Coming from a support, Karma pretty much got nerfed
in my opinion.
Yeah, I hear everyone thinks shes op, and she is because of her new skillset. She finally has a skillshot, her slow finally does SOMETHING, and there are so many opportunities to kick some ass.
Now why I think she suxs major bubberduckies:
Her shield ratio is like, .5 instead of .8. The one thing I adored about her was this shield. I wasn't worried about doing damage, but keeping my team members alive. In order to balance out her shield, Riot added movement speed instead of solid shield. That's what her spirit bond was for, for getting teammates out of situations/into them.
Another thing is her mantra charges. Its gone. Its dead. 1 charge is all I get. And her Low Health > AP passive? Its devoted to the CDR on her mantra.
As a AP mid, shes pretty flawless, the amount of utility integrated into her skills + the damage is just awesome.
As a support, she still needs cs and now (to my knowledge :OOO) cant even heal her lane partner.
Time to play Janna! At least her shield is a .9 ration and functions better overall as a support.
again, this is my opinion, I encourage debate, but don't be like lol dislike. Im just mad