Speech Ideas??????


Jan 21, 2012
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Hey everyone,
Now I know this is a random thing to ask for and your probably thinking "Man he must be STUPID!!" and your right I am stupid that is why......... I have come to greatest place to ask completely off topic random stuff BLOCKTOPIA!!! (Dramatic Music in the background)
My teacher decided Yesterday that she would tell us out of her pure kindness that we had Speeches and 4 days to make one soooooo I thought I would ask for some ideas.
Any ideas are awesome!!

Thanks Guys!!!


Jan 21, 2012
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You should make it about the Mexican Oil Spill! I did!
- Global Warming
- Your favourite writer, director, etc.. (So mine would be Stephen King, or George R.R. Martin).
- A special event. Too many.
Something easy Tommy, dont stress yourself out about the idea!
Thanks Smoggy for your concern Stress has been my killer lately and Theodorre can agree with that.. And thanks for all the suggestions!! So many HHHHMMMMM


Jul 5, 2012
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You should make it about the Mexican Oil Spill! I did!
- Global Warming
- Your favourite writer, director, etc.. (So mine would be Stephen King, or George R.R. Martin).
- A special event. Too many.
Something easy Tommy, dont stress yourself out about the idea!
Thanks Smoggy for your concern Stress has been my killer lately and Theodorre can agree with that.. And thanks for all the suggestions!! So many HHHHMMMMM
No worries! <3


Gay Magician
Aug 6, 2011
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Talking about something you like can be fun, but I tend to lose confidence in my speeches if they happen to be about that, because who wants to know about League of Legends or Homestuck really? So I'd say to get a longer more professional speech out, you might want to go with a recent social issue like some oil spill or anything you can look up for info.


Aug 6, 2011
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Perhaps you can speak about the wisdom that the ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, and Homer gave. You could even speak about Pericles and his view on never being able to please everyone, where as if you speak greatly about something, people will either be happy you did so, or envious. If you downplay something, some will be happy and others will be mad that you never told the story with the fullness it deserved. You can talk about Socratical Ignorance, where the best knowledge is no knowledge; this was discovered by Socrates after meeting with the Delphic Oracle, where this oracle told him he was the wisest because he wasn't the wisest.



The Fail Chipmunk
Jan 1, 2012
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Jan 21, 2012
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because who wants to know about League of Legends

I find the history of the United Nations (including the League) fascinating! I wish someone had done a speech about that back when I was younger, and it was compulsory. :x
Only You would find That interesting Lia ahhhh.... I mean Theodorre =D


Oct 20, 2012
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Hm... You could also write a speech about:

-Family. They're important!
-The use of computers.
-The enviroment.
-Your country's history? (No, that's too boring.)
-How to keep from falling asleep in class! (If you choose this one, please send me your speech.)
-Tell us a story that has many, many teachings, and yet interesting.

and a lot, lot more.


Jan 21, 2012
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Hm... You could also write a speech about:

-Family. They're important!
-The use of computers.
-The enviroment.
-Your country's history? (No, that's too boring.)
-How to keep from falling asleep in class! (If you choose this one, please send me your speech.)
-Tell us a story that has many, many teachings, and yet interesting.

and a lot, lot more.
AWESOME I'M SO GONNA DO IT ON NEW ZEALAND!!! (GAYY) Nah your idea for How to keep from falling asleep in class sounds good!


Aug 5, 2011
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Not so much a great place to 'steal' speeches but perhaps a good idea to look for interesting topics to expand upon.


Ideally because there are a lot of "abstract" speeches at TED , infact if you look at the most viewed speeches they are deal with "inspiration, insight, creativity, motivation".

But realistically, since they're just looking for good speech form regardless of topic. Pick something incredibly interesting to you that's preferably understandable by most audiences (by which i mean. Don't talk about minecraft/games or anything down that route). Personally i think speeches on the environment/global warming have been so done to death that the mere notion puts me to sleep, theres a metric ton of more relevant speech subjects concerning the future of our generation that you could talk about. Short list of easy to write topics

Teaching as a skill unto itself: (The value of enthusiasm & creativity. Theres 101 sources you can quote here, from studies to accounts by famous individuals)

The art of communication: And its value in all walks of life. It's a pity because if you had time i'd direct you to this book

If you want something exciting from your perspective popular routes would probably be

War -
Technological advances in warfare: Drones, robots designed to run on "biofuel" (corpses), etc. Endless field with interesting applications.
Physiological effect of drone piloting: Drone pilots often basically drive to work then drive back home for the day after potentially killing a number of people. Its an odd concept to most.
Modern propaganda: Extensive field, most modern news services tend to put a spin on things and play on public fear in war.
Cyber-warfare: In particular the use of industrial viruses such as stuxnet or the increasing use of cyber-espionage to lower the potential damage of individuals (see operation cupcake always good for a chuckle).

One interesting topic that, i guess you could construct a speech on albeit a little random, something that is aw being discussed recently, was what the world would be like now if it had stayed as a single continent (e.g, Pangaea) as one of the possible suggestions is that due to the lack of ocean divides, all war and cultural difference would have ended fairly shortly compared to modern day leading to a far more technologically advanced society (potentially), and that we would all be of one culture/'grouping' and 'probably' significantly more advanced. There's also the non-discussed areas however like the effect of plague (what would the black death have done if it was one giant continent with no borders?), would religion have suffered the same decline as it has now if only one religion had the potential of dominating the planet? would the lack of war actually hamper our technological progress? etc.


Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Not so much a great place to 'steal' speeches but perhaps a good idea to look for interesting topics to expand upon.


Ideally because there are a lot of "abstract" speeches at TED , infact if you look at the most viewed speeches they are deal with "inspiration, insight, creativity, motivation".

But realistically, since they're just looking for good speech form regardless of topic. Pick something incredibly interesting to you that's preferably understandable by most audiences (by which i mean. Don't talk about minecraft/games or anything down that route). Personally i think speeches on the environment/global warming have been so done to death that the mere notion puts me to sleep, theres a metric ton of more relevant speech subjects concerning the future of our generation that you could talk about. Short list of easy to write topics

Teaching as a skill unto itself: (The value of enthusiasm & creativity. Theres 101 sources you can quote here, from studies to accounts by famous individuals)

The art of communication: And its value in all walks of life. It's a pity because if you had time i'd direct you to this book

If you want something exciting from your perspective popular routes would probably be

War -
Technological advances in warfare: Drones, robots designed to run on "biofuel" (corpses), etc. Endless field with interesting applications.
Physiological effect of drone piloting: Drone pilots often basically drive to work then drive back home for the day after potentially killing a number of people. Its an odd concept to most.
Modern propaganda: Extensive field, most modern news services tend to put a spin on things and play on public fear in war.
Cyber-warfare: In particular the use of industrial viruses such as stuxnet or the increasing use of cyber-espionage to lower the potential damage of individuals (see operation cupcake always good for a chuckle).

One interesting topic that, i guess you could construct a speech on albeit a little random, something that is aw being discussed recently, was what the world would be like now if it had stayed as a single continent (e.g, Pangaea) as one of the possible suggestions is that due to the lack of ocean divides, all war and cultural difference would have ended fairly shortly compared to modern day leading to a far more technologically advanced society (potentially), and that we would all be of one culture/'grouping' and 'probably' significantly more advanced. There's also the non-discussed areas however like the effect of plague (what would the black death have done if it was one giant continent with no borders?), would religion have suffered the same decline as it has now if only one religion had the potential of dominating the planet? would the lack of war actually hamper our technological progress? etc.
I was only joking about doing that speech and yeah I have been on Ted.com in fact I use it allot....... It's really helpful.
Thanks Malcovent


Imperator Romanus Sacer
Aug 6, 2011
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I had to do a persuasive speech recently. We were told we could do it on anything to persuade, but the more obscure and complicated topics would score us more marks. I did mine on a possible returned Soviet Union (not going to go into it - it's political stuff, and even I'm not too sure what to make of it), but really my success in the speech didn't depend a whole lot on the topic.
I think it's more about how the way you twist words and the structure of your speech. It's also about the way you deliver it - if you perform it in a shrill voice, no-one is going to be be persuaded, but if you perform it in a charismatic, powerful, strong voice, a lot more people are going to believe you, even if what you're saying is near to utter nonsense when put together logically.

So, in summary, don't worry too much about the topic - just make sure it's something you're relatively interested in. That enables you to do what matters most better - the structure and actual content of the speech, and how you deliver it.