have brought out everything inside before he found the screwed pieces of paper stuck to the bottom. “Sorry they’re a mess, I was rushed packing this morning.”

“Oh, why so?” The girl asked with a clearly intent face, attempting to keep the conversation running.

“I don’t live locally, in fact I just finished college, and it’s been hell trying to sort everything out in time.”

“I thought you’d finished college, you look like it,”

“Why’s that?”

“Because you’re over confident and you don’t care what people think, attitudes like that here won’t get you far,” She looked up and winked slyly, silencing Johnny with her words. “But I can always be of assistance if you need it that is, plenty of the local college guys have apartments here, and they certainly enjoy having someone to... help around,” She pushed her chest out slightly and began to pout in a way that was rehearsed, like a siren to pull in any unwary traveller in the vast ocean. Johnny was almost fooled, but then the previous comment seemed to break the trance, and with a civil tone he slowly said, “That’s mighty kind of you.” Johnny placed the papers in her hands gently and her eyes skimmed across the page, darting through the vital information. “So... do you live nearby?” With a slight delay the girl at the desk raised her head quickly and responded “Oh yes, I live across the street actually,”

“Across the street eh? Seems quite convenient considering you work here.”

“It was the first thing I could find after finishing college, they snapped me up when they lost their last receptionist, been here a year now.”

“Enjoying it?”

“Well as much as a dumb blonde with no real interest in this city can hope for, it’s a dead end job with little perks and the requirement to smile at every prick that walks in here. But you, you’re different; people like you make my day a little bit more bearable.” She had a deep frown and an obvious disgruntled tone, those of a young hormonal woman stuck in a prison of a job. “And why am I ‘different’?” Queried Johnny with a clear concerned look.

“Oh, because you’re not a fat middle aged man staring at my legs or ass telling me how they remind them of their beautiful young daughter, attempting to find something in common, or ask me out for coffee even though I clearly don’t give a shit.” She dumped the papers on the desk alongside the keys.

“Everything seems to be fine Mr Walker, you’re room number is 34. I hope you have a lovely day.” She gave a sarcastic smile, but giggled at the same time. Johnny picked up everything in a jumble thanked the girl and began to slowly stumble away. “Oh,” he exclaimed “I never caught you’re name.”

“Well,” The girl on the desk softly whispered, “That’s something you’ve got to find out...” She winked again at him, and walked away towards the end of the desk to deal with another impatient resident. As Johnny stumbled towards the elevator, he was puzzled by the interesting humour of the girl at the desk, but really all on his mind was why she was such a complicated bitch.

Still needs editing, etc. But hey what can you do.


Insufficient Data
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hahaha, that last paragraph in Chapter Two was rather funny. In regards to both of the chapters--It's safe to say that you have a really great visual style in your writing. I can immediately imagine the type of setting that the main character is immersed in and that makes for a great story.

Will Chapter Two be the only backstory of the whole novel or will there be a back and forth sort of story between each Chapter? It seems like it's going there. Also, I just want to know why he's an Atheist and why is he somewhat "different" than the rest of the people around him...

I guess that I should just wait for you to finish the Chapters... cautios


Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Hahaha, that last paragraph in Chapter Two was rather funny. In regards to both of the chapters--It's safe to say that you have a really great visual style in your writing. I can immediately imagine the type of setting that the main character is immersed in and that makes for a great story.

Will Chapter Two be the only backstory of the whole novel or will there be a back and forth sort of story between each Chapter? It seems like it's going there. Also, I just want to know why he's an Atheist and why is he somewhat "different" than the rest of the people around him...

I guess that I should just wait for you to finish the Chapters... cautios
I plan to lead on from Chapter 2 to the present day in Chapter 1 (So working from 4 weeks before Chapter 1 to a time somewhat in the future), this is planned to be quick to really emphasise the story line which I will then continue from.

I can't reveal too much, but I based the character on myself and the typical "University Newby" stereotype, where you can be too overconfident for your own good :p (Perhaps a fatal flaw? You'll find out). But you will see what happens throughout the novel, the City will have a large influence on the character/ characters involved.