Spencer725's Operator Application


Dec 10, 2011
Reaction score
IGN: Spencer725

Time-zone: GMT+/-0:00

How much time will you be able to spend staffing the server each day? I'll be able to spend around 4 to 8 hours on the server each day. On weekdays I'll mostly be online during the evenings but I can also come online for a few hours in the mornings if I'm not busy. On weekends I should be free all day.

What do you think the responsibilities of an operator are on this server? I believe the responsibilities of an operator are to ensure that every players experience on the server is kept to a high standard. To make sure everyone follows the rules and that any rule breakers are swiftly taken care of. But it's not just the role of enforcing the rules but also to be kind and helpful to other players that may need help with building or answering any questions they may have.

What sets you apart from other applicants? I've been playing Minecraft for a long time now and have experienced a lot with dealing with rule breakers and helping other players as I used to be an op on a different server. I generally try to be as helpful as I can towards players because I get great satisfaction knowing I've made someone else's experience better. I dislike seeing other players in distress, usually when a griefer or troll comes online, so I like to see that they're dealt with by either warning, kicking or banning them to ensure everyone can continue enjoying themselves.

What do you believe your greatest weaknesses are as a player and/or staff member? The only thing that comes to mind really is time management. At times I don't plan ahead or organise my time very well, then find several hours have gone past and I've not done much. It's something I'm working as I want to spend more time doing the things I enjoy.

How would you approach a problem that you are unfamiliar with? I would first try to approach the problem myself and see if I can solve it. Otherwise I would ask another member of staff that is more experienced to help. If no other operators or vetops are online I'd ping a controller or director for help.

References: Bram13, Forseti.


The Presiding One
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
With the application itself, I really don't see any problems at all with it. Nicely done, and great job on getting two references as well. I don't have anything else to comment on.

Now, about you: holy mackerel, you are one of the most mature/nicest people that I've seen on the server (or maybe even ever)! I see you helping others, and I can tell you have strong dedication. Why wouldn't you be a grandmaster if you didn't care about the server? You shine brighter than that darn armor you're always in, and you'd make an excellent operator. And I really mean that.

I'm glad you considered it when I asked if you've ever thought about applying a few days ago, but I hope you don't have other priorities that could hinder your activity. Your activity now is great, however, even for our timezone difference. Speaking of the timezone, I'm glad you aren't in any from PST to EST, too, just like Bram. There's absolutely no reason for you not to be a staff member.

Not only all of the above, but you have past experience/knowledge in classic lava (if I'm not mistaken... and your sig says you're a master anyways) AND the community itself, of course, which is yet another plus.

+1, obviously. I don't play around with references either. x)


The UmbreOp
Oct 4, 2011
Reaction score
With the application itself, I really don't see any problems at all with it. Nicely done, and great job on getting two references as well. I don't have anything else to comment on.

Now, about you: holy mackerel, you are one of the most mature/nicest people that I've seen on the server (or maybe even ever)! I see you helping others, and I can tell you have strong dedication. Why wouldn't you be a grandmaster if you didn't care about the server? You shine brighter than that darn armor you're always in, and you'd make an excellent operator. And I really mean that.

I'm glad you considered it when I asked if you've ever thought about applying a few days ago, but I hope you don't have other priorities that could hinder your activity. Your activity now is great, however, even for our timezone difference. Speaking of the timezone, I'm glad you aren't in any from PST to EST, too, just like Bram. There's absolutely no reason for you not to be a staff member.

Not only all of the above, but you have past experience/knowledge in classic lava (if I'm not mistaken... and your sig says you're a master anyways) AND the community itself, of course, which is yet another plus.

+1, obviously. I don't play around with references either. x)
Pretty much this.



Yup, I agree with the others. You are a very nice and helpful player. I remember, when you asked me if I would apply for operator, you should be the one getting operator. And look now! You're getting a big +1 from me!