A Mixture of new Forum Features


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Hello all,

just a note on some of the new things I have tried to implement the last days. Not all is done yet, so more stuff will come up.

1. Premium Server OPs / Controllers / Directors now have a ribbon stating the server they're staff on, this should stop any confusion of which server someone is Premium staff for (as requested many times, with a new plugin I was finally able to do this)

1.a The staff page now also lists the premium servers one by one http://blocktopia.net/forum/XenStaff/

1.b Donors now automatically get a ribbon showing they donated. As we never hand out any perks for donating, this at least shows some public appreciation for their support.

2. It now shows the amount of positive ratings in the user box next to each post. It won't show the neutral / negative ratings there, as we don't want people judging other people due to some numbers. If you want to know the amount of neutral / negative ratings someone has handed out and/or received, go to their profile.

2.a New ratings incoming? Who knows!

3. In Conversations / PMs you can now see all the participants already in the Convo list view, and you can see when the participants last read your message (if they read it at all)

4. Birthday Box is back on the forum view sidebar

5. We have a new donation system, that automatically opens / closes donations when the new month comes, shows a visible donation goal bar again, and more. You will see it May 1st ;)

6. You can dismiss the "How to appeal a ban" huge notices in the ban appeal forums. Hover over the notice and click the X in the upper right.

7. Disabled mobile theme (NOT Tapatalk, that still runs and should be your No. 1 choice to browse the forums on any iOS or Android device) as it was outdated and very faulty. Am looking into options for people browsing mostly mobile, as the page is quite resource heavy to load while on small data connections.

8. We moved the "Introduce yourself / say Goodbye" section to Community Central, as it is much more a Community thing than offtopic.

9. Much much backend voodoo. Some things should go much smoother now, other things are way more sexy, and in general things got cleaned out.

Some more things might appear over the next days, but most won't be announced as they have no direct impact on you. As always, please report issues here: http://blocktopia.net/forum/threads/forum-issues-list.158/

Have fun!


GmK, thank you! This is really looking nice x)
The birthday thing makes me excited, I wont miss any birthdays!
Also, new ratings!? omg ^-^
And the new banner for premium ops? omg ^-^
Thank you so much :D


SMP Overlord & Events Manager
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I see that quoting someone who quoted something will show both quotes now.(Quoteception?)
I like it. Correct me if this was already here before =3
Nope, that's new as well indeed ;) Some other things too, you'll see em eventually ^^
I've noticed it now shows the staff online if you go onto the staff page, It may have been there already but I've only just noticed it :p


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
I want to say it, but then if I posted it people would rate it old.

So... I'm very happy that you put the Birthday Box thing there. I've never seen that thing before, it will make it easier to celebrate someone's birthday like that :)

I also hope you were serious about the new ratings. One time, none of the ratings available could suit what I had thought about a post.

I honestly want to suggest a few things as well, but I forgot.

Anyways, I really like it :)


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I want to say it, but then if I posted it people would rate it old.
I'm sad it's come to that for you, that you feel that the people here would instantly rate your post with a negative rating... Although, it's probably true, because I know how some people here can be... :(

I do enjoy most of the updates to the forum so far from today, but I seem to can't find a "What's new?" drop down menu and a drop down menu with my name on it, that drops down personal options, as well as a place to write your status update from anywhere on the forums.

I hope this isn't permanent. D:

Edit: Actually, it's on the toptop of the screen. Feels too far up, in my opinion.