[POLL] I would like to have discussion about PvP skills in our servers.

How good you are at PvP?

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Pick Yer Poison

is a kid now, is a squid now
Aug 5, 2011
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Have never truely PVP'ed in this community besides AOD but normally to make a good PVP you need a great performing comp. Just how it works, you can't be a good PVP'er if you freeze
Yes uh you do indeed need a computer capable of running the game to play the game.

Things I learned from this post:


Aug 8, 2011
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Let's see, back in 1.7.3, me and lagwarrior ruled every pvp battle. We won a 7v2. In Vampire, me and Jammy ruled everybody, pretty much killing the entire server.

Before I got banned from primordia, I raided/killed the most people. Then when I came back, I had the top Kdr in the SMP before JTE. But in that world before JTE, Baker and Lagwarrior were the top two PvPers, both killing me, and baker giving me the greatest pvp fight ever, with both of us having armour breaking, and putting on more mid-fight. I would say I was the 3rd best pvper in that server, but I can't be sure because as far as I remember, me and danni never 1v1ed there.
Then I left that server, and came back to AoD. Where I can kill most in a 1v1, but Danni, Jammy, and a few more that I am blanking on can all take me 1v1. So all in all, I was at the top, but am more above average now, with a 2.8 survivor kdr, 2.0 overall. Still voting for the iron against diamond though, because I've done that on several occasions.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Got the moves like Jagger!
Aug 6, 2011
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Inb4 Giant Pvp Rant:

Skill-dominant PVP is basically non existent in Blocktopia, unless there has been a massive shift since I was last on.

The current form of PVP is dependent on the amount of armor/pots you have/teammates/level of aggression/etc. The evidence for this is if you simply ask anyone on the server who is considered 'pro' or even 'above average' for tips, very little of the time will you really get the response to train sword skills or bow skills. It will most likely be get the best armor and advices on which potions to use. This has always been the approach to Blocktopia PVP, which makes it quite unique. There is a more laid back setting when you discuss PVP, instead of an extremely large focus on this aspect.

Most people consider PVP (this isn't a bad thing) running to a person and then clicking and hitting. Very little focus is given on the more major things such as click rate/movement/ability to knockback/combos/reflexes/etc. This can obviously be assumed because no one seems to have noticed the relog glitch! It's an extremely prominent glitch which relates to PVP and some of the things I've discussed but no one seems to have mentioned it. Meaning that on that aspect very little focus is given.

To judge the best PVPer, you must first establish some sort of standard. As of now Blocktopia sort of has it's own standard for PVP, rather than the more mainstream MCPVP type one. There are most likely people who can easily stand out from the crowd when it comes to this sort of PVP. But if we're using MCPVPers or any real kit server as a standard, Blocktopia falls sort of below.
I've fought some notable PVPers, including Dlmt3, on a kit server and won quite significantly. (Not meaning to show off, but use as a point). If you could be more specific as to the type of PVP you're referring to maybe it might help to make the results a bit more accurate.

You're pretty good at gathering statistics Raxo :) I love curious people, and people who are willing to discuss and defend their point. Keep up the good work!
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