i've played against so many bad ashes i just don't even bother getting back into ashe
am i the only one ;-;
EDIT: I've been getting into Vayne. She's a nice ranged AD once you learn her owo
I picked easy to learn one's. Vayne is incredible but hard to play to her full potential.
I feel like im required to say something since i main adc...
Dont circloljerk me if you disagree, but vayne is the hardest adc to master, followed up by urgot, then draven.
Vayne's q has a 2 second cooldown. You need to use it every time its up if you are in a fight. You use it to position yourself away from other enemies, and to get into a better position to deal as much damage as possible.
Her early game isnt very strong. You will outscale other adc's because vayne is middle/lategame, but only if you get good at csing. Against ad's like draven, its difficult to cs against him without getting poked to half health, and then being ganked for an easy kill because of it.
Her e takes practice too. It is used to knock an enemy back, but if you angle it correctly you can knnock them into a wall, and they get stunned. You need to be able to use your e in a way with your w passive that it procs midair as he hits the wall, because if e autoattack hits midair you can use your q to follow up with damage.
Ultimate just gives you ms, ad, and you go invisible for a second when having just used your q. Very difficult for the enemy to target you if you're good.
For you if you are intrested in ad, i suggest 2 things.
1: try all the other roles first. Ive never seen you play mid or top, or jungle.
2: if you want to play ad, master ashe first, then master ezreal.
The reason i say those two champions is because ashe gives you basic csing mechanics and basic teamfight mechanics.
Ezreal is good to learn early on because he is all skillshots. You learn how to position yourself with your e before playing champs that dont have an escape you can use to do so. Also, landing skillshots is required for all roles. Its a basic mechanic in league.
If you (or i guess someone else whatever) is interested in further reasoning, ask.
Jolt/Tuna, feel free to make your usual sarcastic comment on how i probably messed something up, or have higa question me on why the post is so long and probably unneeded.
Its 4 am and it seems like a nice thing to do right now.
Draven out.