War Thunder
"Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;...
Put out my hand and touched the face of god"
War Thunder is the free to play brainchild of Gaijin Entertainment and, current in testing phase. A multiplayer combat flight simulator with planes ranging from pre-World War II to early Korean War, players fight it out in squadrons to both bomb land units, torpedo sea units, take control of airfields and generally tear the seven hells out of eachothers team. With players free to pick from American, German, British, Soviet and Japanese planes it offers the chance to give a patriotic middle finger to your enemies..
So How Do I get it?
IMPORTANT: If you plan to attend, it is highly advised you play the tutorial missions first and unlock some planes. The planes you initially get are pre-WWII bi-planes and don't match well against monoplanes.
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