Your Story on how you found Blocktopia.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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My old online community of friends (who I'm still in touch with) invited me one day to play Minecraft.
After playing on a simple build server for a few days, they showed me Blocktopia Zombies. From there I took it upon myself to explore the community forums and such, and later joined the rest of the servers :3


Nov 5, 2012
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It was October/November 2010, and my end-of-years had finished. I was bored, and that was when my best friend introduced me to to Minecraft and a game where you had to run away from zombies. It sounded pretty interesting, so I was like,"Why not?" I first played this server called Stormcom FB before deciding to play Blocktopia c: Pretty good memories.


Supermegauber Foxy Fox!
Aug 6, 2011
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So I just knew about minecraft, then I saw that it had a free version (classic) so first I went through the freebuilds and stuff, it was interesting then I went through the classic server list, went to Blocktopia Lava Survival (cause it was full!), then the first thing I said was "how to play?" then ColorWar started answering stuff this and that, and that's where everything started. Back then beta was slowly going up, we only had SMP and CMP server.


Dec 10, 2011
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Well I first found out about Minecraft in September 2010 during a session at college. A friend there started hosting a Classic server for the class so I registered an account for it. Later on that month he took the server down without notice so I started browsing random servers looking for another one to play. I found a server called Neil's Server, which had both a classic server and a premium one, which I played on for the next 2 and a half years. During the first few days on this server I was still looking through other classic servers.

I eventually came across the Classic Lava survival server sometime between September 2010 and December 2010 and played on and off. Even after finding the Lava server I didn't play it too much. In the other community I met jolasveinn , who had just been promoted to op on Classic Zombie, and asked me to try the other servers. I then registered on the forums in December 2010.

I first started playing on an account called Vaaault, which didn't last long. Due to not liking the name I switched to Vault93 in March 2011 and ranked up to Master. Then in July 2012 I switched to the account I'm using now and started playing and being active again in December 2012.


Sep 24, 2011
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The old community I loved closed, I tried to join several other communities but they always closed due to the lack of funds and donations. However, I saw that this community was still alive so I was like: "What the heck! Why do I search for shitty communities when I have a awesome one right in front of me?" That day I connected to Blocktopia TeamSpeak for the first time of my life and I met GearZX and we talked about trolls.
You enjoyed... his company? >.>


Was scrolling through servers after my main server messed me over.
Saw zombie survival in a lot of places, it sounded dumb because of those zombie NPC blocks you can make in classic so I scrolled passed and went to lava (blocktopia of course)
I wasn't thrilled on it so I decided maybe running away from those NPC's might be fun. Oh was I confused when I logged onto our zombie server XD
Aug 24, 2011
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So, I believe it was a November day, in 2010, I was watching YouTube, and stumbled across a video describing what Minecraft was, I was playing, all fine and dandy, and for a few months I had strolled around different servers, until finding a different zombie survival server. Then one day I was looking for that and found Blocktopia, and it was love at first play :)


The Presiding One
Aug 6, 2011
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Oh boy...

One online friend constantly talked about a game called Infiniminer and how everyone should play it, etc. This was back in December 2009, and he was right; I had a hell of a time, especially when we actually had our own little lava survival.. go figure! There was literally only one server, which had a max of 10 players at once, and I asked why such a great game was missing players. The answer I got from everyone? Minecraft.

When I went to check it out, in January of 2010, I constantly tried loading classic servers only to get the same error over and over, I think regarding lwjgl.jar. I believe Google never gave me a solution either, or I just never even bothered to search it.

Skip ahead to June 2010, and.. well, this might sound bad, but I went on the /v/ section (video games) of 4chan. Honestly, if you know what that is, you'll think I could've been a bad guy, but all I did was look around for video games I liked and never posted. Ever. Anyways, Minecraft was very popular there, and this time I actually realized the "premium" (back then it was infdev, which came before alpha) rather than classic.

There were endless threads about it there, and they all seemed so amazing. Sadly, I can't buy anything online, so I had to use a public account to play. Once the password was changed, I convinced my mom to buy some card that lets you get PayPal money so I could get my own account.

...I can't really remember how this comes into play with classic, though, but I'll say what I do remember about actually stumbling upon a server from TheOne's. When I first played classic, I joined a server called "Just another Minecraft server." There was a fairly large building I saw, and when I noticed a problem, I modified it a bit, then started changing too many minor things and got yelled at by some staff member. Long story short, I disagreed with him and he was so strict that I got offended, the actual server owner (and server itself) seemed way too unprofessional and boring since it was just building, so I moved on.

Our old servers had a lot of players, which is why I found them. I think my first server in this community was our "new" lava survival, coded by PixelEater, which was planned to replace our other "old" one. In the end it wasn't out for the public for long.. and I got banned from it.. and we stuck with the "old" one, LISTINGS made updates, etc etc. And I remember breaking a dam in classic lava. No idea.

I played in our actual classic lava for, like, not even 20 total hours and rushed towards applying for trusted (back when Pick Yer Poison was HC/Director) and, with some strange luck, actually got accepted (although my application was up for a week). And here I am now!

One one two

Per aspera ad astra
Aug 30, 2011
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Late 2010/early 2011 I think. Checked Minecraft out after somebody on another forum made a thread about it, played on multiplayer Classic after realizing you needed to pay to buy the full game and that single player Classic was bland, played on a few freebuild servers but didn't do anything memorable, somehow stumbled upon Blocktopia's Lava server, thought it was interesting but not for me, saw Blocktopia's Zombie server in the server listings, thought I should check it out because these Blocktopia guys seem to know what they're doing, liked it, stayed.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Wanted to post my story again but toolazy to rewrite it, so I just quote this from the original original thread.
I was searching for server with an Z, I clicked on a server called [..]'s freebuild with zombies!
Ofcourse those zomebies were just /zombie.
I became addicted, and builded nice castles to defend myself from the /zombies.
I later got a rank there and abused all my power and spammed /zombie everywhere.
But some day the server just didnt show up anymore, so and I was looking for a new server with those zombies.
Then I came past [TheOne's] zombie survival.
I joined there on the map Futurecity. after 1 min of walking around I started screaming:
WHY CANT I BUILD, I CANT BUILD, HELP I CANT BUILD! None to tell me what the game was, then the next round came, and while playing more I understood how the game worked, I got to know people there. They told me about a forum, and I signed up there. Now I am the foolish cat around wich you all love ;3
*it was in the late 2010*


Jun 24, 2012
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My old minecraft server shutdown around mid July 2011, so i was bored and looked for a server. I found Blocktopia Zombie survival and thought it was fun. Logged on played for a month. Then played off/on for 2 years. :)

I do however remember seeing "The Ones" in the old minecraft server lists I think. Just never clicked on it i guess. Or maybe I did before stat update :O


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
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I was watching Youtube one day and found Minecraft in it's alpha form. It looked really cool but I decided not to look into it. Just around the same time I found this video from another channel which basically was some guy bashing on Minecraft because almost his whole inbox said: "Play Minecraft it would be so totes legit cooli-o". A month or so after it just hit me that there was a web address for Minecraft in that video and when I found it I went to the website. That's when I found out Classic was free and played around on a few build servers before gradually becoming bored. So what was I to do but find Jacob's CTF and play that for a while? After Jacob's CTF got boring, or maybe it disappeared, I don't remember; I found the Degnobolig's Lava Survival and I played on that for a really long time and made a lot of frandz like Scartiger who I don't really stay in contact with anymore. (;_;) Not long after Degnobolig's, I joined the Blocktopia Zombie Survival, and while on the server asked for an SMP address where Enceladus pointed me towards during the 1.2 beta Temporary Server where the first person I've ever met in a premium server came in: uhtr5r ... He gave me torches cuz I was scared :D


Self-Aware Forum AI
Aug 6, 2011
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There was similar thread loooong ago:
But last post was August 2012.

My original entry in this thread (August 2011).
I was searching for lava survivals. I found some with adult language and jokes - meh, some were unstable, or always full, or rarely begin on list, then I found Blocktopia Lava Survival, and I was enjoyed this server, except too peaceful lava but Megatron was VERY GOOD as controller, so I wanted him being on every round here..
Then I was searching for other blocktopia servers, and I found Zombie and TNT wars.
and later I registered on forums.
I got Premium 18th August 2011 BTW, noticed Minecraft when it was 1.6.X beta.


Oct 14, 2012
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I found minecraft through a forum, and got addicted to it. I played a bit of classic singleplayer, building little derpy things, then I discovered that there was multiplayer through youtube. I decided to try it out, ended on a server that became my main server for a while, ended up getting op on that server. anyways, that server wasnt 24/7, so when it wasnt up I searched for freebuild servers and stuff, and I ended up finding [Blocktopia] Zombie survival that way. that was arround Dec 2010 or after. I started playing in the other blocktopia servers because I used Ctrl+F to find the server, and found lava survival and boy it was awesome, though I always had a hard time getting on the server, it was always 30/30. I had a long break from multiplayer stuff after the server I used to play went down, because after that I started playing just singleplayer and random servers with irl friends. one day I got premium, that was on october 2012 (Ill have to admit, I used a cracked client, but played mostly SP with it). Oh but I forgot, before I had premium, I started playing on classic servers again, in lava survival, and got crafter arround the first weeks of october 2012. THEN I bought premium and decided to check the forums, and found out about the premium servers. I first logged into BB, to later get builder in november (I first logged in like in Oct 20 or so). the only premium servers I played until december was BB and AoD, and LSMP (Now RoF) but I wasnt attracted to SMP, but then JtE came out and (this is quite recent xP) started playing JtE about 2 weeks after it came out...
That would be it, the rest is too recent :p

PS: Holy snap I wrote a long story