Well I have recently been noticing more players asking why they couldn't use help and why they couldn't access a list of commands that they could use. That's what this thread is for. I will give a list of each command a player can use and a description of such.
/mvs- This command will teleport you to the spawn of whichever world you are in. This does work in the lobby as well. Helpful times to use this are when your base floods or you are being attacked by a large number of mobs.
/lobby- This will teleport you to the lobby while you're in a map. Helpful times to use this is when you need blocks/items but are inside the map.
/money or /ico (top)- These commands are virtually the same thing. By using this it will show you the current amount of cookies that you have. This is helpful for knowing how far you have until a rank up. /money and /ico top will let you see a top 5 rating of who has the most cookies on the server. Any staff will not be on this list.
/lag-This command will show you the current amount that the server is lagging, helpful when you seem to be lagging bad. That would show if it was you or the server.
More to come on this command as it may be broken/removed.
/lsinfo- This command will show you the mood the the LavaGod is in and what the current map being played is. Helpful for all your building needs and deciding whether or not you want to play it.
/t- This command is completely different than /time. Anyways, this command will show you the round left in a round.
/rules- Self-explanatory show you the server rules.
/me-Allows you to make an emote. In game it would look something like this [M] * Dessern5 Test
/kill- Kills you.
/version- Shows the current server version.
/glist- This command is server wide (all 5) and lets you see who is playing on the other servers and numbers on each.
/ontime (top)- Allows you to check your current session time, your total lifetime server playtime, monthly playtime, and weekly playtime. /ontime top will enable you to see a Top 10 listing of who has the highest lifetime ontime.
/logout- Logs you out of the server and will take you back to the main lobby.
We also do have a system of teleport commands that will take you to designated spots in the lobby.
The first:
/jmf -This command is available to Journeymen+ and will teleport them into the Journeyman's Focus. You must buy it to be able to use this command. The price can be found here.
/dwelling- This command is available to Expert+ and will teleport them into the Expert's Dwelling. You must buy it to be able to use this command. The price can be found here.
/temple-This command is available to Master and Grandmaster, it will teleport them into the Master's temple. You must buy it to be able to use this command. The price can be found here.
If I missed any please let me know!
/mvs- This command will teleport you to the spawn of whichever world you are in. This does work in the lobby as well. Helpful times to use this are when your base floods or you are being attacked by a large number of mobs.
/lobby- This will teleport you to the lobby while you're in a map. Helpful times to use this is when you need blocks/items but are inside the map.
/money or /ico (top)- These commands are virtually the same thing. By using this it will show you the current amount of cookies that you have. This is helpful for knowing how far you have until a rank up. /money and /ico top will let you see a top 5 rating of who has the most cookies on the server. Any staff will not be on this list.
/lag-This command will show you the current amount that the server is lagging, helpful when you seem to be lagging bad. That would show if it was you or the server.
More to come on this command as it may be broken/removed.
/lsinfo- This command will show you the mood the the LavaGod is in and what the current map being played is. Helpful for all your building needs and deciding whether or not you want to play it.
/t- This command is completely different than /time. Anyways, this command will show you the round left in a round.
/rules- Self-explanatory show you the server rules.
/me-Allows you to make an emote. In game it would look something like this [M] * Dessern5 Test
/kill- Kills you.
/version- Shows the current server version.
/glist- This command is server wide (all 5) and lets you see who is playing on the other servers and numbers on each.
/ontime (top)- Allows you to check your current session time, your total lifetime server playtime, monthly playtime, and weekly playtime. /ontime top will enable you to see a Top 10 listing of who has the highest lifetime ontime.
/logout- Logs you out of the server and will take you back to the main lobby.
We also do have a system of teleport commands that will take you to designated spots in the lobby.
The first:
/jmf -This command is available to Journeymen+ and will teleport them into the Journeyman's Focus. You must buy it to be able to use this command. The price can be found here.
/dwelling- This command is available to Expert+ and will teleport them into the Expert's Dwelling. You must buy it to be able to use this command. The price can be found here.
/temple-This command is available to Master and Grandmaster, it will teleport them into the Master's temple. You must buy it to be able to use this command. The price can be found here.
If I missed any please let me know!