I think most people here hate rollercoasters.
Oh gosh, I remember when I was younger I loved Rollercoasters and extreme rides...
(Oh, that wonderful state of innocence of the youth)
But like... Now that I've actually been able to get enough money to actually go as a more mature person...
Oh my gosh, seriously, I got so freaked out by even the most simplest of rollercoasters; even the smaller ferris wheels gave me some anxiety... Especially with a few cousins talking constantly of people who died due to Rollercoaster accidents... >_>
But... I think I've actually come to love or enjoy the majority of rollercoasters, but I still will never set foot on an Extreme ride at least so far into the future.
I'm also the opposite of claustrophobia, which is Agoraphobia. I love small places (Their fantastic! :D) and small rooms, it makes me feel cozy and I can cuddle up and such(though small places tend to get REALLY hot), and lets my OCD and neatness side remain kind of in-check. Open-spaces always make me uneasy and vulnerable.
Other Anxieties...
- I don't know if this an anxiety or not (But I think it is, and I think it's similar to what Malco said), but whenever I'm walking down a street, I always hate walking across the road when I need to cross, cause I always feel like I'm doing something wrong, cause it's really... actually yeah, inconveniencing the drivers, so I kind of always just RUN across whatever street or crosswalk to allow them to start driving again quicker...
I swear that's going to be the end of me someday. 
Seriously, It always... kind of feels like someone's eyes are always being bored into my back, and it always raises the hairs on my neck. It constantly makes me worry and it makes it feel like I'm going to mess up or something terrible's going to happen (foreboding), and generally, I just can't think straight the majority of the time and it makes me frustrated.
- Hate Bee's. Don't care whether they're just minding their own business or not. Staying still doesn't work, cause even then they'll just fly into your head on accident and send like, 10 of them after you! Please keep them away from me.
- Kylie sums it up perfectly for me.
For some reason, I get really anxious/embarrassed when someone in a TV show(I added this)/movie does something they'll regret/get told off for doing/embarrass themselves. It makes it hard to watch some parts of movies for me, and I always just feel like going upstairs or hiding behind the couch.
- Generally--- Just the future. I always see people everyday or things in the news of their jobs and success and politics and history and college and LIFE and--- Ugh! Whenever it comes up I just want to run, far, far away, because I feel I can't comprehend it or something, like I'm not prepared or I'll just fall flat on my face, and because of that, I guess I let my lazy and procrastinator side take over constantly. It feels like their a sheer brick wall in my face.