Last updated: March 3, 2013
Important events are in bold, while changes related to the staff are in italics.
[accordion]{slide=Zeroth Era ('Pre-RoF')}
19- A video on YouTube is posted, showing a premium version of Blocktopia's (at the time TheOne's) classic lava survival server. It says this is "what we might be hosting in the future", which was correct: LSMP was launched a little over two years later, but made by entirely different people.
Late June- The very first lava physics tests are done.
{/slide}{slide=First Era ('LSMP')}
First Era: 25 September 2012 (first testing round) - January 4, 2013 (LSMP changes to RoF)
25- There is a first testing round with a group of people. According to Ogarci “everyone loved LSMP”.
28- RoF, at the time called “LSMP”, is open for public beta testing.
5- Public beta testing over, and server is officially released.
5- Ogarci and Dirtcake are promoted to Director.
5- Dirtcake is promoted to Developer
5- trngl3087 and Sploorky (first time) are handpicked as Controller.
5- Shande, SparklyMuffinz and Winx64 are handpicked as Operator.
12- Forseti is handpicked as Operator.
18- RonaldoSkillz is promoted to Operator.
20- Imjonnyboy is promoted to Operator.
23- Omar_Sales is promoted to Operator.
26- The “LSMP Map Making Competition” is announced.
3- The RoF (at the time LSMP) Literature Incentive Program is announced.
16- Dessern5 is promoted to Operator.
16- The Map Making Competition has ended. Numberplay comes in first with his map “Waterpit” and choses the custom title “Strawhat”. LISTINGS09 comes in second with "Osiris" and Shande is third with "Iced_Sky".
Between 23-30- The Expert shop has been opened.
30- RonaldoSkillz is promoted to VetOp.
30- Waterpit is added to the server, but due to an unknown reason, when voting you cannot vote for Waterpit or Madness, but for MadnessWaterpit. When this map wins the voting, no map actually gets loaded and you need to wait around 15 minutes before the server starts a new voting.
30- Osiris and Crypted are also added to the map voting. Crypted is later removed.
18- Spawnhouses are disallowed.
Between 14-21- 2 more maps are added.
Between 14-21- You are now invincible for 30 seconds when respawning, except for in the lobby.
Between 14-21- Sponges are now safezones.
??- Warps for shops are added.
First week of January- Master Temple is added.
4- LSMP (Lava Survival MultiPlayer) is renamed to RoF (Rituals of Fire){/slide}{slide=Second Era ('Renaming')}
Second Era: January 4, 2013 (LSMP changes to RoF) - February 2, 2014 (RonaldoSkillz becomes director)
7- King of the Ladder (KoTL) is added.
11- Kits are removed due to being to overpowered.
12- SparklyMuffinz resigns from Operator.
16- There is a bug in which the nether portal in the lobby teleports you to the Nether in-between rounds. This is fixed the next day.
23- A new tutorial is made, and, according to Ogarci: “sexier than ever!”.
23- Omar_Sales resigns from Operator.
30- RoF starts advertising on Minecraftforums and Planetminecraft.
??- The library plugin breaks, also breaking the library itself.
4- Sploorky resigns from Controller (first time).
4- Rof is now on Minestatus.
20- bram13 is promoted to Operator.
22- RonaldoSkillz is promoted to Controller.
1- Shande and Winx64 resign from Operator.
3- Spencer725 is promoted to Operator.
10- Forseti is promoted to VetOp.
15- A new map submission format is posted.
17- Mdooley15 is promoted to Operator.
23- FrenchSanta12 is promoted to Operator.
25- The Rituals of Fire Library (ROFL) and shops are back.
27- Six new maps are added.
2- Hikari (originally Hikari to Yami) is added to the server.
18- MDooley15 resigns from Operator.
19- Spencer725 resigns from Operator.
27- Sploorky is promoted to Controller (second time).
27- DarkHender and Kylieanna are promoted to Operator.
27- Clockworkmyr is handpicked to Operator.
4- Dessern5 is promoted to VetOp.
9- bram13 resigns from Operator.
Begin- Spawnhouses are allowed again.
8- Kylieanna resigns from Operator.
10- WiiGoGetter is promoted to Operator.
21- Clockworkmyr is promoted to VetOp.
21 - Cooliorules is promoted to Operator.
25- A new portal is added which teleports players to the map, replacing the old nether portal. It is much more complex and more detailed, using enderportals instead of netherportals.
25- The RoF Timeline is born.
26- A bug occurs on the server which causes people to, when logging in, be at the last spot they left in before instead of spawning in the lobby if the same map is on. This is fixed the same day, however, it still seems to occasionally happen the day after.
26- Rules on spawnhouses change, only allowing them after spawn has been covered in lava. Houses near spawn that are intended to be turned into spawnhouses later are considered spawnhouses.
5- Server slots are increased from 40 to 50.
6- There is a (drop) party because of trngl3087's birthday, who used to be Director on Classic Lava Survival. At the end, a "Last Man Standing" match is played, which aperson155 wins. He earns some gear as reward. I recorded the entire event.
6- Damned and Trench are added to the map voting.
7- Evergreen is added to the map moting.
7- Two bugs occur on the server. One of them makes the new maps being in the voting way too often, and the other one makes dirtcake unable to add new maps as adding maps crashes the server.
10- The server is updated to minecraft 1.6, although the shop plugin is not updated yet and thus shops are disabled.
10- Biblius is promoted to Operator. He and everyone else on the server is trolled first however: Ogarci accuses Biblius of being in the possession of a hacked in book (which existed on the server before and resulted in the ban of a few players) and ends up getting banned over it. Ogarci even posts in his application, saying "Denied for being banned for spawning in a hacked book.". Biblius is able to join again later however, having the rank "Operator". Read the full logs here.
10- Horses will randomly spawn in maps now.
11- A few new maps are added.
13- The rank Grandmason is added to the server, which is given to Butamou, because "hes making stuff". On August 25 Dirtcake gives a more official description, saying Butamou got this rank for his building skills.
16- Shops are back.
16- 63LittlePiggy63 is promoted to Operator.
24- Kylieanna is promoted to Operator (second time).
8- Araidian is promoted to Operator.
11- Staff applications are closed, as "we have a good number of highly dependable staff." (-Ogarci) This is the first time staff applications close for RoF.
17- The "smallest update ever". It replaces the /kill death message "was killed by his own hand." with "was killed by their own hand."
22- Cooliorules resigns from Operator.
25- Dirtcake fixes a very important and major bug. People were unable to use /LOBBY while /lobby worked. Dirtcake fixed the case-sensitivity of this command to make it work.
29- WiiGoGetter resigns from Operator.
30- Nightmare is added to the map voting, the very first map with command blocks and other fun features. Truly unique in its kind.
13- Araidian resigns from Operator.
17- Forseti takes a break from VetOp and is "demoted" to Player on request.
17- 63LittlePiggy63 is promoted to VetOp.
17- Dessern5 is promoted to Controller.
28- A new lobby is announced at the meeting, "to be released next week". It will most likely include the Sanctum (grandmaster shop) and improved item prices. A thread is created with pictures of the old lobby for future reference.
30- The server is updated to minecraft 1.6.4. Shops are temporarily broken.
30- The /list command is broken because of the update. It shows everyone as "default" rank, not saying what actual rank they have.
???- Players are invincible for 10 seconds upon joining the map. Attacking a mob will immediately cancel that invincibility, but moving won't.2- The new lobby is officially announced in a news thread, together with the lavaversary of the server and a lobby-destroying-event.
4- Butamou is promoted to Operator.
4- Forseti returns from his VetOp-break and is promoted again.
4- RoF is temporarily down for a few hours to set up the new lobby.
4- A new lobby is added to the server, replacing the old one. It has been worked on for three months by Butamou, Ogarci, and various other RoF staff members.
4- The Grandmaster's Sanctum is added to the server. And holy hell it is amazing.
4- Various new shop items are added, including an enderchest in the Master's Temple for 500 cookies and nether quartz.
4- Every single item bought in the shop now has its own custom lore.
4- A bulletin board is added to the server, on which news and events are posted. Click here to see what it looked like on October 4, 2013.
4- KoTL (King of The Ladder) is now changed. Instead of being able to walk into KoTL at the end of the round, there is a vote five minutes before the round ends asking if you would like to play a minigame after the round. When voted yes, the player will be teleported to the KoTL arena at the round end.
4- The shop warps are broken due to the new lobby.
4- The tutorial can now be repeated.
4- The staff mailboxes are now operational.
4- Biblius is now 100% in charge of the library.
5- RoF is officially one year old!
5- Server slots are extended to 90.
5- A copy of the old lobby is blown up on the server. Although it was originally planned to have the players blow it up, something didn't go right and they were only able to lit the TNT. The staff placed it.
5- A drop-party is held because of the "lavaversary" of RoF.
5- A match of LMS (Last Man Standing) is held. Nottycat wins, while iiDeathCookies gets the second place and jenben10 third. Nottycat wins 2000 cookies, iiDeathCookies 1000 and jenben10 wins 500.
7- The KoTL minigame now has four spawnpoints.
9- Staff applications are opened again.
9- A new staff application format is posted.
11- The /list command is fixed.
12- Kylieanna resigns from Operator.
15- Enemy_NPC is promoted to Operator.
16- Kevin_28 is promoted to Operator.
27- The apprentice shop now has a warp.
29- Harold1995 is promoted to Operator.
29- WiiGoGetter is promoted to Operator. (second time)
30/31- The lobby is decorated for Halloween.
3- The Halloween decorations are removed.
16- KingDion is promoted to Operator on trial. He is in trial for over a month though, as he is unable to play due to internet issues.
24- Biblius is promoted to VetOp.
27- Hoogilan is promoted to Operator.
7- Harold1995 is demoted for misconduct.
13- Suikae is promoted to Operator.
10- The garden in the lobby is updated, with new flowers from the 1.7 update.
15- Witches no longer spawn in the maps.
22- Toiletprincess is promoted to Operator.
{/slide}{slide=Third Era ('Ronaldo's Reign')}
Third Era: February 2, 2014 (RonaldoSkillz becomes Director) - August 22, 2014 (Ogarci & IQDestructor are promoted to Director)
1- Dirtcake resigns from Director (but still stays as Developer)
1- RonaldoSkillz is promoted to Director.
2- A scoreboard is added to the server, displaying the information /t would show you. Picture.
3- The scoreboard now also displays the mood.
6- CaffeinatedKitty is promoted to Operator.
6- Staff applications are closed for the second time.
8- Biblius is promoted to Controller.
8- Forseti resigns from VetOp.
8- Kevin_28 is promoted to VetOp.
8- Hoogilan is promoted to Head Librarian, altough his title is still Operator.
12/13- Red sand will now turn into red glass when touched by lava.
22- Ogarci resigns from Director.
22- Suikae resigns from Operator.
22- The “ironman” gamemode is added to the server.
22- Supercookies are added to the server.
23- There are now items being sold in the Grandmaster’s Sanctum, which includes armor which makes you faster etc. and are considered to be seriously overpowered.
1- Staff applications are open again.
2- 63LittlePiggy63 resigns from VetOp.
3- The KoTL voting is removed. Instead, people will get teleported to KoTL at the end of the round. They are still able to do /mvs.
3- The GrandExchange plugin is replaced with a new shop plugin.
{slide=Fourth Era ('The Return of the Primarch')} test
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