One Year Anniversary


Aug 27, 2011
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This time last year, Army of Darkness had only very recently emerged. After it's initial release on the 19th February, the 24th was the date of the first meeting.

Much has changed. Maps have come and gone, staff have changed and to an extent, the gameplay itself has transformed. I am sure many of you remember the glorious days of anti-camp and running from overpowered survivors in diamond gear, as well as of course, respawning in the same spot.

I decided to go through the server logs, and find the first recorded words. Why not, right? From what I see, the first words (That remain in the logs) were:

2012-02-09 19:41:59 [INFO] <GmK> test
2012-02-09 19:42:02 [INFO] <GmK> hai

So there you have it. GmK likes to speak to himself.

So now it is time for a few thank yous. Of course, the first person that I am going to thank is LISTINGS09. Without his work, the server would never have existed. He has put in consistent and extremely speedy work to keep AoD running.

Next on the list is GmK. He has put a great deal of effort into keeping the server running, aiding incompe-I mean, completely competent directors when major issues emerge (<3).

Another key part of Army of Darkness is the staff, both past and present. Without anyone staffing the server you would be joining a server filled with spam and profanities. Nobody wants that. This also includes a thank you to both Iguana and UltimateBudgie. You may have resigned quite a while ago, but many changes made by you are still in place today. You kept the server running and healthy, sometimes stopping to add a few updates on the way. I know I am certainly grateful for the work you did. It isn't easy!

But at the end of the day. Where would we be with no players? In a server graveyard, is the simple answer. The support and donations that we receive is what keeps AoD going. Without you, we would have very few maps indeed! Thank you all.

Credit also goes to TheQube, for providing the handsome anniversary image.

Competition Time:
So now is the time for rewards. Simply post on this thread with anything to do with AoD. Be it a screenshot, drawing or a short story, I don't mind! In doing so, you will have the chance to win 1 of 5 Mojam Humble Bundle codes that I will be giving away. (Spare me the "omg the games suck".) You will have a week to do so, after which the best posts shall be chosen.

AoD is standing the test of time and is (what I consider to be) the Premium Server to have gone the longest with no major changes. Stay awesome AoD players and staff.

Celebrations will be going on over the next week, so why not pop in and see if anything fun is going on! I do urge you give great thanks to those mentioned, as they really are quite fantastic!

Here's to a second year!


Leafy Op
Oct 13, 2012
Reaction score
Army of Darkness was the second Blocktopia server I went on, after A&T. I have stayed with it since the time I started playing, which was nearly 5 months ago. I have swayed between active and inactive, but never truly left. Since I have started, I have nearly 4 days of playtime, and a trial on a staff rank. This is further than I ever expected to get, so I thank all who helped build AoD to what it is now.
and no, this isn't for the competition


The Rising Star
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
I remember the first time I went on AoD. I had never played premium before, and was confused as heck. I promptly stabbed Later_Gator to death, and then promptly learned he was on my team. Fun times, because everything has been uphill from there :D


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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Happy Birthday, AoD!

When it was out I was like: O.O A Premium Zombies :D
It was the time, when Prim was dying - too many bugs and losing stability (kaboom Prim!).
Now AoD is fun PvP server, where you can run or fight. (On JtE you don't have to run or fight :p)
Its my second favorite server, behind JtE.


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
So happy AoD has survived this long - the only server since Primordia to temporarily revive my Minecraft interests whatsoever. It was a good time staffing(ohgodpumpkinswerebrokenstressfullashellstophittingthesameteamSTAHP) and maybe I'll come back one day.
Here's the sad thing: According to my computer I've never taken a screenshot of AoD - however when I have more time I will look through the actual screenshot folder.
EDIT: I have taken a few screenshots, but Tinypic banned my school's IP for misuse (dafuq?) so I'll post one or two on Fri. instead.


Ain't afraid of no ghost
Aug 6, 2011
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Can't believe it's been a year already!! I can't say anything different to Baker, much thanks to everyone who has given AoD some of their time (and money!). I hope you continue to enjoy the server, or if you've not played it yet, go give it a try! :)

Here is a video of Raiz doing his stuff, it was recorded shortly after the server went live.


Apr 14, 2012
Reaction score
Ahhh, that day i truly enjoyed AoD. the map was a big billiard table (i think it was made by guinessis) i had no idea what i was doing. But all the humans had like diamond armor with lots of stuff, I just went crazy and hit everyone i saw. I ended falling in a hole with lava and waiting a LOOOONG time to die due to my armor....Ahhhhh AoD ;_;