Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, released in Japan as Gyakuten Saiban Yomigaeru Gyakuten, is an adventure video game published and developed by Capcom in Japan, North America and Europe, and published by Nintendo in Australia. It was first released as Gyakuten Saiban in Japan exclusively for the Gameboy Advance in 2001, and was re-released for the Nintendo DS as an enhanced remake in 2005 with touchscreen support, microphone support, and exclusive content. The second game is Phoenix Wright: Justice for All and the third game is Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations which concluded Maya's arc. Apollo Justice is a new protagonist in the fourth game of the series whichis Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. There is also a spin off called Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations. All the games were localized except for the sequel of AAI spin off.
Also, a fifth game is in the works, which is
And the awesome theme