Darky likes drawing

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So mostly, I enjoy doodling in school and at home.
Beware, these are alot of spoilers :x
Here is a few things I drew while I was in my science class.

You can barely see the names thanks for my horrible ipod quality.
If you are willing to turn your head to see, the first is a hippo at the top "My little Hippo" Marnixxie Below it is a Walrus "My little Walrus" Deadl0ck The man in the corner with the handsome face and adorable round body is ansoro2112 :p The puppy is Cocoa Jeff0521 the one in jail is Mach9824, he's the stick figure surrounded by bars near the top. Then a PB drawing and a mushroom \o/
Damn quality.
A drawing I did a few months ago when I had long hair
And then a painting of Bubblegum, Marcy, Beemo with Finn's sock, Flame princess and LSP
Jeff0521 And Cocoa

Drawing/shading Cocoa was a but ;-;
Umbreon for Dessern5

first time trying to draw Umbreon


Mach9824 theres your 'handsome' picture.

Marvelfan01 It was hard to take your request..seriously but here.

Flameprincess head/hair the runners body, little boys shirt and your avatars cane and eye stuff.
xgen96 Hatsune Miku (drawn in about 5-10 mins, sorry)
Jolteon42 Your sunflower. c:

Sploorky lookin' fresh
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