Survivor Tetepare


Jan 23, 2012
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Tetepare is the largest uninhabited island in the South Pacific.​
Me and Nottykitten will be your hosts, and any questions can be asked to us!​
It is asked that you perhaps roleplay a bit, as it might make it funner.​
Do that by making your roleplayed text like -->This<--.

After a long trip to the island by boat the survivors finnaly reach the island.
"Once again, lets do this!" says Vati
"This will be such an interesting season!" says 22emanresuym
-Fruitninja "A lot of previews Survivors are back! As well as new ones!"
" This Island looks a bit creepy!" says Mythelf. "Hopefully we all be okay. Right?" says Xfolo
-Jivvi "Oh no. We have a lot of work to do!"
-Nitasu "For the fourth time! I'm back!"
"We need to get food!" says Mariosatr -Smoggywaffles "Maybe we can get some fruits"
-Hypeburst "Gurl!!! We're in this together again!"
"Oh my! Yes gurl!" says Digitalmez
-Forest Knigth "I wonder if people will crack under the pressure this time"
"This will be an awesome experience" says Old Man Oak
- Awwwyea "I'll show everyone how this game it's supposed to be played."
"Be prepared for all the drama!" says Kattzen
"I wonder who will get the immunities this time" says Hockeyfan
-77 "Alliances will be formed soon!"
"I wonder what twists our hosts have in their hands this time" says Raxo
"I see them! They're coming!" says Storm
-John "Here they come. I guess here's when it all starts".
*Ansoro and Notty arrive to the Island*
Ansoro: Welcome to Survivor Tetepare!
Notty: "This season will start different from others!"
Ansoro: "That's right. We will now make you into 4 Tribes.

Lingolia Tribe
Hockeyfan Seventh one out.
Mythelf Second one out.
Vati Tenth one out.
Xfolo Eight one out.
Forest Fourth one out.
Hitalia Tribe
Hype --- Winner of Survivor Tetepare
Mario Fifteenth one out. Fifth member of the Jury.
Fruit ---> Second Place
Smoggy- Seventeenth one out. Seventh member of the Jury.
Digital ---> Third Place
Meritia Tribe
Nitasu Ninth one out.
John Third one out.
Storm Twelve one out. Second member of the Jury.
Awwwyea Fourteenth one out. Fourth member of the Jury.
Kattzen Thirteenth one out. Third member of the Jury.
Purdeni Tribe
Old Man Oak First one out.
77 Eleventh one out. First member of the Jury.
Raxo Sixteenth one out. Sixth member of the Jury.
Jivvi Sixth one out.
22emanresuym Fifth one out.

Remember! Each tribe will have to vote out someone from their OWN tribe.​
The votings will start in 2 days. We will let you know when the Votings are Open. (So don't send your votes yet!) Till then, roleplay a bit perhaps? And start making strategy and knowing each other!​
Good Luck to everyone!​
*Ansoro and Notty leaves the Island*​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
There will be two immunities in the game. Two Survivors will get a PM from me saying that "You have one of the immunities". Those two Survivors can decide if they want to share that information with others or to keep it to themselves.​
IF you don't get a PM from me it means you didn't got it.​
For the ones that don't know what "Immunities" are or what they work for.​
Immunities protect you from being voted out of the game. You can only use it ONCE. So think very wisely when to use it.​
You use it if you're in the danger zone. BEFORE I reveal who's out. You send me a PM saying that you wish to use your immunity. Immunity will protect you that round. And you can't be voted out.​


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
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Wahoo Meritia!!!

So.... Erm... Who are we gonna vote out?
Why should we start with that 5 seconds into the game? Let's party down a bit, notty slipped me a bit of whiskey in honor of the good 'ole days. Cheers!

-->John takes a sip and falls. nit proudly brandishes a flag made from his shirt, with MERITIA written on it. Kat begins to start a fire with nit's glasses. awww with great poise shows John how to drink whiskey. Down it goes. storm jumps down from a tree. You guys forgot about me, and jumps at awww. All goooddd says awww, and gives him a drink. Everythings good in MERITIA! storm seconds that, and runs into the surf.<--


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hitalia! For the win! I wish everyone the best of luck! :3

Runs to every member of his team, quickly shaking their hands, with a nervous twitch. "Hi, my name is Smoggy!" He can see the looks of discontent on his team mates' faces, "don't worry guys," he says with a hint of enthusiasm, "we'll be just FINE!".

What do you guys think we should get started on first? Or, should we have a rest, and just absorb in all of our surroundings? ;3
(If it helps, I am starving!).


Sep 21, 2011
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A username.
Dec 17, 2012
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Woooooooooo! Perdini tribe for the win!

--> greets everyone happily excited to work with them <-----

I think we can win this it's so fun to be here:D

--> skips off merrily into the beautiful sunset for a while. Though doesn't follow the curve of the beach and ends up skipping directly into the beautiful clear ocean water. Which is fine at first but becomes awkward as the water gets deep and it isn't really getting me anywhere until I'm underwater completely. Then 22 swims to the surface, looks around and swims back to shore soaking wet. <--