Alright, I got this idea in Lava. There was a hacker that hacked the Lava Server and IRC. We were all panicked because everyone was busy, so I made a little altar with leaves, water and a tree. I knew it wasn't going to work, but I decided to make it to pass the time. Soon enough after he was kicked, this is the result. SO, we are going to see who shall be our server Guardians! I've already got myself a position, and so did Shocker. So let us see what we've got...
Guardian of Life : Toiletprincess
Guardian of Nature/Forest : (undecided)
Guardian of Flora : (undecided)
Guardian of Fauna :
Guardian of Destruction :
Guardian of Flames :
Guardian of Explosives : (undecided)
Guardian of Creepers : Shocker6666 (He has yet to have an account)
Guardian of Skeletons :
Guardian of Zombies :
Guardian of Death:
Guardian of Endermen : (undecided)
Guardian of Sky :
Faliara (me)
Guardian of Flight :
Guardian of Clouds : (undecided, but probably Cloud, if he has an account. I dun know yet, I'll check after this)
Guardian of Water :
Guardian of Rain :
Guardian of Mountains : (undecided)
Guardian of Waterfalls : (undecided)
Guardian of Rivers, ponds and lakes : (undecided)
Guardian of the sea and the ocean : (undecided)
Guardian of Music : (undecided)
Guardian of Pop : (undecided)
Guardian of Classics : (undecided)
Guardian of Operas : (undecided)
Guardian of Vocaloids :
Guardian of Reading : (undecided)
Guardian of Writing :
Guardian of Drawing : (undecided)
I keep getting new ideas :/
[Guardian of Electricity :
Guardian of Technology : (undecided)
Guardian of Bubblegum :
DarkHender. Definitely.
Guardian of Chocolate:
Guardian of Vanilla : (undecided)
Guardian of Cookies 'n' Cream : (undecided, hurry up, I want my ice cream.)
Guardian of Purification : (undecided)
Guardian of Corruption : (undecided)
Guardian of Heaven: :
Guardian of Hell : (undecided)
Guardian of the Banned :
Guardian of Colours : (undecided)
Guardian of Black and White : (undecided)
Guardian of Angels :
Guardian of Devils :
Dio4344 (sorry for the late notice, I didn't know how to spell your name properly.)
I thought these ones up myself

Guardian of Light : (undecided)
Guardian of Darkness : (undecided)
If you wish for a position, just ask. Then I will wait for 3 days. If no one else asks, you get it. If someone else wants it too, people will vote by rating positive or negative.I will wait for another 3 days. Whoever gets more positive ratings will get the position. By the way, You aren't just gonna get the position and that's it. You will also report if you had a fight with another guardian, saw this, saw that, you did your job by doing this, etc. Well, bye!~
Alright, yesterday I had to go somewhere and had to stop early. So what else I wanted to say was the best way to say it is by doing stories. That's how you report. As I said earlier, it's not just getting the postion and that's it. This is pretty much like Stories of Blocktopia Academy, except you don't get asked, if you are a Guardian you don't have a choice. If you don't report in a month, you will lose your position, and the vote for it will begin again. If you still want to keep the position, you will have to ask all over again.
The clock is ticking. Blab and Yea have already asked, and Toilet is thinking about it.
-Update 2-
Nearly forgot this one as well, if you get an idea for a new type of Guardian, tell me. And if you want to be that very Guardian you suggested, you get the postion straight. I think I'm done now, I'll tell you more if there is more.
-Update 3-
If I owe someone something, like xgen or the person that banned the hacker (I forgot who it was) I'll give the position straight. I don't know if there is any more, I will tell if there is.
-Update 4-
Right, now I made a new change. By that, I mean put that little tag thingy on people's names. I only did it so it can be a shortcut towards that user. Sorry if it annoyed you ;-; Also, when I'm not lazy I'll put more colour.
-Update 5-
I just posted about the new coupon stalls at Page 8. Please read about it.