Surviving Blocks:
Clay - Turns into hardened clay on calm.
Cobblestone – Survives calm.
Cobblestone Slab – Survives calm.
Cobblestone Stairs – Survives calm.
Cobblestone Fences – Survives calm.
Diamond Block – Survives calm and annoyed.
Dirt – Survives calm.
Dispenser – Survives calm.
End stone – Survives calm and annoyed.
Glass – Survives calm.
Gold Block – Survives calm and annoyed.
Gravel – Survives calm.
Hardened Clay- Survives calm.
Iron Bars – Survives calm and annoyed.
Iron Block – Survives calm.
Iron Door: Survives calm and annoyed.
Jukebox – Survives calm.
Lapis lazuli block- Survives calm and annoyed.
Mossy Cobblestone –Survives calm.
Mossy Cobblestone Fence – Survives calm.
Netherrack – Survives calm and annoyed.
Netherbrick Slab – Survives calm.
Netherbrick Stairs – Survives calm and annoyed.
Note Block – Survives calm.
Obsidian – Survives calm and annoyed.
(Sticky) Piston – Survives calm.
Quartz Slab: Survives calm.
Quartz Stairs: Survives calm and annoyed.
Sand – Turns into glass on every mood, which survives calm.
Sandstone – Survives calm. Turns into glass on annoyed and angry.
Snow Block – Survives calm
Stone – Survives calm and annoyed. Slabs survive calm.
TNT- Survives calm. Click here for more info.
Wooden Chest – Survives calm and annoyed.
(Any kind of slabs will melt on Annoyed. Stairs, however, won't, except the wood and cobblestone ones.)
Surviving Blocks:
Bed - Survives all moods.
Diamond Block – Survives calm and annoyed.
End Stone – Survives calm and annoyed.
Iron Bars – Survives calm and annoyed.
Iron Block – Survives calm and annoyed.
Iron Door: Survives calm and annoyed.
Lapis Lazuli block – Survives calm and annoyed. Angry needs testing.
Netherrack – Survives calm and annoyed.
Netherbrick Stairs – Survives calm and annoyed.
Obsidian – Survives calm and annoyed.
Quartz Stairs: Survives calm and annoyed.
Stone – Survives calm and annoyed. Slabs survive calm.
Wooden Chest – Survives calm and annoyed.
Melting Blocks:
Clay- Turns into hardened clay on calm, which melts on annoyed and angry.
Furnace – Melts on annoyed and angry.
Glass – Melts on annoyed and angry.
Hardened clay- Melts on annoyed and angry.
Sand – Turns into glass on all moods, which melts on annoyed and angry.
Sandstone – Turns into glass on annoyed and angry, which melts on annoyed and angry.
Survives all moods:
(all slabs and stairs melt on Angry+)
Coal block -Survives all moods.
Chest - Survives all moods.
Bed - Survives all moods.
Bedrock – Survives all moods.
(Stone) Bricks – Survives all moods.
Enderchest – Survives all moods.
End Portal – Survives all moods.
Glowstone – Survives all moods.
Hay bale- Survives all moods.
Netherbrick – Survives all moods.
Netherbrick Fence – Survives all moods.
Quartz Block – Survives all moods.
Quartz Pillar – Survives all moods.
Redstone Block – Survives all moods.
SoulSand – Survives all moods.
Melts on all moods:
Wooden Button – Melts on all moods.
Stone Button – Melts on all moods.
Carpet - Melts on all moods.
Crafting table – Melts on all moods.
Jack o’ Lantern – Melts on all moods.
Melonblock - Melts on all moods.
Mushroom block (any kind)- Melts on all moods.
Ore – Any kind of ore melts on all moods.
Pressure Plate – Any kind of pressure plate melts on all moods.
Pumpkin –Melts on all moods.
Rails –Melts on all moods.
Redstone Lamp –Melts on all moods.
Redstone Repeater, Dust (Wire), Comparator and Torch – Melts on all moods.
Snow Layer – Melts on all moods.
Sugar Canes- Melts on all moods.
Tripwire (Hook) –Melts on all moods.
Wool – Any kind of wool melts on all moods.
Wooden Door – Melts on all moods.
Wooden Logs –Melts on all moods.
Wooden Planks – Melts on all moods.
Wooden Slab – Melts on all moods.
Wooden Stairs – Melts on all moods.
Wooden Door Melts on all moods.
Wooden Log – Melts on all moods.
Workbench – Melts on all moods.
October 7, 2013
- TNT is proven to be safe on Calm by xXxFruitNinjaxXx.
October 2, 2013
- Mushroom block is proven to melt on all moods by FrenchFanta12.
August 31, 2013
- Removed all text that isn't informative (introduction to the thread, for example)
- Fixed some flaws & typos
August 23, 2013
- Beds are proven to be safe on Angry. Just... ok.
- So are wooden chests! Riiiight. Wooden chests. Yeah, you read it right.
August 22, 2013
- Gravel is confirmed to be safe on calm.
- Apparantly they changed clay and hardened clay some time ago: Clay will turn into hardened clay on calm, but hardened clay melts on Annoyed and angry. Found that out the hard way ;_;.
August 18, 2013
- Hay bale is proven to be safe on Angry, thanks to Tails506
August 13, 2013
- Rewrote a few things here and there, made the thread easier to read & understand.
July 28, 2013
- Hardened and Stained Clay and Coal Block has been proven to be safe on Angry, proven by Nomsahoy (ages ago!)
July 12, 2013:
- Anvil has been proven to be safe on calm. Annoyed/Angry needs testing.
July 11, 2013:
- Carpets have been proven to melt on all moods.
- Hay bale and hardened/stained clay has been proven to be safe on calm and annoyed. Angry needs testing.
July 10, 2013:
- Coal block has been proven to be safe on both calm and annoyed. Not sure about angry yet, will test as soon as I'm playing one.
- Removed "old list" as it served no purpose anyway.
July 9, 2013:
- End stone has been proven to melt on Angry. (thanks to nomsahoy!)
July 3, 2013:
- Huge update, fixing a few flaws, adding & confirming a few blocks.
- redstone block, gold block, iron block and diamond block have been proven not to melt on Annoyed (thanks to dessern5!)
- lapis block has been proven to not melt on annoyed, even though it was listed as "melts on all moods" for a long time. (thanks to dessern5!)
- Iron door and end stone are proven to be safe on Annoyed (thanks to dess again)
July 2, 2013:
- added sugar canes
May 12, 2013:
- added melonblock
- added changelog
What needs testing?
All kind of metal blocks except redstone block on angry.
Iron door on angry.
Anvil on annoyed/angry
Hay bale on angry
Bookcase on all moods
TNT on annoyed and angry
Thanks for noting that out, but I don't really want to bother a controller for a list. Most of it would need to be confirmed anyway, as most of the players don't believe it unless it happend in the game.
Due to recent testing in an annoyed round of Osiris, our knowledge of certain blocks meltability has increased.
Furnace WILL melt in annoyed
Any slab WILL melt (including netherbrick)
Mossy cobblestone WILL melt on annoyed
Circular stone brick does NOT melt on annoyed
Netherbrick fence will NOT melt on annoyed
Netherbrick will NOT melt on annoyed
Any block made of ores survives Angry, Annoyed, and Calm. This is tested for Gold, Iron, and Lapis. Diamond and Emerald have not been tested, but shouldn't melt.
Any ore block survives Angry, Annoyed, and Calm. This is tested for Gold, Iron, and Lapis. Diamond and Emerald have not been tested, but shouldn't melt.