Guardians of the Elements


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
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First Report C:

The baby was too deep in her sickness to live, letting her live would be like a torture for the parents, I'll have to say die, I'm sorry. We really need a guardian of Fauna and Flora! I can't look after all of them on my own. Today, a deer foal died because I couldn't get there on time, and a forest burned down. Also, some men are planning to cut down some trees, which could cause many animals to lose their homes, this is all so hard to deal with on my own. I'm going into highschool now, so it will be even harder! We need some more guardians, stat!

Reported, Toiletprincess.

gay vampire

Little Miss Organs
Sep 24, 2011
Reaction score
Kylieanna's Report.

I had heard that three men went cold and shivering each night because every time they tried to make a campfire it wouldn't start. I believe this is due to it being very windy at night. As I had gotten there, one had come down with a sickness, so I will ask the Guardian of Life to cure it. I used a little bit of my energy to start up the fire. The men jumped in surprise and got closer. I am inside every flame; every spark of fire, every campfire. I can watch from all this. My flames are eager to burn on, but I will need the help of a Guardian of Water to stop them from burning forests, homes, and people's hopes. While I was watching from the forest fire, I saw a bunny barely hop out of the fire, badly burnt. It had escaped, but it was badly wounded. I ask the Guardian of Life to help that bunny. I also saw a bird get too close and drop to the ground, alive, but with a couple of broken bones. (I would suggest a Guardian of Humanity to make sure humans don't cut down the forests and stuff.)The days are getting colder and colder, and I can't help everyone make a fire, so I ask the Guardian of Sky to make it sunny for a day or more.


Today, I went to my kingdom. Well, actually it's not quite mine, but I live in it and work a lot. Walking through the town I smell many different kinda of foods cooking, it's wonderful here in Bloodstone. Though, being the Bubblegum Guardian I am.. I don't get along with people who tell me what to do, so I have some problems with some people. I've decided to start a rebellion with my fellow residents, should work out nicely if it goes as planned. We had a rollback last night, which means things didn't go as planned and we lost many things, so our workers worked extra hard. After reporting to the Guild Masters I decided to head for Marnixxie's home, I traveled day and night to find this lost home, when I finally found it.. I died. *Ragequit* My bubblegum powers don't do much, except give people something to chew on, literally. Off to Zombies. \o
That concludes my report for today.


Ghast Hunter
Aug 6, 2011
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It's interesting, watching zombies roam around. I only picked to be the Guardian of these creatures because I prefer my solitude. I always figured if I picked any other position the people I was protecting would just get in my way.

But as I said before, it's interesting to watch zombies because they learn. When I started all they could do was crawl around, but now some can walk, some can run, and others can even talk short phrases. It's startling how much creatures can learn, even if their diet consists of the very thing that helps them do that.

Like usual, however, the war between zombies and humans rages on. In short bursts, but never a full fledged war anymore. We've come to that compromise. Even so, there's never a day goes by there are at least a dozen reports of my people crossing the border for some fresh snacks. Those humans have a cure, so they can easily just become humans again, given there's still some of their brain left. Everywhere is attacked, night and day; subways, railroads, insane asylums, military bases, and even small towns.

It used to be so much easier to control the zombies because there wasn't very many of them. Now there's a massive amount of them living on a predetermined mass of land too small for everyone, which is forcing the dumber and newer zombies to seek food and shelter outside of our territory. As you may have guessed, the humans are the ones breathing down my neck the most about this, but I don't exactly know what to do.


Jun 24, 2012
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Flying, In The Sky, Today, I see not much, just a sky all blue, and down below I see rivers/lakes all dried up. There Has To Be a Guardian Of Clouds and Guardian Of Rivers/Waterfalls... For Now, Day 1 Just Spinning In The Sky.
I'm really concerned about the food and water for humanity. Anyway Today I decide To Visit, The Guardians, Toilet And Fali.

We Talk for about... 30 mins or so. After That We Each Go Outside and start spawning birds. (Life+Sky+Flight=Birds) The colours of the birds are amazing, theres, a whole variety of colours.
I think to myself, what about the other Guardians? What Are They doin'? I shall Visit them soon.

Anyway Tomorrow, I shall seek out with my bird-ie friends and find, a large landmass which is fulled with tree's enough for the mating season nests.

-Peace Out- Day 1 Of My Report.


The Eternal Dinosaur
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
Day 2

I'm sorry to say that the bird cannot survive. The bird will be eaten by predators such as feral cats, foxes etc. This is because I cannot mend so many wounds, for an animal as small as a bird, as much as it breaks my heart. This bird is the part of a large ecosystem and I cannot disrupt that. As for the bunny, he WILL survive. Even though the burns are bad, the wounds will mend in time and he just needs some tlc from his family.

I agree, the amount of colours the birds produced was simply breathtaking. And, I need help from Awwwyea for this situation: Yes, the zombies are growing smarter, so smart infact, they have started zombifying some of my beloved animals. I can not let this go on for long, it will disrupt the whole ecosytem of our world if this spreads.

Kylieanna Because there are no water gods, many of forests are burning. I'd like to ask you if you could stop atleast afew of them, this is ruining many animals homes and, as you would know, the nature in them, the trees, are vital to all life on earth to survive. And I'm glad to report that the man who came down with this sickness will live, as his sickness is not dire and it should cure soon, for I have thrown some soothing herbs in your fire which should surely help the man on his way to health.

That concludes my report for today.


Oct 20, 2012
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I am really panicking. We need a Guardian of Water, Guardian of Rain, whatever, we need either one STAT! I have been reading the Hunger Games, and thought it would be cool to make jabberjays with Toilet and Blab. And then, maybe we could have a Guardian of Love and then mate mockingbirds and jabberjays together and then MOCKINGJAYS! That would be really awesome, by the way, we should tag other people to get here and see if they want to try. I'll start:
mintie9 masternico012345 Zombie_Boss_1
Toiletprincess, the forest will be fine. The men said the project is cancelled due to lots of citizen's objections.


Oct 20, 2012
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You know, you're stealing a quote from Little Inferno. Little Infernoooo Just For meeeeeee <- Most freakish ad ever made. But still, Sugar Plumps was very smart at making people think she was dead when she was ON VACATION AT THE BEACH. And now, here is my report.

Recently, I haven't showered (no seriously) because for some reason the water isn't running (that's a lie, I'm just too lazy). We really need a BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH- O_O WHAT THE HENS HAPPENED?! Sorry, I'm too lazy to delete what my older brother typed in. Anyways, recently there has been a solar eclipse- At the wrong time, at the wrong place. Maybe we need to suggest a new type of Guardian? I'm not sure who would control Sun, Moon, Eclipse though :/

That concludes my report. And now, let us tag random people for our amusement.
copycat16 LordJ Sploorky

gay vampire

Little Miss Organs
Sep 24, 2011
Reaction score
Can you try not to tag random people for your amusement? It can annoy some people.

I've been stopping some of the fires, but there are much more that are too eager to burn and too fast for me to control. The nights are getting warmer but they're still cold, but it's no longer windy, so people have been able to make campfires. Those who don't know how are learning, and I've been helping more people making campfires. It's been getting very cloudy lately, and it's been getting so cloudy and foggy that no one can see anything, as the clouds block out the sun. The solar eclipse is also making it worse.


Ghast Hunter
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I sent a negotiator to the humans to chat regarding the problem. I proposed the idea that they could supply my people with the brains of their dead, as it could help calm the need to leave our territory for food. I was listening in via a microphone. I heard gunfire soon after the idea was proposed. I guess humans consider it immoral. However, they had no right to kill one of my own. If they want war, they shall have it.

This will easily solve my problem with Toiletprincess so long as I turn my people's diet towards the humans, they won't go off killing animals.


Oct 20, 2012
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@Awwyea, I don't exactly understand whatnyou said. Er, can you make it a bit easier to understand? Thanks.
Kylieanna, I don't do it just for fun. I was hoping one of them would want to have one of the positions to make all of our lives easier. Anyways, report time!

Recently, me, Toilet and Blab have been spawning birds, again. We also decided to try out those jabberjays that we read about in the books and watched in the movies. Aksu has returned from his coma in Lava, so I shall tag him to see if he's interested after this. Kylie, Blab and the rest of the guardians have been doing a good job, however it's still hard to handle, so keep tagging, because that's why we're doing it in the first place.

Anyways, time for the candidates!
Aksu IamGreg07 aaaand I can't think of any more. Anyways, we need more guardians...


Day 2.
It's the end of the day, my eyes are heavy and it's hard to keep them open, sleeping is a must. This week, we lead of rebellion, we're building something new, faster, bigger, nicer. There are many people joining us, which is a plus and we're all having fun. I'm beginning to think, maybe.. Just maybe there is a way to make these people more happy besides letting them chew my hair. Bubblegum Guardian, bubbly, happy.. I think happiness is one of my traits! I wonder if I can spread joy and pink across the lands! I could also... just turn the whole world into bubblegum.. but that would require quite a hair cut... I can't think much, it's too early in the morning and time to shut my eyes, good-day fellow Guardians! Bubblegum, awaayyyy!


Jun 3, 2012
Reaction score
Water report:
We are getting low on our drinking water. I had a look at the main river and noticed that it was drying up. The rain hasn't fallen in a while. I'm very sleepy as well. It's twilight, for goodness sake. Oh Guardian of Rain, do make it rain soon, or we'll have no water!

(How wassat? I think it's poor and a little OOC D:)